Class Relations


::216148 set context_id {}
::216148 set creation_date {2004-12-04 18:26:55.052656+01}
::216148 set creation_ip {}
::216148 set creation_user {}
::216148 set datatype number
::216148 set default_value {{acs_root_dir}/batch-sync-ack-{authority}-{ansi_date}.xml}
::216148 set description \
       {Full file path to where we should drop the acknowledgement file for batch syncs. You can use these special values: \
r} will get replaced with the root directory for this OpenACS installation, e.g. '/var/lib/aolserver/service0' (no trailing slash). \
       {ansi_date} will get replaced with today's date in ANSI format, e.g. '2003-10-29'. \
       {authority} will get replaced with the short_name of the authority, e.g. 'rz_pam'.}
::216148 set last_modified {2023-08-05 11:30:07.72381+02}
::216148 set max_n_values 1
::216148 set min_n_values 1
::216148 set modifying_ip {}
::216148 set modifying_user {}
::216148 set object_id 216148
::216148 set object_title AcknowledgementFileName
::216148 set package_id {}
::216148 set package_key acs-authentication
::216148 set parameter_id 216148
::216148 set parameter_name AcknowledgementFileName
::216148 set scope instance
::216148 set section_name {Batch Synchronization}
::216148 set security_inherit_p t