Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Development Tutorial Available

Posted by Ola Hansson on
Hi Joel,

Nice job on the docs...

- In figure 8.2 you might want to explain what the "@cvs-id $Id:$" looks like before it gets automatically filled in.

You probably want to say: select define_function_args(samplenote__new title,body,object_type;samplenote,creation_date,creation_user,creation_ip,contect_id);

(immedeately before the parameter list). I think it is wise to use this technique for all plpgsql functions, but not in (oracle) plsql. It lets you make use of the practical Tcl proc "package_instantiate_object" when you create an instance of your object type. This way it is possible to write a very clean Tcl API for object creation.

- In figure 8.3 I think there is an easier way to drop the functions of a package; simply call "select drop_package('samplenote');" and be done with it.

I'll see if there are more things I can nit-pick on 😉
