Forum OpenACS Development: Referring to the columns of a dynamically generated multirow in and ADP

I have a multirow datasource with some of the columns extended onto it from data in a tcl list. That is, the names of the additional columns are in a list. So i do something like this:

set column_names [db_list get_col_names {}]
foreach col $column_names {
    template::multirow extend my_multirow $col

Now, I need to ouput the columns in my ADP template. I tried something like this:

<multiple name="my_multirow">
<list name="column_names">

But that does not work. I end up with @my_multirow.list_element@ with list_element being the various values in the list.

I tried several different ways to format this, using list_of_lists etc, and could not find an easy way to accomplih it. What I ended up doing was rendering the HTML for a table row with the multirow contents in the TCL. Is this possible, or even a good idea?

Wow, noone is interested in this? Am I the only one who is building a multirow with dynamically generated columns? Seems like it would be a handy feature.
I am interested. In fact, a while ago I did something where I did what you're looking for with some templating magic, but it's been like 2 years and I can't remember.

I'm going to dig up the code.


It depends on what you want to want to display, but couldn't you achieve what you want by adding one row to the multirow per column/value pair and group by the original rownumber?


set original_rownum 1
multirow create my_multirow original_rownum column value
db_foreach ... {
  multirow append my_multirow $original_rownum col1 $col1
  multirow append my_multirow $original_rownum col2 $col2
  incr original_rownum

<multiple ...>
<group column=original_rownum>