Class ::xo::db::CrClass

::xo::db::CrClass[i] create ... \
           [ -edit_form edit_form ] \
           [ -folder_id (default "-100") ] \
           [ -form form ] \
           [ -mime_type (default "text/plain") ] \
           [ -non_cached_instance_var_patterns (default "__*") ] \
           [ -storage_type (default "text") ] \
           [ -supertype (default "content_revision") ]

The meta class CrClass serves for a class of applications that mostly store information in the content repository and that use a few attributes adjoining this information. The class handles the open acs object_type creation and the automatic creation of the necessary tables based on instances of this meta-class.

The definition of new types is handled in the constructor of CrType through the method create_object_type, the removal of the object type is handled through the method drop_object_type (requires that all instances of this type are deleted).

Each content item can be retrieved either through the general method CrClass get_instance_from_db or through the "get_instance_from_db" method of every subclass of CrItem.

This Class is a meta-class providing methods for Classes managing CrItems.

Defined in packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cr-procs.tcl

Class Relations

  • class: ::xotcl::Class[i]
  • superclass: ::xo::db::Class[i]
  • instmixin: ::xo::db::CrCache[i]
  • mixin: ::xo::db::CrCache::Class[i]
::xotcl::Class create ::xo::db::CrClass \
     -superclass ::xo::db::Class \
     -instmixin ::xo::db::CrCache \
     -mixin ::xo::db::CrCache::Class

Methods (to be applied on the object)

  • delete (scripted, public)

     xo::db::CrClass[i] delete [ -item_id item_id ]

    Delete a CrItem in the database


    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4 xotcl_core_tutorial_4 (test xotcl-core) xo::db::CrClass proc delete xo::db::CrClass proc delete test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4->xo::db::CrClass proc delete

    set object_type [:get_object_type -item_id $item_id]
    $object_type delete -item_id $item_id
  • ensure_item_ids_instantiated (scripted, public)

     xo::db::CrClass[i] ensure_item_ids_instantiated [ -initialize on|off ] \
        -item_ids item_ids 

    Make sure, the objects all of the provided items_ids are instantiated (i.e. the same-named objects do exist as executable commands in the current thread).

    (boolean) (defaults to "true") (optional)

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_link_tests link_tests (test xowiki) xo::db::CrClass proc ensure_item_ids_instantiated xo::db::CrClass proc ensure_item_ids_instantiated test_link_tests->xo::db::CrClass proc ensure_item_ids_instantiated

    foreach item_id $item_ids {
      #if {![::nsf::is object ::$item_id]} { ns_log notice "===== we have to fetch ::$item_id"}
      :get_instance_from_db -item_id $item_id -initialize $initialize
  • get_child_item_ids (scripted, public)

     xo::db::CrClass[i] get_child_item_ids -item_id item_id 

    Return a list of content items having the provided item_id as direct or indirect parent. The method returns recursively all item_ids.

    list of item_ids

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_xowiki_test_cases xowiki_test_cases (test xowiki) xo::db::CrClass proc get_child_item_ids xo::db::CrClass proc get_child_item_ids test_xowiki_test_cases->xo::db::CrClass proc get_child_item_ids

    # The following construct (commented out) is fully PostgreSQL and
    # Oracle compliant.  However, all newer Oracle installations
    # should as well support the recursive query below as well, which
    # requires less DB interactions.
    # set items [list]
    # foreach item_id [::xo::dc list -prepare integer get_child_items  #                      "select item_id from cr_items where parent_id = :item_id"] {
    #   lappend items $item_id {*}[my [self proc] -item_id $item_id]
    # }
    # return $items
    return [::xo::dc list -prepare integer get_child_items {
      WITH RECURSIVE child_items AS (
           select item_id from cr_items
           where parent_id = :item_id
        select i.item_id from cr_items i, child_items
        where i.parent_id = child_items.item_id
      select * from child_items
  • get_instance_from_db (scripted, public)

     xo::db::CrClass[i] get_instance_from_db [ -item_id item_id ] \
        [ -revision_id revision_id ] [ -initialize on|off ]

    Instantiate the live revision or the specified revision of an CrItem. The XOTcl object is destroyed automatically on cleanup (end of a connection request).

