The current reference platform is OpenACS 4.6.2, Red Hat 8 stock, PostGreSQL 7.2.3. I expect to update that to PostGreSQL 7.2.4 by next weekend, including cursory testing.
The best approach would seem to be to rebuild the server from scratch on a different box, then port over all of the content, then take the old box down. Of course that takes an extra box. How much of the content is static and how much dynamic? Can we go to core 4.6.2 or has that been patched up too?
How about a virtual journal, where anybody who touches the machine makes an entry? At a minimum each entry should have a name, a date, and a comment. Should that live as a file on the same machine, an ETP on that machine, an ETP elsewhere?
What is the backup-recovery strategy for the box?