Forum OpenACS Q&A: 4.6.2 upgrade scripts broken (again)

Posted by Jon Griffin on
I will patch these ASAP, but if anyone upgrades the new procs for apm_package_type__ aren't included in the upgrade script.

This brings to light yet again, the need for UPGRADE SCRIPTS, and yes I am yelling, there really is no excuse for this. It is much easier now with PG ability to use create or replace and add your procs please.

It is much easier for the modifier to know what he changed than having me go through, diff everything and then figure out what really did change.

Posted by Don Baccus on
Well, Jon, if you'll take a close look you'll see that there has been a concerted effort to build upgrade scripts for all changes that have been made for 4.6.2.  Your note implies that the need for upgrade scripts isn't being taken seriously and that you're the only person involved with the OpenACS effort who understands the need for upgrade scripts.  This is incorrect.  If you were right various people involved in the 4.6.2 effort would not have spent hours writing and testing upgrade scripts.

Obviously this one got missed.  People can help ensure that our final releases include all necessary upgrade scripts IF THEY'LL HELP US BY TESTING when we release our betas.

From one point of view there's never any excuse for any bug, i.e. we should all be perfect at all times.  Unfortunately people aren't perfect, we will have bugs, and while it is true that testing won't prove the absence of bugs it sure helps us find them.

Posted by Jon Griffin on

I can't test every friggin beta, I do my best, but like you I have client work.

This is a MAJOR bug so I don't see how it could have been missed in testing. You simply can't run a PG version with this proc missing. No site-map, etc.

If this was 4.6.0 I wouldn't be complaining but it isn't and it should have been stable.

Posted by Don Baccus on
It got missed in testing because too many people, like you, say they're too busy to help test.  Testing is our number one achilles heel at the moment.
Posted by Jon Griffin on
I hear you Don, I wasn't here to argue. I will submit a patch tomorrow, there are some other rough spots in the upgrade.
Posted by Lamar Owen on
Interesting.  I did an upgrade of a CVS snapshot of a dotLRN prebeta (a couple of months; it was with a OACS 4.6 instance) to the dotLRN 1.0 distribution tarball.  Everything seems to work fine, including site map.

I'll make a copy of my production OACS 4.6 site and try the upgrade out (which I was planning to do this week anyway).  PostgreSQL 7.2.4 on both sites.

And shouting isn't necessary.  I can't say I caught it; testers must do their jobs as much or as well as developers.  And shouting just causes lots of noise.