Ola and Neophytos,
let's avoid a heated discussion with speculation on who should and should not be in the core team.
I don't think there was any controversy about Lars Pind, Jeff Davis, Don Baccus, and Dan Wickstrom being in the TAB for .LRN, and hardly anyone would object to these people being in the core team for OpenACS.
In the interest of being able to form the initial core team quickly I propose that this group of four TAB people will be the initial members.
Alternatively, and this would be fine too, we can make a community vote. If someone proposes a vote though, that person shall also take on full responsibility for administering the vote and for making sure that the vote is reliable and perfectly transparent. We want the voting results soon (1-2 weeks). An issue with voting is to determine who is allowed to vote. Anybody registered on OpenACS.org? Regardless of activity and contribution? I'm not convinced this is guaranteed to yield a better result. For reliablity we would have to check every single vote individually for validity.
It's like a catch-22 situation - you can't make a decision before you have a deciding body, and you can't have a deciding body before you decide on one. Even though we don't formally have a deciding body though, informally we already do, and it's essentially the four people that I have mentioned.
Either way. Once we have an initial core team, we will use the same procedures used by the Tcl/TK project, I quote:
"The original group of Team members was elected by the Tcl community, but the TCT now handles its own membership according to rules described here. To become a member of the Team you must be nominated by an existing member and voted on by the existing Team; you must receive 2/3 of the votes cast. If you would like to join the Tcl Core Team, you should first demonstrate your development skills and leadership by participating in development projects under the auspices of an existing team member."