when is called acs_privilege__create_privilege nothing is inserted on acs_privilege_descendant_map,
but when is called acs_privilege__add_child ('one_priv', 'second_priv'), even if a permission is not involved in this call, I got in acs_privilege_descendant_map a row like this:
privilege | descendant
new_priv | new_priv
and then triying this:
select acs_privilege__drop_privilege('new_priv');
ERROR: acs_priv_hier_child_priv_fk referential integrity violation - key in acs_privileges still referenced from acs_privilege_descendant_map
might be a delete cascade or a trigger that is missing, in oracle acs_privilege_descendant_map is a view so there is no problem in that way, but in pg is a table.