Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Development Tutorial Available

Posted by tammy m on
On the Creating Web Pages part of the tutorial, when I get to the section to create the note-edit.adp:

[service0@yourserver www]$ emacs note-edit.adp

<property name="title">@title@</property>
<property name="context">{@title@}</property>
<formtemplate id="note"></formtemplate>

The property tags are passed to the master template, which uses their values to set the page title and context bar (breadcrumb trail). We use the same variable, title, for both variables but wrap it in curly brackets for context so that the spaces aren't interpreted separators. The formtemplate tag outputs the form html with the matching name.
If I leave the context with the {} around it, they show up on the final displayed page, with the title in actual brackets. If I remove the brackets, the title shows up on the final page just fine. Are these brackets really needed and if so, is there an option to not have them displayed on the final HTML page that gets displayed to the end user's browser?
Posted by tammy m on
One more note, on the same page I mentioned before Creating Web Pages where it says Go to the APM as before and scan for new files and add your new work. Then test all this by going to the package home page and adding and editing a few records. I had to restart my aolserver for this to work, otherwise I got a db error stating that the sql for do _insert could not be found, even after I added the new files via the APM.