Forum OpenACS Development: Re: paginator?

4: Re: paginator? (response to 3)
Posted by Hazi Gharagozlou on

Thanks to Jon's site, I also figure out how “paginator” works. This is a mini-how-to on how to use the “paginator” with “ad_table” (Jon's example "get_query" does not seem to work)

The following example has one flaw. To use all the options in “ad_table” I query the database twice. Once to get all the rows and the other to get all rows of a given page. Maybe Jon's widget will solve this problem. At the end I have also included an alternative example to “ad_table”.

In index.tcl, add the following lines:

set sql_select "select user_id, last_name from cc_users "
set sql_orderby " order by last_name"
set query "$sql_select $sql_orderby"

# Paginator
request create
# paginator variables
request set_param page -datatype integer -value 1
# Paginator name
set p_name "users"
# The create function executes the query $query and cache's the result
# For brevity I have excluded other options.
# See cms/www/modules/site-map/index.tcl for more details
paginator create get_objects $p_name $query -pagesize 30

# For database independence, you need to define get_objects as a fullquery in
# index-oracle.xql, and instead of $query you pass on an empty string to
# create

# Get the total number of retrieved records
set n_users [paginator get_row_count $p_name]

# Get all the ids on a page and properly quote them
set ids [paginator get_row_ids $p_name $page]

set quoted_ids [list]
foreach one_id $ids {
    lappend quoted_ids "'[DoubleApos $one_id]'"
set userlist [join $quoted_ids ","]

# Get all the previous and next page info
paginator get_display_info $p_name info $page

# For ad_table define column lists
set table_def_users {
    {last_name "Surname"}
    {first_names "First Name"}
    {email "Email"}

set query "select user_id, last_name, first_names, email from cc_users"
append query " where user_id in ($userlist) $sql_orderby"

set table_users [ad_table $query $table_def_users]

In index.adp include the following lines to navigate pages

<if @info.previous_page@ gt 0 >
 <a href=index?page=@info.previous_page@>< Previous</a>

<if @page@ lt @info.page_count@>
 <a href=@nextlink@&page=@info.next_page@>Next ></a>

If you are not using ad_table, then you can do the following to get to display the rows w/o a second query.

After paginator create, add to follwing line:

paginator get_data display_data $p_name items "" user_id $page
In index-oracle.xql add
<partialquery name="display_data_partial">

   user_id, last_name, first_names
   from cc_users
    -- paginator sql
    user_id in (CURRENT_PAGE_SET)


This is a must, otherwise paginator will not work. Also note that it must be a partial query tag and the name must be the “get_data” statement name with "_partial" appended to it.

Use multiple tags in “index.adp” to view page results.