Class ::xo::lti::LTI

::xo::lti::LTI[i] create ... \
           [ -context_id context_id ] \
           [ -context_label context_label ] \
           [ -context_title context_title ] \
           [ -launch_presentation_css_url launch_presentation_css_url ] \
           [ -launch_presentation_document_target (default "window") ] \
           [ -launch_presentation_height launch_presentation_height ] \
           [ -launch_presentation_return_url launch_presentation_return_url ] \
           [ -launch_presentation_width launch_presentation_width ] \
           [ -launch_url launch_url ] \
           [ -lis_outcome_service_url lis_outcome_service_url ] \
           [ -lis_person_contact_email_primary lis_person_contact_email_primary ] \
           [ -lis_person_name_family lis_person_name_family ] \
           [ -lis_person_name_full lis_person_name_full ] \
           [ -lis_person_name_given lis_person_name_given ] \
           [ -lis_result_sourcedid lis_result_sourcedid ] \
           [ -lti_message_type (default "basic-lti-launch-request") ] \
           [ -lti_version (default "LTI-1p0") ] \
           [ -oauth_consumer_key oauth_consumer_key ] \
           [ -oauth_nonce oauth_nonce ] \
           [ -oauth_signature_method (default "HMAC-SHA1") ] \
           [ -oauth_timestamp oauth_timestamp ] \
           [ -oauth_version (default "1.0") ] \
           [ -resource_link_id resource_link_id ] \
           [ -resource_link_title resource_link_title ] \
           [ -roles roles ] \
           [ -shared_secret shared_secret ] \
           [ -tool_consumer_info_product_family_code tool_consumer_info_product_family_code ] \
           [ -tool_consumer_instance_contact_email tool_consumer_instance_contact_email ] \
           [ -tool_consumer_instance_description tool_consumer_instance_description ] \
           [ -tool_consumer_instance_guid tool_consumer_instance_guid ] \
           [ -tool_consumer_instance_name tool_consumer_instance_name ] \
           [ -tool_consumer_instance_url tool_consumer_instance_url ]

Common Parameter
Defined in packages/xooauth/tcl/lti-procs.tcl

Class Relations

  • class: ::nx::Class[i]
  • superclass: ::nx::Object[i]
  • subclass: ::xo::lti::Jupyter[i], ::xo::lti::BBB[i], ::xo::lti::Zoom[i]

Methods (to be applied on instances)

  • form_render (scripted, public)

     <instance of xo::lti::LTI[i]> form_render [ -height height ] \
        [ -sandbox sandbox ] [ -style style ] \
        [ -auto_launch_p auto_launch_p ]

    Set per-call parameters

    (defaults to "700") (optional)
    (defaults to "allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms allow-top-navigation allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-downloads") (optional)
    (defaults to "min-width:100%;width:100%;min-height:100%;") (optional)
    (defaults to "0") (optional)

    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 dom dom security::csp::require security::csp::require (public) template::add_body_handler template::add_body_handler (public) template::add_footer template::add_footer (public) xo::oauth::nonce xo::oauth::nonce (public) xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render->dom xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render->security::csp::require xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render->template::add_body_handler xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render->template::add_footer xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render->xo::oauth::nonce

    No testcase defined.