rss_gen_report (public)
rss_gen_report subscr_id
Defined in packages/rss-support/tcl/rss-generation-service-procs.tcl
Build a report, write it out, log it.
- Parameters:
- subscr_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set start [clock seconds] db_1row subscr_info {} set datasource [acs_sc::invoke -contract RssGenerationSubscriber -operation datasource -call_args $summary_context_id -impl $impl_name] if { $datasource eq "" } { ns_log Error "Empty datasource returned from $impl_name for context $summary_context_id in rss_gen_report. Probably because the implementation hasn't been bound." return } set args "" foreach {name val} $datasource { regsub -all {[\]\[\{\}""\\$]} $val {\\&} val append args "-$name \"$val\" " if { [lsearch [list channel_link channel_title] $name] >= 0 } { set $name $val } } #ns_log notice "FORMER ad_apply [list rss_gen {*}$args]" set xml [rss_gen {*}$args] # Write report. set report_file [rss_gen_report_file -summary_context_id $summary_context_id -impl_name $impl_name -assert] set fh [open $report_file w] puts $fh $xml fconfigure $fh -encoding [ns_config "ns/parameters" OutputCharset] close $fh # Copy some useful display information into the # subscriptions table. set extra_sql "" foreach col [list channel_title channel_link] { if {[info exists $col]} { append extra_sql ", $col = :$col" } } set last_ttb [expr {[clock seconds] - $start}] db_dml update_timestamp {}Generic XQL file: <fullquery name="rss_gen_report.update_timestamp"> <querytext> update rss_gen_subscrs set lastbuild = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, last_ttb = :last_ttb $extra_sql where subscr_id = :subscr_id </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="rss_gen_report.subscr_info"> <querytext> select i.impl_name, r.summary_context_id from acs_sc_impls i, rss_gen_subscrs r where r.subscr_id = :subscr_id and i.impl_id = r.impl_id </querytext> </fullquery>packages/rss-support/tcl/rss-generation-service-procs.xql
PostgreSQL XQL file: packages/rss-support/tcl/rss-generation-service-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: packages/rss-support/tcl/rss-generation-service-procs-oracle.xql