I'm going through all this right now and I keep getting the same error even when I put the following code into etp-gc.tcl, etp-gc-procs.tcl, or etp-procs.tcl
ad_proc -public get_gc_link { } { } {
upvar pa pa
upvar comments comments
upvar comments_link comments_link
set item_id $pa(item_id)
set object_name $pa(title)
set comments ""
set comments_link ""
append comments_link [general_comments_create_link -link_text "Blah Blah Add a comment" -object_name $object_name $item_id [ad_conn url]]
append comments [general_comments_get_comments -print_content_p 1 -print_attachments_p 1 $item_id ]
I get my application when I remove the etp::get_gc_link
from my application tcl page (/templates/reviews) Any thoughts on why the proc isn't loading? I've restarted. I've saved and cvs committed...I"m also kind of new at all this so I might be missing something obvious...