Forum OpenACS Q&A: FYI: Making links to api-doc

Posted by Lars Pind on
I'd just finished the package developer's guide to workflow, when I realized that it would be really nice if all mentions of workflow API were made links to the api-documentation.

So Peter helped me write this little Perl script, which does that. It's idempotent, meaning you can run it multiple times, and it won't mess up.

perl -pi -e 's#([^=])(workflow::[a-z_:]+)(?=[^a-z_:])(?!</a>)#\1<a href="/api-doc/proc-view?proc=\2">\2</a>\3#g' developer-guide.html

You'll need to modify it for your own needs. I'm searching for 'workflow::' here, only care about lowercase, and I deliberately only process the developer-guide file, which is in HTML.

It would be good if our docbook XSL contained a tag for API procs, which would do this.


Posted by Roberto Mello on

That's great. Last night I suggested on #openacs that we could change api-doc to cross-reference function calls. We could search for the functions executed within [] and make links to api-doc.


Posted by Jamie Rasmussen on
I have a procedure that does cross-linking and colorization in api-doc.  I haven't submitted it as a patch because of some known bugs, but I already find it invaluable during development.  See for the code.
Posted by Peter Marklund on
thanks for posting about this as I hadn't seen it before! I think what you're doing is superb! If you submit the patch I volunteer to apply it tomorrow...

Since your code looks very readable and well designed I'm sure we can collectively weed out the remaining bugs in the proc.

Posted by Roberto Mello on
That's right... I remember now. I had forgotten about Jamie's proc. That's exactly what I had in mind!


Posted by Jamie Rasmussen on
I've submitted the colorization and cross-linking patch:
Posted by Jamie Rasmussen on
One other thing that I noticed while testing the proc: In ad_form, there is a call to report -code error; should that be return -code error?
Posted by Peter Marklund on
yes, it should - thanks for catching that mistake. Change report to return.