Whoever downloaded the I18N package before 2003-04-30 12:00h, please download it again, because there have been some vital changes!
However there still may be some problems when installing:
If you encounter request errors that include these phrases:
unknown command "language"
Then restart the AOL-Server or reload the TCL files of the i18n package.
If your request error looks something like this:
Database operation "0or1row" failed (exception NSDB, "Query was not a statement returning rows.")
while executing
"ns_pg_bind 0or1row nsdb0 {select language_name as default_lang from languages where language_code = :default_lang_code}"
Then the data model has not been installed! Please run i18n-create.sql manually! (I do not understand this error, because i18n-create.sql is detected as file type data_model_create.)
If your APM does not support auto mount (APM version BEFORE 4.6.2) then you have to mount this service manually to enter keyphrases into the database.
Whenever you encounter some request errors, where a table named unido_languages is missing do as written in the posting above!
I hope this will help and probably somebody can explain to me, why the hell my data model does not get loaded sometimes.