We're migrating our system from ACS3 to ACS4, and
I want to copy all tickets (about 650) to the new system.
I haven't decided yet if I want to work with bugtacker or ticket tracker, anyway...
I wrote a plpgsql function that opens tickets in bug tracker.
BUT using "select bt_bug__new(null,null,2550,v_component,null,ticket.one_line,''Mozilla/4.0 '',ticket.message,''text/html'',ticket.posting_time,v_user,'''',''content_item'',''content_revision'')"
was not enough, i had to do inserts to workflow_cases and workflow_case_fsm.
is there a smarter way to insert a ticket?
shouldn't the function bt_bug__new do the insert of the workflow case?
Another thing: now I inserted the tickets, but i want to delete them. I did:
SELECT bt_bug__delete(bug_id) from bt_bugs;
the problem is that after a while i get:
ERROR: Referential Integrity: attempting to delete live_revision: 2782