Hello everyone,
I was wondering if we should re-activate the CMS forum? It's strange but we might have closed it down moments before it really became useful!
I was thinking that its probably not appropriate to have a product specific forums, and definitely more eyes would see CMS related posts in the bigger forums, but the the plus side would be that we could keep alot of CMS related threads together.
For example, we could start a thread called "User experiences - the design interface", which could basically link to good suggestions of design. (Not codey design - pretty colours design) We could have one thread called "What should a CMS generally do", and another one about times and dates relating to other packages. As it builds up it could chronical the development of a CMS package. Which would be good as an example of a community working and building together.
Having threads like this all in one place would really help build a nucleus of people all working on the one thing. Whereas separated threads in a greater forum wouldn't be helpful. I have a feeling that there will be lots of CMS related stuff happening over the next few months... (can't guarantee it but I think so.) So what do you think about reactivating it for a few more months?