    (defaults to "0") (optional)
    (defaults to "0") (optional)
    (boolean) (defaults to "true") (optional)
    fully qualified object containing the attributes of the CrItem

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_create_workflow_with_instance create_workflow_with_instance (test xowf) xo::db::CrClass proc get_instance_from_db xo::db::CrClass proc get_instance_from_db test_create_workflow_with_instance->xo::db::CrClass proc get_instance_from_db test_link_tests link_tests (test xowiki) test_link_tests->xo::db::CrClass proc get_instance_from_db test_path_resolve path_resolve (test xowiki) test_path_resolve->xo::db::CrClass proc get_instance_from_db test_slot_interactions slot_interactions (test xowiki) test_slot_interactions->xo::db::CrClass proc get_instance_from_db test_test_cr_items test_cr_items (test xotcl-core) test_test_cr_items->xo::db::CrClass proc get_instance_from_db ad_log ad_log (public) xo::db::CrClass proc get_instance_from_db->ad_log nsf::is nsf::is xo::db::CrClass proc get_instance_from_db->nsf::is

    test_cr_items, create_workflow_with_instance, xowiki_test_cases, link_tests, slot_interactions, path_resolve
    set object ::[expr {$revision_id ? $revision_id : $item_id}]
    if {$object eq "::0"} {
      set msg "get_instance_from_db must be called with either item_id or revision_id different from 0"
      ad_log error $msg
      error $msg
    if {![::nsf::is object $object]} {
      set object_type [:get_object_type -item_id $item_id -revision_id $revision_id]
      set class [::xo::db::Class object_type_to_class $object_type]
      set object [$class get_instance_from_db -item_id $item_id -revision_id $revision_id -initialize $initialize]
    return $object
  • get_name (scripted, public)

     xo::db::CrClass[i] get_name -item_id item_id 

    Get the name of a content item either from an already instantiated object or from the database without instantiating it. If item_id is not a valid item_id, we throw an error.


    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_xowiki_test_cases xowiki_test_cases (test xowiki) xo::db::CrClass proc get_name xo::db::CrClass proc get_name test_xowiki_test_cases->xo::db::CrClass proc get_name

    # TODO: the following line is deactivated, until we get rid of the "folder object" in xowiki
    #if {[nsf::is object ::$item_id]} {return [::$item_id parent_id]}
    ::xo::dc 1row -prepare integer get_name "select name from cr_items where item_id = :item_id"
    return $name
  • get_object_type (scripted, public)

     xo::db::CrClass[i] get_object_type [ -item_id item_id ] \
        [ -revision_id revision_id ]

    Return the object type for an item_id or revision_id.

    (defaults to "0") (optional)
    object_type typically an XOTcl class

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_test_cr_items test_cr_items (test xotcl-core) xo::db::CrClass proc get_object_type xo::db::CrClass proc get_object_type test_test_cr_items->xo::db::CrClass proc get_object_type test_test_xo_db_object test_xo_db_object (test xotcl-core) test_test_xo_db_object->xo::db::CrClass proc get_object_type

    test_xo_db_object, test_cr_items
    # Use a request-spanning cache. When the object_type would change,
    # we require xo::broadcast or server restart.
    set key ::xo::object_type($item_id,$revision_id)
    if {[info exists $key]} {
      return [set $key]
    set entry_key [expr {$item_id ? $item_id : $revision_id}]
    set $key [xo::xotcl_object_type_cache eval -partition_key $entry_key $entry_key {
      if {$item_id} {
        ::xo::dc 1row -prepare integer get_class_from_item_id  "select content_type as object_type from cr_items where item_id=:item_id"
      } else {
        ::xo::dc 1row -prepare integer get_class_from_revision_id  "select object_type from acs_objects where object_id=:revision_id"
      return $object_type
  • get_parent_id (scripted, public)

     xo::db::CrClass[i] get_parent_id -item_id item_id 

    Get the parent_id of a content item either from an already instantiated object or from the database without instantiating it. If item_id is not a valid item_id, we throw an error.


