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Class ::xowiki::formfield::file
::xowiki::formfield::file create ... \
[ -choose_file_label choose_file_label ] \
[ -link_label link_label ] \
[ -multiple:boolean (default "false") ] \
[ -searchable:boolean (default "false") ] \
[ -size (default "40") ] \
[ -sticky:boolean (default "false") ] \
[ -viruscheck:boolean (default "true") ]
Class Relations
- class: ::xotcl::Class
- superclass: ::xowiki::formfield::FormField
- subclass: ::xowiki::formfield::import_archive, ::xowiki::formfield::image
::xotcl::Class create ::xowiki::formfield::file \ -superclass ::xowiki::formfield::FormFieldMethods (to be applied on instances)
check=virus (scripted)
# In case of an upgrade script, the (uploaded) temporary file might not exist if {[:viruscheck] && [info exists :tmpfile] && $value ne "" && [::file exists ${:tmpfile}] && [::xowiki::virus check ${:tmpfile}] } { #util_user_message -message "uploaded file contains a virus; upload rejected" return 0 } return 1choose_file_label (setter)
content-type (scripted)
:set [self proc] $valueconvert_to_internal (scripted)
if {[:no_value_provided] || ![info exists :content-type]} { ${:object} set_property -new 1 ${:name} [:get_old_value] return } #:log "${:name}: got value '${:value}'" #${:object} set_property -new 1 ${:name} ${:value} set package_id [${:object} package_id] set entry_info [:entry_info] if {[:searchable]} { set publish_date_cmd {;} set save_flag "" } else { set publish_date_cmd {$file_object set publish_date "9999-12-31 23:59:59.0+01"} set save_flag "-use_given_publish_date true" } # # Make sure that we do not mis-interpret spaces in paths or file # names in the foreach loop. # if {[llength ${:content-type}] == 1} { set :tmpfile [list ${:tmpfile}] set :value [list ${:value}] } set revision_ids {} set newValue "" foreach content_type ${:content-type} object_name [dict get $entry_info name] tmpfile ${:tmpfile} fn ${:value} { # Sanitize the filename regsub -all -- {\\+} $fn {/} fn ;# fix IE upload path set fn [ad_file tail $fn] # # Set the value of the two flags in the command below in # case a more strict sanitizing is needed. With the settings # below, ad_sanitize_filename makes just sure the filename # does not contain invalid characters. # set fn [ad_sanitize_filename -collapse_spaces=false -tolower=false $fn] set file_object [:store_file -file_name $fn -content_type $content_type -package_id $package_id -parent_id [dict get $entry_info parent_id] -object_name $object_name -tmpfile $tmpfile -publish_date_cmd $publish_date_cmd -save_flag $save_flag] lappend revision_ids [$file_object revision_id] lappend newValue $fn } # # Update the value with the attribute value pair list containing # the revision_id. TODO: clear revision_id on export. # set newValue [list name $newValue revision_id $revision_ids] ${:object} set_property -new 1 ${:name} $newValue set :value $newValueentry_info (scripted)
if {${:multiple}} { if {[info exists :tmpfile]} { set list ${:tmpfile} } else { set list [:get_from_value ${:value} name] } set objName {} for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $list]} {incr i} { lappend objName file:${:name}___$i } } else { set objName file:${:name} } #:log ENTRY_INFO=[list name $objName parent_id [${:object} item_id]] return [list name $objName parent_id [${:object} item_id]]get_from_value (scripted)
# # The value of a form entry might be: # - an atomic list element # - a list with attribute value pairs # # This function tries to obtain the queried attribute from the # attribute value pair notation. If this fails, it returns a # default value. # set valueLength [llength $value] if {$valueLength > 1 && $valueLength % 2 == 0} { if {[dict exists $value $attribute]} { return [dict get $value $attribute] } } return [lindex $raw 0]get_old_value (scripted)
return [${:object} form_parameter __old_value_${:name} ""]initialize (scripted)
:type file set :booleanHTMLAttributes {multiple} set :widget_type file(file) nextlabel_or_value (scripted)
if {[info exists :link_label]} { return [:localize [:link_label]] } return $vlink_label (setter)
multiple (setter)
no_value_provided (scripted)
expr {${:value} eq ""}pretty_value (scripted)
if {$v ne ""} { set entry_info [:entry_info] set result "" foreach object_name [dict get $entry_info name] fn [:get_from_value $v name] { set item_info [${:object} item_ref -default_lang [${:object} lang] -parent_id [dict get $entry_info parent_id] $object_name] #:log "name <$object_name> pretty value name '[dict get $item_info stripped_name]'" set l [::xowiki::Link new -page ${:object} -type "file" -lang [dict get $item_info prefix] -stripped_name [dict get $item_info stripped_name] -label $fn -extra_query_parameter [list [list filename $fn]] -parent_id [dict get $item_info parent_id] -item_id [dict get $item_info item_id] -destroy_on_cleanup] append result [$l render] } return $result }render_input (scripted)
