Search results for chat oacs

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  1. OpenACS Roadmap 5.3
    OACS the next generation. A second phase is a functionality inventarisation, based on simple tasks endusers try to achieve, storred in the glossary package which seems to have disapeared from OACS 5.15. The feature approach
  2. Real takes open source route...
    What do people think about Real's effort, especially their license modell...
  3. RFC: OpenACS Governance
    I started talking about where we are headed in terms of governance in my previous
  4. .LRN Meeting Minutes (June 26, 2007)
    Chat, Avni will revert to 5.2 version which is known to work. 2) Follow up - forum bug: date of the root message committed to oacs
  5. GUI Redesign of OpenACS, ]po[ and Others?
    Hi! I'm starting a new thread after a great comment from Maurizio here: https
  6. .LRN Honchos meeting Oct 9 2007
    Chat. Changes were made to HEAD and oacs-5-3 months ago that added new functionality
  7. Globalization
    One really import point for us in Europe is *the support for multiple languages*. Please
  8. How does the Chat package work? Mine gave an error.
    Chat package work? Mine gave an error. which package? chat is packages/chat (oacs-5-2) xowiki
  9. ns_sendmail replacement?
    I would like two things that ns_sendmail doesn't offer: Allow for email address
  10. xotcl 1.3.8 and new apm packages
    Since xotcl 1.3.8 is out since one week, here are some updates of the documentation

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