Forum OpenACS Development: Re: AOLserver 3.2 Doubts

7: Re: AOLserver 3.2 Doubts (response to 1)
Posted by Divya R on
Hello James,
By the foolowing words: -
"Before you start on your adding program, you should check that AOLserver is
serving plain pages properly.  Put a simple html document named test.html in
/web/nsp-trainee/www/study  The URL you use to see that file in MSIE depends on
the name of your machine and the contents of /usr/local/aol32/nsp-trainee.tcl
but will be something like http://yourmachine/study/test.html" ...
Does this mean I type test.html in Vi editor or in a normal tool like Notepad?? Does this matter??

Regards, and Thanks so much....Waiting for your response,


8: Re: AOLserver 3.2 Doubts (response to 7)
Posted by Jamie Rasmussen on
I would use an editor on the same platform that you are installing on - vi or emacs should be fine.  You might run into problems with tcl and adp pages if the line endings in the file don't match the platform they are being served from.

From your questions about MSIE and Notepad I take it that you are using at least one Windows machine.  If you would be more comfortable working on Windows, I maintain the Win32 port of AOLserver 4.0 and can point you to an installer.

10: Re: AOLserver 3.2 Doubts (response to 8)
Posted by Divya R on
Hello James,
  Yes Pls give me the needful from what you have stated below: -

"From your questions about MSIE and Notepad I take it that you are using at
least one Windows machine.  If you would be more comfortable working on
Windows, I maintain the Win32 port of AOLserver 4.0 and can point you to an


15: Re: AOLserver 3.2 Doubts (response to 10)
Posted by Jamie Rasmussen on
The AOLserver 4 installer for Windows is at

Let's not be too hard on Divya - he's been reasonably polite and at least he's not double-posting questions about MySQL with Apache.  😊

Divya, there are a few things that might help you get faster and more helpful replies in the future:

* Include detailed information about your configuration.  I'm still not sure where you got AOLserver 3.2 or what distribution of Linux you were trying to use.  It also helps when you describe, in as much detail as possible, what your goal is, and how what you see is not what you expected.

* Jim Lynch pointed you to some helpful documentation.  I know they can be hard for people who aren't very experienced or for people whose native language isn't English, but they are really excellent and worth taking the time to read.

* Don't post to the OpenACS Development forum - you were correct before in posting to the OpenACS Q&A forum.