Forum OpenACS Q&A: lars-blogger: RSS feed broken

Posted by Tom Lazar on

i'm running oacs 4.6.1 with postgresql 7.2.4 and installed lars-blogger [1] everything works fine, except for the rss-feeds. i have to instances of lars-blogger mounted, and neither provide a feed.

there is a www/rss/ directory in the package containing an index.vhu file with the following expression

ns_returnfile 200 text/xml [rss_gen_report_file -summary_context_id [ad_conn package_id] -impl_name pinds_blog_entries]

which seems rather sensible, but when i access [2] i get:

The requested URL was not found on this server.

i haven't found any rss-application in the oacs packages which i could mount explicitely but there is mention of rss-support when viewing the Package Manager page.

any ideas?




Posted by Michael Bluett on
I have found the same thing.  I was somewhat puzzled by the apparent non-functioning of this feature (on both 4.6.1 and 4.6.2 beta).  I was planning to simply turn it off using parameters until I figured out how to make it work.
Posted by Andrew Grumet on
I haven't looked at this code in a while, but iirc you have to explicitly tell the rss-support package that you want it to generate xml for each applicable package context (package_id).  In theory, lars-blogger should do this behind the scenes when you create new blogs, but maybe it doesn't.

Try mounting the rss-support package and surfing to its main index page.  There you should be able to set up a subscription manually.  You may also find the rss-support documentation, in doc/index.html, helpful.

Posted by Tom Lazar on

<blockquote>Try mounting the rss-support package and surfing to its main index
page.  There you should be able to set up a subscription manually. 

I did that. I even created and mounted a brandnew instance of a blog for debugging purposes, but it still doesn't return any rss at *any* <blogmountpoint>/rss/rss.xml

<blockquote> You may also find the rss-support documentation, in doc/index.html,

i checked that already prior to my initial post, but I'm not knowledgeable enough of OACS yet to understand it fully, yet.

perhaps i should have mounted the rss-support *before* mounting my first instance of lars-blogger. perhaps there are some sql- or tcl-init-scripts that would have been run then and need to be triggered now manually. but which ones?

lars, if you're reading, i hope you've moved into your new house sucessfully and are now again ready to answer support questions 😉

Posted by Tom Lazar on
one thing i forgot to mention:

when surfing to the rss-support adminpage i only have the option to view my subscriptions (Report Generation Subscriptions) which shows none, but i can't find any place to actually *add* one.

so perhaps the ball is in your field, afterall, and not lars's?

Posted by Dave Bauer on
The version of lars-blogger in OpenACS 4.6.2 beta has a link from the lars-blogger/admin page to create an rss feed if one is not already setup.

I am not sure if this made it into OpenACS 4.6.1

Posted by Lars Pind on
Yeah, try the 4.6.2 version and use the "Setup an RSS feed" link.
Posted by Tom Lazar on
dave, lars,

sounds good. but how does one go about updating an existing 4.6.1 installation?

[ ] untar the 4.6.2 ball into and over the existing installation
[ ] replace the existing installation with a fresh untar and move
    the modified .adp and .tcl files manually back
[ ] set up a new instance with a new database
[x] i really haven't got a clue yet

thanks in advance!


Posted by Tilmann Singer on
First of all make a backup of both all your files and the db.

<blockquote> untar the 4.6.2 ball into and over the existing installation
replace the existing installation with a fresh untar and move
the modified .adp and .tcl files manually back

If you have lots of modified files then you would propably like to look into using a local CVS repository approach, using 'vendor import' for importing OpenACS code into your project. See for a good description how to do that.

<blockquote> set up a new instance with a new database

No. After upgrading the files to the new versions go to /acs-admin/apm/packages-install and select those packages that have an 'Upgrade' comment. The apm will then present you with a list of sql upgrade scripts that it is about to run. The upgrade scripts contain data model changes, e.g. 'alter table add ...' when a new column has been added to a table. Confirm and cross fingers.

Note that there is a serious effort to make the upgrade scripts work between _final_ releases, e.g. 4.6.1 and the not yet released 4.6.2, not between beta versions, although they most likely work. If not please file a bug report.

Posted by Tom Lazar on
tilmann: thanks for the advice: i'm now running oacs 4.6.2 and the rss-feeds work fine with lars-blogger 0.8.5