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Class ::xo::Table::BootstrapTableRenderer
::xo::Table::BootstrapTableRenderer create ...
Class Relations
::xotcl::Class create ::xo::Table::BootstrapTableRenderer \ -superclass ::xo::Table::TABLE3Methods (to be applied on instances)
init_renderer (scripted)
next set :css.table-class "table table-striped" set :css.tr.even-class "align-middle" set :css.tr.odd-class "align-middle" set :id [::xowiki::Includelet js_name [::xowiki::Includelet html_id [self]]]render (scripted)
::template::CSS require_toolkit -css if {![nsf::is object [self]::__actions]} {:actions {}} if {![nsf::is object [self]::__bulkactions]} {:__bulkactions {}} set bulkactions [[self]::__bulkactions children] if {[[self]::__bulkactions exists __identifier]} { set name [[self]::__bulkactions set __identifier] html::div -id ${:id}_wrapper -class "table-responsive" { html::form -name $name -id $name -method POST { html::div -id ${:id}_container { html::table -id ${:id} -class ${:css.table-class} { :render-actions :render-body } :render-bulkactions } } } } else { set name [::xowiki::Includelet js_name [self]] # # Nesting forms inside an xowf page will place the action # buttons at the wrong place! # html::div -id ${:id}_wrapper -class "table-responsive" { html::div -id ${:id}_container { html::table -id ${:id} -class ${:css.table-class} { :render-actions :render-body } } } }render-body (scripted)
html::thead { html::tr -class list-header { foreach o [[self]::__columns children] { if {[$o hide]} continue $o render } } } ad_try { set children [:children] } on error {errorMsg} { html::div -class "alert alert-danger" { html::span -class danger { html::t $errorMsg } } return } html::tbody { foreach line [:children] { html::tr -class [expr {[incr :__rowcount]%2 ? ${:css.tr.odd-class} : ${:css.tr.even-class} }] { foreach field [[self]::__columns children] { if {[$field hide]} continue if {[$field istype HiddenField]} continue set CSSclass [list "list" {*}[$field CSSclass]] html::td [concat [list class $CSSclass] [$field html]] { $field render-data $line } } } } }render-bulkactions (scripted)
set bulkactions [[self]::__bulkactions children] if {[llength $bulkactions] > 0} { html::div -class "btn-group align-items-center" -role group -aria-label "Bulk actions" { html::span -class "bulk-action-label" { html::t "#xotcl-core.Bulk_actions#:" } html::ul -class compact { set bulkaction_container [[lindex $bulkactions 0] set __parent] set name [$bulkaction_container set __identifier] foreach bulk_action $bulkactions { set id [::xowiki::Includelet html_id $bulk_action] html::li { html::a -class [::template::CSS class bulk-action] -rule button -title [$bulk_action tooltip] -href # -id $id { html::t [$bulk_action label] } } set script [subst { acs_ListBulkActionClick("$name","[$bulk_action url]"); }] if {[$bulk_action confirm_message] ne ""} { set script [subst { if (confirm('[$bulk_action confirm_message]')) { $script } }] } template::add_event_listener -id $id -preventdefault=false -script $script } } } }
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