set package_id [${:object} package_id] set entry_info [:entry_info] set fns [:get_from_value ${:value} name ${:value}] # # The HTML5 handling of "required" would force us to upload in # every form the file again. To implement the sticky option, we # set temporarily the "required" attribute to false # if {${:required}} { set reset_required 1 set :required false } #if {${:CSSclass} eq "form-control"} { # append :CSSclass -file #} # # The following snippet for file-label tailoring is Bootstrap-only # and requires in non-bootstrap cases styling. # #if {[info exists :choose_file_label]} { # ::html::label -for ${:id} -class "btn [::template::CSS class btn-default]" { # ::html::span -class upload-btn-label { # ::html::t ${:choose_file_label} # } # set :CSSclass form-control-hidden # next # } #} else { # next #} next ::html::t " " set id __old_value_${:name} ::html::div { ::html::input -type hidden -name $id -id $id -value ${:value} } ::html::div -class file-control -id __a$id { foreach object_name [dict get $entry_info name] revision_id [:get_from_value ${:value} revision_id ""] fn $fns { #:msg "${:name}: [list :get_from_value <${:value}> name] => '$fn'" set href [::$package_id pretty_link -download 1 -parent_id [dict get $entry_info parent_id] $object_name] if {![:istype image]} { append href ?filename=[ns_urlencode $fn] if {[nsf::is integer $revision_id]} { append href &revision_id=$revision_id } } if {[info exists reset_required]} { set :required true } ::html::div { ::html::a -href $href {::html::t [:label_or_value $fn] } } } # # Show the clear button just when # - there is something to clear, and # - the formfield is not disabled, and # - the form-field is not sticky (default) # set disabled [:is_disabled] if {${:value} ne "" && !$disabled && !${:sticky}} { #::html::input -type button -value [_ xowiki.clear] -id $id-control set del_id "$id-control" ::html::a -href "#" -id $del_id -title [_ xowiki.clear] -class "delete-item-button" { html::t "" } template::add_event_listener -id $id-control -script [subst {document.getElementById('$id').value = ''; document.getElementById('__a$id').style.display = 'none';}] } }reset_on_validation_error (scripted)
# # Reset the value for form-fields of type "file" to empty to avoid # confusions in case of form validation errors. A file-name might # have been provided, but the file was not uploaded due to the # validation error. If we would not reset the value, the provided # name would cause an interpretation of an uploaded empty file. # #ns_log debug "reset_on_validation_error [:serialize]" set :value ""searchable (setter)
size (setter)
sticky (setter)
store_file (scripted)
set content_type_registered [::xo::dc get_value check_content_type { select case when exists (select 1 from cr_mime_types where mime_type = :content_type) then 1 else 0 end from dual }] # # If the provided mime type is not registered, or unknown, try # to look it up via the file extension. # if {!$content_type_registered || $content_type in { application/octetstream application/force-download } } { set content_type [::xowiki::guesstype $file_name] # # Here, the mime type could sill be an unknown/unregistered # one. We could check, whether this mime type is registered. If # not, we could add it on the fly or we could map it to the # registered unknown type (maybe via package parameter of # acs-content-repository + a new API call). # } set file_object [::$package_id get_page_from_name -name $object_name -parent_id $parent_id] if {$file_object ne ""} { # # File entry exists already, create a new revision # #:msg "new revision (value $file_name)" $file_object set import_file $tmpfile $file_object set mime_type $content_type $file_object set title $file_name eval $publish_date_cmd $file_object save {*}$save_flag } else { # # Create a new file # #:msg "new file" set package_id [${:object} package_id] set file_object [::xowiki::File new -title $file_name -name $object_name -parent_id $parent_id -mime_type $content_type -package_id $package_id -creation_user [::xo::cc user_id] -destroy_on_cleanup] $file_object set import_file $tmpfile eval $publish_date_cmd # # When production_mode is set, make sure, the new file object # is not in a published state. # if {[::$package_id get_parameter production_mode:boolean 0]} { $file_object publish_status "production" } $file_object save_new {*}$save_flag } return $file_objecttmpfile (scripted)
:set [self proc] $valuevalidator (setter)
value (scripted)
if {[llength $args] == 0} { if {[:no_value_provided]} { return [:get_old_value] } return ${:value} } return [next]viruscheck (setter)
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