Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: site-map problems with aolserver 4

Posted by Vinod Kurup on
tcl_site_nodes is used in only 1 place. It's supposed to be a cache of site node information, but it's implemented as a global var (which are global only to 1 interpreter), so it really doesn't do what it's supposed to do:

Slightly simplified code from rp_filter (in request-processor-procs.tcl)

    global tcl_site_nodes
    if [catch { array set node $tcl_site_nodes([ad_conn url]) }] {
        array set node [site_node [ad_conn url]]
        set tcl_site_nodes([ad_conn url]) [array get node]
The answer would be to make it an NSV, but I noticed that there's already an NSV that maintains this info properly (inside the site_node call above). So, I can just get rid of tcl_site_nodes var, right? A patch is forthcoming...