Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: sort_order / sort_key - Moving objects up and down a list

Dave, yes I'm using a sort_key column in my lookup table.

I've only tested the below script on Oracle and it doesn't seem to work properly. I have not installed survey and tried there. (I *think* "case" should work as good as "decode" (or better since it's standards compliant) in Oracle 8.1.7, or am I wrong?)

element-swap.tcl (borrowed from survey and shortened for brevity):

ad_page_contract {
    Swap two curriculum elements.
} {

if { [string equal "up" $direction] } {
    set next_sort_order [expr $sort_order - 1]
} else {
    set next_sort_order [expr $sort_order + 1]

db_dml swap_sort_orders {
	update cu_elements
	set    sort_key = (case when sort_key = :sort_order then :next_sort_order
                              when sort_key = :next_sort_order then :sort_order end)
	where  element_id = :element_id
	and    sort_key in (:sort_order, :next_sort_order)

This would assume that there are no gaps in the sequence of sort_keys, which may be hard to guarantee.

I've also seen solutions (by OF, I think, but I don't remember what package it was right now) that involve two or three separate updates in a transaction. That may be safer.