    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_xowiki_test_cases xowiki_test_cases (test xowiki) xo::db::CrClass proc get_parent_id xo::db::CrClass proc get_parent_id test_xowiki_test_cases->xo::db::CrClass proc get_parent_id

    # TODO: the following line is deactivated, until we get rid of the "folder object" in xowiki
    #if {[nsf::is object ::$item_id]} {return [::$item_id parent_id]}
    ::xo::dc 1row -prepare integer get_parent "select parent_id from cr_items where item_id = :item_id"
    return $parent_id
  • id_belongs_to_package (scripted, public)

     xo::db::CrClass[i] id_belongs_to_package [ -item_id item_id ] \
        [ -revision_id revision_id ] [ -package_id package_id ]

    Check if the provided item_id or revision_id belongs to the provided package.

    (defaults to "0") (optional)
    (defaults to "0") (optional)
    boolean success

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_check_page_template_constraint check_page_template_constraint (test xowiki) xo::db::CrClass proc id_belongs_to_package xo::db::CrClass proc id_belongs_to_package test_check_page_template_constraint->xo::db::CrClass proc id_belongs_to_package test_create_form_with_form_instance create_form_with_form_instance (test xowiki) test_create_form_with_form_instance->xo::db::CrClass proc id_belongs_to_package

    create_form_with_form_instance, check_page_template_constraint
    set id [expr {$revision_id ? $revision_id : $item_id}]
    if {$id eq 0} {
      return 0
    set what [expr {$item_id != 0 ? "item_id" : "revision_id"}]
    return [::xo::dc 0or1row -prepare integer,integer check_package [subst {
      select 1 from cr_items, acs_objects
      where $what = :$what and object_id = :$what
      and package_id = :package_id
      fetch first 1 rows only
  • lookup (scripted, public)

     xo::db::CrClass[i] lookup -name name  [ -parent_id parent_id ] \
        [ -content_type content_type ]

    Check, whether a content item with the given name exists. When content_type is provided (e.g. -content_type "::%") then a like operation is applied on the value.

    (defaults to "-100") (optional)
    item_id If the item exists, return its item_id, otherwise 0.

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_create_folder_with_page create_folder_with_page (test xowf) xo::db::CrClass proc lookup xo::db::CrClass proc lookup test_create_folder_with_page->xo::db::CrClass proc lookup test_path_resolve path_resolve (test xowiki) test_path_resolve->xo::db::CrClass proc lookup test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4 xotcl_core_tutorial_4 (test xotcl-core) test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4->xo::db::CrClass proc lookup test_xowiki_test_cases xowiki_test_cases (test xowiki) test_xowiki_test_cases->xo::db::CrClass proc lookup

    xotcl_core_tutorial_4, create_folder_with_page, xowiki_test_cases, path_resolve
    if {[info exists content_type]} {
      set result [::xo::dc get_value lookup_by_name_and_ct {
        select item_id from cr_items
        where name = :name and parent_id = :parent_id
        and content_type like :content_type
      } 0]
    } else {
      set result [::xo::dc get_value lookup_by_name {
        select item_id from cr_items
        where name = :name and parent_id = :parent_id
      } 0]
    return $result

Methods (to be applied on instances)

  • create_object_type (scripted, public)

     <instance of xo::db::CrClass[i]> create_object_type

    Create an oacs object_type and a table for keeping the additional attributes.

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4 xotcl_core_tutorial_4 (test xotcl-core) xo::db::CrClass instproc create_object_type xo::db::CrClass instproc create_object_type test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4->xo::db::CrClass instproc create_object_type

    set :supertype [:info superclass]
    switch -- ${:supertype} {
      ::xotcl::Object -
      ::xo::db::CrItem {set :supertype content_revision}
    if {![info exists :pretty_plural]} {set :pretty_plural ${:pretty_name}}
    ::xo::dc transaction {
      ::acs::dc call content_type create_type  -content_type  ${:object_type}  -supertype     ${:supertype}  -pretty_name   ${:pretty_name}  -pretty_plural ${:pretty_plural}  -table_name    ${:table_name}  -id_column     ${:id_column}  -name_method   ${:name_method}
      :folder_type register
  • delete (scripted, public)

