- Publicity: Public Only All
Localization procedures for OpenACS
This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html
- Location:
- packages/acs-lang/tcl/locale-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 28 September 2000
- Authors:
- Henry Minsky <hqm@mit.edu>
- Lars Pind <lars@pinds.com>
- CVS Identification:
$Id: locale-procs.tcl,v 1.53 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- lang::conn::charset (public)
- lang::conn::language (public)
- lang::conn::locale (public)
- lang::conn::timezone (public)
- lang::system::get_locale_options (public)
- lang::system::get_locales (public)
- lang::system::language (public)
- lang::system::locale (public)
- lang::system::locale_set_enabled (public)
- lang::system::package_level_locale (public)
- lang::system::set_locale (public)
- lang::system::set_timezone (public)
- lang::system::site_wide_locale (public)
- lang::system::timezone (public)
- lang::system::timezone_utc_offset (public)
- lang::system::use_package_level_locales_p (public)
- lang::user::language (public)
- lang::user::locale (public)
- lang::user::package_level_locale (public)
- lang::user::set_locale (public)
- lang::user::set_timezone (public)
- lang::user::site_wide_locale (public)
- lang::user::timezone (public)
Detailed information
lang::conn::charset (public)
Returns the MIME charset name corresponding to the current connection's locale.
- Returns:
- IANA MIME character set name
- Author:
- Lars Pind <lars@pinds.com>
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- test_get_locales
lang::conn::language (public)
lang::conn::language [ -package_id package_id ] [ -user_id user_id ] \ [ -site_wide ] [ -iso6392 ] [ -locale locale ]
Get the language for this request, perhaps for a given package instance.
- Switches:
- -package_id (optional)
- The package for which you want to get the language (used only when, no locale is provided).
- -user_id (optional)
- The user_id for whom you want to get the language (used only when, no locale is provided).
- -site_wide (optional, boolean)
- