Forum OpenACS Development: Re: acs-admin/install broken!!!!!

Posted by Steve Manning on
I agree that its very confusing at the moment. I wanted to install the latest stable OACS to have a look at Gustaf's xowiki package (a fine piece of work by the way) and on the home page it says that 5.2.3 is the latest stable release but follow the download link from the header and 5.3.0 final is there.

So if its also the case that there are no packages available for 5.3.0 are we saying that 5.2.3 is still considered the stable release?

- Steve

7: Releasing Packages (response to 4)
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
The release manager of OpenACS makes sure that all packages relating to OpenACS core are released. This is the case.

The release manager of .LRN makes sure all packages that belong to .LRN are a basis of the .LRN release tarball. You might ask him (for 2.3 that is Don) that he tags all .LRN packages as compatible for a certain released version of OpenACS once the release is out.

All other packages have to have a maintainer or someone who cares to say "Yes, this package works on e.g. oacs-5-3". I know for a fact that the head version of xowiki and xotcl-core as an example work with OpenACS 5.3, so they could be tagged with the compatability mark, the moment Gustaf releases them. But this is up to him to decide.

What people in the community can do though to help this process is to download a package from CVS (either the 5-3 branch or HEAD) and see if this package works in their stock installation. This can then be reported back (e.g. in the forums). Then you (preferably) or some other member can download the version, tag it as compatible and therefore release it in the list of packages. Note though if we are doing this: We raise expectations that the package really works, so the person reporting "This works" has a moral obligation to be sure about it 😊. Additionally the person tagging should make sure the maturity level is somewhat up to date.

I have to admit my guilt on not releasing the packages I am working on due to the fact that all of them require a version of acs-* package that resides in HEAD (in my case namely acs-mail-lite and acs-tcl).