%3 ::xotcl::Object ::xotcl::Object ::xo::db::sql::bt_project ::xo::db::sql::bt_project → delete → keywords_delete → new ::xo::db::sql::bt_project->::xotcl::Object

Class ::xo::db::sql::bt_project

::xo::db::sql::bt_project[i] create ...

Class Relations

  • class: ::xo::db::Class[i]
  • superclass: ::xotcl::Object[i]
::xo::db::Class create ::xo::db::sql::bt_project \
     -superclass ::xotcl::Object

Methods (to be applied on the object)

  • delete (scripted, public)

     xo::db::sql::bt_project[i] delete [ -dbn dbn ] -project_id project_id 

    Automatically generated method


    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 db_with_handle db_with_handle (public) xo::db::sql::bt_project proc delete xo::db::sql::bt_project proc delete xo::db::sql::bt_project proc delete->db_with_handle

    No testcase defined.
    #function_args: {PROJECT_ID {}}
    foreach var [list PROJECT_ID]  {
      set varname [string tolower $var]
      if {[info exists $varname]} {
        set $var [set $varname]
        set _$var :$var
      } else {
        set _$var null
    set sql "
    select bt_project__delete($_PROJECT_ID) 
    db_with_handle -dbn $dbn db {
      #ns_log notice "--sql=$sql"
      return [ ns_set value [ns_pg_bind 0or1row $db $sql] 0 ]
  • keywords_delete (scripted, public)

     xo::db::sql::bt_project[i] keywords_delete [ -dbn dbn ] \
        -project_id project_id 

    Automatically generated method


    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 db_with_handle db_with_handle (public) xo::db::sql::bt_project proc keywords_delete xo::db::sql::bt_project proc keywords_delete xo::db::sql::bt_project proc keywords_delete->db_with_handle

    No testcase defined.
    #function_args: {PROJECT_ID {}}
    foreach var [list PROJECT_ID]  {
      set varname [string tolower $var]
      if {[info exists $varname]} {
        set $var [set $varname]
        set _$var :$var
      } else {
        set _$var null
    set sql "
    select bt_project__keywords_delete($_PROJECT_ID) 
    db_with_handle -dbn $dbn db {
      #ns_log notice "--sql=$sql"
      return [ ns_set value [ns_pg_bind 0or1row $db $sql] 0 ]
  • new (scripted, public)

     xo::db::sql::bt_project[i] new [ -dbn dbn ] -package_id package_id  \
        [ -childof childof ]

    Automatically generated method


    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
    %3 db_with_handle db_with_handle (public) xo::db::sql::bt_project proc new xo::db::sql::bt_project proc new xo::db::sql::bt_project proc new->db_with_handle

    No testcase defined.
    #function_args: {PACKAGE_ID {}}
    foreach var [list PACKAGE_ID]  {
      set varname [string tolower $var]
      if {[info exists $varname]} {
        set $var [set $varname]
        set _$var :$var
      } else {
        set _$var null
    set sql "
    select bt_project__new($_PACKAGE_ID) 
    db_with_handle -dbn $dbn db {
      #ns_log notice "--sql=$sql"
      return [ ns_set value [ns_pg_bind 0or1row $db $sql] 0 ]