     <instance of xo::db::CrClass[i]> delete -item_id item_id 

    Delete a content item from the content repository.

    id of the item to be deleted

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4 xotcl_core_tutorial_4 (test xotcl-core) xo::db::CrClass instproc delete xo::db::CrClass instproc delete test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4->xo::db::CrClass instproc delete test_xowiki_test_cases xowiki_test_cases (test xowiki) test_xowiki_test_cases->xo::db::CrClass instproc delete

    xotcl_core_tutorial_4, xowiki_test_cases
    ::acs::dc call content_item del -item_id $item_id
  • drop_object_type (scripted, public)

     <instance of xo::db::CrClass[i]> drop_object_type

    Delete the object type and remove the table for the attributes. This method should be called when all instances are deleted. It undoes everying what create_object_type has produced.

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4 xotcl_core_tutorial_4 (test xotcl-core) xo::db::CrClass instproc drop_object_type xo::db::CrClass instproc drop_object_type test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4->xo::db::CrClass instproc drop_object_type

    set object_type ${:object_type}
    ::xo::dc transaction {
      :folder_type unregister
      ::acs::dc call content_type drop_type  -content_type ${:object_type}  -drop_children_p t  -drop_table_p t
  • fetch_object (scripted, public)

     <instance of xo::db::CrClass[i]> fetch_object -item_id item_id  \
        [ -revision_id revision_id ] -object object  \
        [ -initialize on|off ]

    Load a content item into the specified object. If revision_id is provided, the specified revision is returned, otherwise the live revision of the item_id. If the object does not exist, we create it.

    (defaults to "0") (optional)
    (boolean) (defaults to "true") (optional)
    cr item object

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4 xotcl_core_tutorial_4 (test xotcl-core) xo::db::CrClass instproc fetch_object xo::db::CrClass instproc fetch_object test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4->xo::db::CrClass instproc fetch_object test_xowiki_test_cases xowiki_test_cases (test xowiki) test_xowiki_test_cases->xo::db::CrClass instproc fetch_object db_1row db_1row (public) xo::db::CrClass instproc fetch_object->db_1row

    xotcl_core_tutorial_4, xowiki_test_cases
    # :log "-- generic fetch_object [self args]"
    if {![nsf::is object $object]} {
      # if the object does not yet exist, we have to create it
      :create $object
    set raw_atts [::xo::db::CrClass set common_query_atts]
    #:log "-- raw_atts = '$raw_atts'"
    set atts [list]
    foreach v $raw_atts {
      switch -glob -- $v {
        publish_status {set fq i.$v}
        storage_type   {set fq i.$v}
        creation_date  {set fq o.$v}
        creation_user  {set fq o.$v}
        package_id     {set fq o.$v}
        default        {set fq n.$v}
      lappend atts $fq
    foreach {slot_name slot} [array get :db_slot] {
      switch -glob -- $slot {
        ::xo::db::CrItem::slot::text {
          # We need the rule, since insert the handling of the sql
          # attribute "text" is somewhat magic. On insert, one can use
          # the automatic view with column_name "text, on queries, one
          # has to use "data". Therefore, we cannot use simply
          # -column_name for the slot.
          lappend atts " AS text"
        ::xowiki::Page::slot::text {
          # This is just a hotfix for now.
          #ns_log notice [$slot serialize]
          lappend atts " as text"
        ::xo::db::CrItem::slot::name {
          lappend atts i.[$slot column_name]
        ::xo::db::Object::slot::context_id {
          # If we are fetching by revision_id, skip the context_id,
          # since on object-save-operations, we want to keep the
          # context_id of the item, and not the context_id from the
          # revision.
          if {$revision_id == 0} {
            # Fetch by item_id.
            lappend atts o.[$slot column_name]
        ::xo::db::Object::slot::* {
          lappend atts o.[$slot column_name]
        default {
          lappend atts n.[$slot column_name]
    if {$revision_id} {
      $object set revision_id $revision_id
      set sql [subst {
        select [join $atts ,], i.parent_id
          from ${:table_name}i n, cr_items i, acs_objects o
         where n.revision_id = :revision_id
           and i.item_id = n.item_id
           and o.object_id = n.revision_id
      set selection [lindex [::xo::dc sets  -prepare integer  fetch_object_from_revision_id $sql] 0]
      $object mset [ns_set array $selection]
    } else {
      # We fetch the creation_user and the modifying_user by returning
      # the creation_user of the automatic view as modifying_user. In
      # case of troubles, comment next line out.
      lappend atts "n.creation_user as modifying_user"
      $object set item_id $item_id
      $object db_1row [:qn fetch_from_view_item_id] " select [join $atts ,], i.parent_id  from   ${:table_name}i n, cr_items i, acs_objects o  where  i.item_id = :item_id  and    n.${:id_column} = coalesce(i.live_revision, i.latest_revision)  and    o.object_id = i.item_id"
    # The method "db_1row" treats all newly created variables as
    # instance variables, so we can see vars like "__db_sql",
    # "__db_lst" that we do not want to keep.
    foreach v [$object info vars __db_*] {
      $object unset $v
    # Deactivate compatibility with versions before OpenACS 5.2
    # (2005), since this is a busy code, but leave it here for easy
    # reactivating in legacy applications.
    #if {[apm_version_names_compare [ad_acs_version] 5.2] <= -1} {
    #  set parent_id [$object set parent_id]
    #  $object set package_id [::xo::dc get_value get_pid {
    #    select package_id from cr_folders where folder_id = :parent_id
    #  }
    # :log "--AFTER FETCH\n[$object serialize]"
    if {$initialize} {$object initialize_loaded_object}
    return $object
  • folder_type (scripted, public)

