Class Relations

::xo::db::apm_parameter create ::1941


::1941 set context_id {}
::1941 set creation_date {2002-07-09 19:53:34+02}
::1941 set creation_ip {}
::1941 set creation_user {}
::1941 set datatype string
::1941 set default_value /var/tmp
::1941 set description \
       {Path to a directory where we can store temporary files. It needs to be writable by the user \
       that the webserver is running as.}
::1941 set last_modified {2006-01-05 19:26:40.172654+01}
::1941 set max_n_values 1
::1941 set min_n_values 1
::1941 set modifying_ip {}
::1941 set modifying_user {}
::1941 set object_id 1941
::1941 set object_title {acs-workflow: Parameter tmp_path}
::1941 set package_id {}
::1941 set package_key acs-workflow
::1941 set parameter_id 1941
::1941 set parameter_name tmp_path
::1941 set scope instance
::1941 set section_name {}
::1941 set security_inherit_p t