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Class ::chat::Chat
::chat::Chatcreate ...
Class Relations
::xo::ChatClass create ::chat::Chat \ -superclass ::xowiki::ChatMethods (to be applied on the object)
login (scripted)
if {![::xo::db::Class exists_in_db -id $chat_id]} { return [_ chat.Room_not_found] } else { set r [::xo::db::Class get_instance_from_db -id $chat_id] set package_id [$r set package_id] if {$skin eq ""} { set skin [parameter::get -package_id $package_id -parameter ChatSkin] } next -chat_id $chat_id -skin $skin -package_id $package_id -mode $mode -path $path -logout_messages_p [$r set logout_messages_p] -login_messages_p [$r set login_messages_p] -timewindow [$r set messages_time_window] -avatar_p [$r set avatar_p] }Methods (to be applied on instances)
add_msg (scripted)
if {![::xo::db::Class exists_in_db -id ${:chat_id}]} { return } set uid [expr {$uid ne "" ? $uid : ${:user_id}}] # # Check write permissions for the chat user # if {[string is integer -strict $uid]} { # # The uid is an integer, that we expect to correspond to a # party_id. # set party_id $uid } else { # # The uid is another kind of anonymous identifier # (e.g. the IP address). We map these to the public. # set party_id [acs_magic_object the_public] } permission::require_permission -party_id $party_id -object_id ${:chat_id} -privilege "chat_write" set r [::xo::db::Class get_instance_from_db -id ${:chat_id}] # ignore empty messages if {$msg eq ""} return # code around expects the return value of the original method set retval [next] # # Persist the chat message. We take note of the creation user, # which may be The Public for anonymous participants and the # IP address. # if {[:current_message_valid]} { # # We may also add a message from outside of a connection, # for instance when the chat sweeper logs people out after # the timeout. # if {[ns_conn isconnected]} { set creation_ip [ns_conn peeraddr] } else { set creation_ip "" } $r post_message -msg $msg -creation_user $party_id -creation_ip $creation_ip } return $retvalcheck_valid_room (scripted)
if {![::xo::db::Class exists_in_db -id [:chat_id]]} { ns_return 500 text/plain "chat-errmsg: [_ chat.Room_not_found]" ad_script_abort }get_new (scripted)
:check_valid_room next
init (scripted)
# Instantiating a chat outside a connection context happens # e.g. in the sweeper. We don't want to check permissions in # this case. if {[ns_conn isconnected]} { # Check that user can read the chat and is not banned if {![permission::permission_p -object_id ${:chat_id} -privilege "chat_read"] || [permission::permission_p -object_id ${:chat_id} -privilege "chat_ban"]} { ad_return_forbidden ad_script_abort } } nextinitialize_nsvs (scripted)
next # read the last_activity information at server start into a nsv array ::xo::dc foreach get_rooms { select room_id, to_char(max(creation_date),'HH24:MI:SS YYYY-MM-DD') as last_activity from chat_msgs group by room_id } { ::acs::clusterwide nsv_set [self]-$room_id-seen last [clock scan $last_activity] }
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