     <instance of xo::db::CrClass[i]> folder_type \
        [ -include_subtypes include_subtypes ] [ -folder_id folder_id ] \

    register the current object type for folder_id. If folder_id is not specified, use the instvar of the class instead.

    (defaults to "t") (optional)
    Boolean value (t/f) to flag whether the operation should be applied on subtypes as well

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4 xotcl_core_tutorial_4 (test xotcl-core) xo::db::CrClass instproc folder_type xo::db::CrClass instproc folder_type test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4->xo::db::CrClass instproc folder_type

    if {$operation ne "register" && $operation ne "unregister"} {
      error "[self] operation for folder_type must be 'register' or 'unregister'"
    if {![info exists folder_id]} {
      set folder_id ${:folder_id}
    ::acs::dc call content_folder ${operation}_content_type  -folder_id $folder_id  -content_type ${:object_type}  -include_subtypes $include_subtypes
  • folder_type_unregister_all (scripted, public)

     <instance of xo::db::CrClass[i]> folder_type_unregister_all \
        [ -include_subtypes include_subtypes ]

    Unregister the object type from all folders on the system

    (defaults to "t") (optional)
    Boolean value (t/f) to flag whether the operation should be applied on subtypes as well

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

    No testcase defined.
    set object_type ${:object_type}
    xo::dc foreach all_folders {
      select folder_id from cr_folder_type_map
      where content_type = :object_type
    } {
      ::acs::dc call content_folder unregister_content_type  -folder_id $folder_id  -content_type $object_type  -include_subtypes $include_subtypes
  • get_instance_from_db (scripted, public)

     <instance of xo::db::CrClass[i]> get_instance_from_db \
        [ -item_id item_id ] [ -revision_id revision_id ] \
        [ -initialize on|off ]

    Retrieve either the live revision or a specified revision of a content item with all attributes into a newly created object. The retrieved attributes are stored in the instance variables in class representing the object_type. The XOTcl object is destroyed automatically on cleanup (end of a connection request)

    (defaults to "0") (optional)
    id of the item to be retrieved.
    (defaults to "0") (optional)
    revision-id of the item to be retrieved.
    (boolean) (defaults to "true") (optional)
    fully qualified object

