Thanks Tilmann, that looks like it will do the trick. Btw, the regexp
proc set_cookie
is bad. I have not tested it against
any other cookies but the one that was giving me trouble, but this
should be an improvement:
# Cookies spec. is here:
# Some examples of actual cookies seen on the web follow:
#, 2003/05/09 00:22 EDT
# 'cookietest=1; expires=Mon, 09-May-2033 04:18:36 GMT; path=/'
if { [regexp -nocase {expires\s*=\s*([^;]*)} $set_cookie_string match expires] } {
Also, I noticed you don't have any tag in CVS for your tclwebtest 0.2
release (nor for 0.1d for that matter). (Which always peeves me.) If
you get a chance, I recommend going back and tagging CVS so it's clear
what versions of files went into your 0.2 release...