That was exactly what i was thinking of. Actually, I wanted to put it in the global /www/ dir, but we could make it a package to be mounted somewhere. I do think this should make it in the core and every package should provide a local url for their objects since we already need that for search, notification and categories.
Here's the code i was thinking of:
db_0or1row get_object_data {
select o.object_type, n.object_name, o.package_id
from acs_objects o, acs_named_objects n
where o.object_id = :object_id
and n.object_id = o.object_id
set package_urls [db_list package_urls {
select site_node.url(node_id)
from site_nodes
where object_id = :package_id
# If there is more than one URL, we pick the first one.
set pkg_url [lindex $package_urls 0]
set impl "$object_type\_idhandler"
if {![acs_sc_binding_exists_p AcsObject $impl]} {
ad_return_warning "Unable to resolve url"
set object_url [acs_sc::invoke -contract AcsObject -operation Url -impl $impl -call_args $object_id]
ad_returnredirect "$pkg_url$object_url"