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_create_folder_with_page create_folder_with_page (test xowf) xo::db::CrClass instproc get_instance_from_db xo::db::CrClass instproc get_instance_from_db test_create_folder_with_page->xo::db::CrClass instproc get_instance_from_db test_create_form_with_form_instance create_form_with_form_instance (test xowiki) test_create_form_with_form_instance->xo::db::CrClass instproc get_instance_from_db test_test_cr_items test_cr_items (test xotcl-core) test_test_cr_items->xo::db::CrClass instproc get_instance_from_db test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4 xotcl_core_tutorial_4 (test xotcl-core) test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4->xo::db::CrClass instproc get_instance_from_db test_xowiki_test_cases xowiki_test_cases (test xowiki) test_xowiki_test_cases->xo::db::CrClass instproc get_instance_from_db

    xotcl_core_tutorial_4, test_cr_items, create_folder_with_page, xowiki_test_cases, create_form_with_form_instance
    set object ::[expr {$revision_id ? $revision_id : $item_id}]
    if {![nsf::is object $object]} {
      :fetch_object -object $object  -item_id $item_id -revision_id $revision_id  -initialize $initialize
      $object destroy_on_cleanup
    return $object
  • get_instances_from_db (scripted, public)

     <instance of xo::db::CrClass[i]> get_instances_from_db \
        [ -select_attributes select_attributes ] \
        [ -from_clause from_clause ] [ -where_clause where_clause ] \
        [ -orderby orderby ] [ -with_subtypes on|off ] \
        [ -folder_id folder_id ] [ -page_size page_size ] \
        [ -page_number page_number ] [ -base_table base_table ] \
        [ -initialize initialize ]

    Returns a set (ordered composite) of the answer tuples of an 'instance_select_query' with the same attributes. The tuples are instances of the class, on which the method was called.

    (boolean) (defaults to "true") (optional)
    (defaults to "20") (optional)
    (defaults to "cr_revisions") (optional)
    (defaults to "true") (optional)

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_create_form_with_form_instance create_form_with_form_instance (test xowiki) xo::db::CrClass instproc get_instances_from_db xo::db::CrClass instproc get_instances_from_db test_create_form_with_form_instance->xo::db::CrClass instproc get_instances_from_db test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4 xotcl_core_tutorial_4 (test xotcl-core) test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4->xo::db::CrClass instproc get_instances_from_db

    xotcl_core_tutorial_4, create_form_with_form_instance
    if {![info exists folder_id]} {
      set folder_id ${:folder_id}
    set s [:instantiate_objects -sql  [:instance_select_query  -select_attributes $select_attributes  -from_clause $from_clause  -where_clause $where_clause  -orderby $orderby  -with_subtypes $with_subtypes  -folder_id $folder_id  -page_size $page_size  -page_number $page_number  -base_table $base_table  ]  -initialize $initialize]
    return $s
  • instance_select_query (scripted, public)

     <instance of xo::db::CrClass[i]> instance_select_query \
        [ -select_attributes select_attributes ] [ -orderby orderby ] \
        [ -where_clause where_clause ] [ -from_clause from_clause ] \
        [ -with_subtypes on|off ] [ -with_children on|off ] \
        [ -publish_status publish_status ] [ -count on|off ] \
        [ -folder_id folder_id ] [ -parent_id parent_id ] \
        [ -page_size page_size ] [ -page_number page_number ] \
        [ -base_table base_table ]

    returns the SQL-query to select the CrItems of the specified object_type

    attributes for the SQL query to be retrieved, in addition to item_id, name, publish_status, object_type, and package_id which are always returned
    for ordering the solution set
    clause for restricting the answer set
    (boolean) (defaults to "true") (optional)
    return subtypes as well
    (boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)
    return immediate child objects of all objects as well
    one of 'live', 'ready', or 'production'
    (boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)
    return the query for counting the solutions
    (defaults to "20") (optional)
    (defaults to "cr_revisions") (optional)
    typically automatic view, must contain title and revision_id
    SQL query

