Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: ad_form and dates

10: Re: ad_form and dates (response to 1)
Posted by Lamar Owen on
The ad hoc query tcl procs in AOlserver 2.3.3 had procedures to split dates up and such.  If you have an AS2.3.3 tree lying around, see ns_dbformvalueput in modules/tcl/nsdb/forms.tcl

Nathan Folkman mentioned a few weeks ago in the AOLserver chat (or maybe it was by e-mail, I can't recall) that it may be possible for the old TCL procs in 2.3.3 (which did some really neat things) might be released GPL/APL at some point.

I know this because I still have an AS2.3.3 tree lying around, which I use on occasion for CSV import and ad hoc form queries (which it does very well).  I just updated my local copy of forms.tcl for PostgreSQL 7.2.4 which is running my OACS instances.