It seems like a lot of people work on OpenACS in fits and starts - for example, paying attention for a few weeks while working on something related, then dropping back for a bit. There's nothing wrong with this per se, but it produces a lot of locking conditions. New contributors can only participate if one of the core people is receptive and paying attention at the moment that the new contributor shows up. The same question can be asked (and unanswered, and not fixed in the code) in the forums three times in three years. Two people who could be collaborating can miss each other by a month and then a five-minute piece of work never happens. What can we do structurally to solve this?
I'm thinking in terms of coordination points, where any of a number of people can respond to in incoming stream. Does this just mean people take responsibility for being "on-call" for new bugs, for newbie questions, for new contributions? What has and hasn't worked over the last few years?