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_xowiki_test_cases xowiki_test_cases (test xowiki) xo::db::CrClass instproc instance_select_query xo::db::CrClass instproc instance_select_query test_xowiki_test_cases->xo::db::CrClass instproc instance_select_query

    if {![info exists folder_id]} {set folder_id ${:folder_id}}
    if {![info exists parent_id]} {set parent_id $folder_id}
    if {$base_table eq "cr_revisions"} {
      set attributes [list ci.item_id ci.publish_status acs_objects.object_type acs_objects.package_id]
    } else {
      set attributes [list bt.item_id ci.publish_status bt.object_type "bt.object_package_id as package_id"]
    foreach a $select_attributes {
      if {$a eq "title"} {set a bt.title}
      lappend attributes $a
    set type_selection_clause [:type_selection_clause -base_table $base_table -with_subtypes $with_subtypes]
    # :log "type_selection_clause -with_subtypes $with_subtypes returns $type_selection_clause"
    if {$count} {
      set attribute_selection "count(*)"
      set orderby ""      ;# no need to order when we count
      set page_number  ""      ;# no pagination when count is used
    } else {
      set attribute_selection [join $attributes ,]
    set cond [list]
    if {$type_selection_clause ne ""} {lappend cond $type_selection_clause}
    if {$where_clause ne ""}          {lappend cond $where_clause}
    if {[info exists publish_status]} {lappend cond "ci.publish_status = :publish_status"}
    if {$base_table eq "cr_revisions"} {
      lappend cond "acs_objects.object_id = bt.revision_id"
      set acs_objects_table "acs_objects, "
    } else {
      lappend cond "ci.item_id = bt.item_id"
      set acs_objects_table ""
    lappend cond "coalesce(ci.live_revision,ci.latest_revision) = bt.revision_id"
    if {$parent_id ne ""} {
      if {$with_children} {
        append from_clause ", (select $parent_id as item_id from dual union  select item_id from cr_items where parent_id = $parent_id) children"
        lappend cond "ci.parent_id = children.item_id"
      } else {
        lappend cond "ci.parent_id = $parent_id"
    if {$page_number ne ""} {
      set limit $page_size
      set offset [expr {$page_size*($page_number-1)}]
    } else {
      set limit ""
      set offset ""
    if {!$count} {
      # In case the query is not explicitly referring to a context_id,
      # return the context_id of the item. The problem are queries
      # using "*" in the attribute list, which should be deprecated.
      # Before that we should walk through the common call patterns of
      # this function to check, if this is feasible.
      # This local hack was necessary to deal with a recent fix that
      # honors now correctly changes in the context_id. Before this
      # change, e.g. "get_all_children" was returning due to the
      # nature of the call the context_id of the revision (not of the
      # item), although it was returning items. A following bug-fix
      # actually triggered this change.
      # TODO: remove me, when not necessary anymore.
      if {[lsearch -glob $attributes *context_id*] == -1} {
        append attribute_selection {,(select context_id from acs_objects where object_id = ci.item_id)}
    set sql [::xo::dc select  -vars $attribute_selection  -from "$acs_objects_table cr_items ci, $base_table bt $from_clause"  -where [join $cond " and "]  -orderby $orderby  -limit $limit -offset $offset]
    #:log "--sql=$sql"
    return $sql
  • new_persistent_object (scripted, public)

     <instance of xo::db::CrClass[i]> new_persistent_object \
        [ -package_id package_id ] [ -creation_user creation_user ] \
        [ -creation_ip creation_ip ] args [ args... ]

    Create a new content item of the actual class, configure it with the given arguments and insert it into the database. The XOTcl object is destroyed automatically on cleanup (end of a connection request).

    fully qualified object

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4 xotcl_core_tutorial_4 (test xotcl-core) xo::db::CrClass instproc new_persistent_object xo::db::CrClass instproc new_persistent_object test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4->xo::db::CrClass instproc new_persistent_object ad_log ad_log (public) xo::db::CrClass instproc new_persistent_object->ad_log ad_try ad_try (public) xo::db::CrClass instproc new_persistent_object->ad_try

    :get_context package_id creation_user creation_ip
    # :log "ID [self] create $args"
    ad_try {
      :create ::0 {*}$args
    } on error {errorMsg} {
      ad_log error "CrClass create raises: $errorMsg"
    # :log "ID [::0 serialize]"
    set item_id [::0 save_new  -package_id $package_id  -creation_user $creation_user  -creation_ip $creation_ip]
    ::0 move ::$item_id
    ::$item_id destroy_on_cleanup
    return ::$item_id