Class ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages

::xowiki::includelet::form-usages[i] create ... \
           [ -__decoration (default "plain") ] \
           [ -parameter_declaration (default " {-form_item_id:integer,1..n} {-form} {-parent_id} {-package_ids ""} {-orderby "_raw_last_modified,desc"} {-view_field _name} {-publish_status "all"} {-field_names} {-hidden_field_names "_last_modified"} {-extra_form_constraints ""} {-inherit_from_forms ""} {-category_id} {-unless} {-where} {-extra_where_clause {}} {-csv true} {-voting_form} {-voting_form_form ""} {-voting_form_anon_instances "t"} {-generate} {-with_form_link true} {-with_categories} {-wf} {-bulk_actions ""} {-buttons "edit delete"} {-renderer ""} {-return_url} {-date_format} {-with_checkboxes:boolean false} ") ]

Show usages of the specified form.
Documented Parameters:
When provided and NOT empty, use the value as return_url. When provided and empty, do NOT set a return URL. When NOT provided, set the calling page as return_url.
Date format used for modification date. Might be "pretty-age" or a format string like "%Y-%m-%d %T".
a plain SQL clause that will be appended to the where clause retrieving the entries.
filter those entries where the instance attribute condition expressed by this flag does not match.
filter those entries where the instance attribute condition expressed by this flag matches.
Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/includelet-procs.tcl

Class Relations

  • class: ::xowiki::IncludeletClass[i]
  • superclass: ::xowiki::Includelet[i]

Methods (to be applied on instances)

  • __decoration (setter)

  • generate_voting_form (scripted)

  • parameter_declaration (setter)

  • render (scripted)


::xowiki::includelet::form-usages set __default_metaclass ::xotcl::Class
::xowiki::includelet::form-usages set __default_superclass ::xotcl::Object
::xowiki::includelet::form-usages set aggregating false
::xowiki::includelet::form-usages set cacheable false
::xowiki::includelet::form-usages set localized true
::xowiki::includelet::form-usages set personalized true