%3 ::nx::Object ::nx::Object ::nsshell::THREAD ::nsshell::THREAD do init ::nsshell::THREAD->::nx::Object

Class ::nsshell::THREAD

::nsshell::THREAD[i] create ... \
           [ -cmd:required cmd:required ] \
           [ -recreate:boolean recreate:boolean ] \
           [ -tid tid ]

Defined in /usr/local/ns/tcl/nsshell/shell.tcl

Class Relations

  • class: ::nx::Class[i]
  • superclass: ::nx::Object[i]
::nx::Class create ::nsshell::THREAD \
     -superclass ::nx::Object

Methods (to be applied on instances)

  • do (scripted, public)

     <instance of nsshell::THREAD[i]> do cmd

    ns_log notice "THREAD [self] received <$cmd>"


    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 thread::create thread::create thread::mutex thread::mutex thread::send thread::send nsshell::THREAD instproc do nsshell::THREAD instproc do nsshell::THREAD instproc do->thread::create nsshell::THREAD instproc do->thread::mutex nsshell::THREAD instproc do->thread::send

    No testcase defined.
    if {![nsv_exists [current class] [self]]} {
        # lazy creation of a new slave thread
        thread::mutex lock ${:mutex}
        if {![nsv_exists [current class] [self]]} {
            set :tid [::thread::create]
        nsv_set [current class] [self${:tid}
        set initcmd ${:initCmd}
        ::thread::send ${:tid} $initcmd
        set :tid [nsv_get [current class] [self]]
        thread::mutex unlock ${:mutex}
    } else {
        # slave thread is already up and running
        set :tid [nsv_get [current class] [self]]
    ns_log notice "calling [current class] (${:tid}, [pid]) $cmd"
    thread::send ${:tid} $cmd