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Class ::nx::serializer::Serializer
::nx::serializer::Serializer create ... \
[ -ignoreVarsRE ignoreVarsRE ]
Class Relations
::nx::Class create ::nx::serializer::Serializer \ -superclass ::nx::ObjectMethods (to be applied on the object)
addPattern (scripted)
set :ignorePattern($p) 1all (scripted)
catch ::xo::at_cleanup # don't filter anything during serialization set filterstate [::nsf::configure filter off] set s [:new -childof [::nsf::current object]] if {[info exists ignoreVarsRE]} {$s ignoreVarsRE set $ignoreVarsRE} if {[info exists ignore]} {$s ignore $ignore} set r [subst { set ::nsf::__filterstate \[::nsf::configure filter off\] #::nx::Slot mixin add ::nx::Slot::Nocheck ::nsf::exithandler set [list [::nsf::exithandler get]] }] foreach option {debug softrecreate keepcmds checkresults checkarguments} { append r \t [list ::nsf::configure $option [::nsf::configure $option]] \n } :resetPattern # # export all nsf_procs # append r [:export_nsfprocs ::] # # export objects and classes # set instances [list] foreach oss [ObjectSystemSerializer info instances] { append r [$oss serialize-all-start $s] lappend instances {*}[$oss instances $s] } # provide error messages for invalid exports :checkExportedMethods # export the objects and classes #$s warn "export objects = [array names :exportObjects]" #$s warn "export objects = [array names :exportMethods]" append r [$s serialize-objects $instances 0] foreach oss [ObjectSystemSerializer info instances] { append r [$oss serialize-all-end $s] } $s destroy append r { #::nx::Slot mixin delete ::nx::Slot::Nocheck ::nsf::configure filter $::nsf::__filterstate unset ::nsf::__filterstate } ::nsf::configure filter $filterstate return $rallChildren (scripted)
set set [::nsf::directdispatch $o -frame method ::nsf::current] foreach c [::nsf::directdispatch $o ::nsf::methods::object::info::children] { lappend set {*}[:allChildren $c] } return $setapplication_namespaces (scripted)
set :namespaces "" :add_child_namespaces $ns return ${:namespaces}deepSerialize (scripted)
:resetPattern set s [:new -childof [::nsf::current object]] if {[info exists ignoreVarsRE]} {$s ignoreVarsRE set $ignoreVarsRE} if {[info exists ignore]} {$s ignore $ignore} if {[info exists objmap]} {$s objmap $objmap} foreach o $args { append r [$s deepSerialize [::nsf::directdispatch $o -frame method ::nsf::current]] } $s destroy if {[info exists map]} {return [string map $map $r]} return $rexportMethods (scripted)
foreach {o p m} $list {set :exportMethods([list $o $p $m]) 1}exportObjects (scripted)
foreach o $list {set :exportObjects($o) 1}export_nsfprocs (scripted)
set result "" foreach n [:application_namespaces $ns] { foreach p [:info methods -type nsfproc ${n}::*] { append result [::nsf::cmd::info definition $p] \n } } return $resultexportedMethods (scripted)
array names :exportMethodsexportedObjects (scripted)
array names :exportObjectsfinalize_application_classes (scripted)
set objs [$oss list_instances] #puts stderr "///// we have [llength $objs] $objs" #set objs [$Object info instances -closure] # # Delete first object but no classes, such that the destroy # methods can be executed in most cases. # foreach o $objs { if {![nsf::is object $o] || [nsf::is class $o]} { continue } catch {rename $o ""} errorMsg } # # Delete the surving classes. # set objs [$oss list_instances] #puts stderr "///// we have [llength $objs] $objs" foreach o $objs { set ns [namespace qualifiers $o] #puts stderr "DELETE class $o ns <$ns>" if {![nsf::is class $o] || [nsf::is metaclass $o] } { continue } catch {rename $o ""} errorMsg } # # Delete the metaclasses at the end. # set objs [$oss list_instances] #puts stderr "///// we have [llength $objs] $objs" foreach o $objs { set ns [namespace qualifiers $o] #puts stderr "DELETE class $o ns <$ns>" if {![nsf::is metaclass $o]} { continue } catch {rename $o ""} errorMsg }methodSerialize (scripted)
foreach oss [ObjectSystemSerializer info instances] { if {[$oss responsibleSerializer $object]} { set result [$oss serializeExportedMethod $object $prefix $method [self]] break } } return $resultresetPattern (scripted)
array unset :ignorePatternMethods (to be applied on instances)
addPostCmd (scripted)
if {$cmd ne ""} {append :post_cmds $cmd "\n"}deepSerialize (scripted)
set instances [Serializer allChildren $o] foreach oss [ObjectSystemSerializer info instances] { $oss registerSerializer [::nsf::current object] $instances } :serialize-objects $instances 1getTargetName (scripted)
if {![string match ::* $sourceName]} { set sourceName ::$sourceName } set targetName $sourceName if {[array exists :objmap]} { foreach {source target} [array get :objmap] { #puts "[list regsub ^$source $targetName $target targetName]" regsub ^$source $targetName $target targetName } } #puts stderr "targetName of <$sourceName> = <$targetName>" return $targetNameignore (scripted)
foreach element $args { foreach o [Serializer allChildren $element] { set :skip($o) 1 } }ignoreVarsRE (forward)
isExportedObject (scripted)
set oo $o while {1} { if {[::nsf::var::exists [::nsf::current class] exportObjects($o)]} { return 1 } # we do this for object trees without object-less namespaces if {![::nsf::object::exists $o]} { return 0 } set o [::nsf::dispatch $o ::nsf::methods::object::info::parent] }needsOneOf (scripted)
foreach e $list {if {[info exists :s($e)]} {return 1}} return 0objmap (scripted)
array set :objmap $mapserialize-objects (scripted)
set :post_cmds "" :topoSort $list $all #foreach i [lsort [array names :level]] { :warn "$i: [set :level($i)]"} set result "" foreach l [lsort -integer [array names :level]] { foreach i [set :level($l)] { #:warn "serialize $i" #append result "# Stratum $l\n" set oss [set :serializer($i)] append result [$oss serialize $i [::nsf::current object]] \n } } foreach e $list { set namespace($e) 1 set namespace([namespace qualifiers $e]) 1 } # Handling of variable traces: traces might require a # different topological sort, which is hard to handle. # Similar as with filters, we deactivate the variable # traces during initialization. This happens by # (1) replacing the next's trace method by a no-op # (2) collecting variable traces through collect-var-traces # (3) re-activating the traces after variable initialization set exports "" set pre_cmds "" # delete ::ns from the namespace list, if it exists... catch {unset namespace(::ns)} foreach ns [array name namespace] { if {![namespace exists $ns]} continue if {![::nsf::object::exists $ns]} { append pre_cmds "namespace eval $ns {}\n" } elseif {$ns ne [namespace origin $ns] } { append pre_cmds "namespace eval $ns {}\n" } set exp [namespace eval $ns {::namespace export}] if {$exp ne ""} { append exports "namespace eval $ns {::namespace export $exp}" \n } } return $pre_cmds$result${:post_cmds}$exportssetObjectSystemSerializer (scripted)
set :serializer($o) $serializer
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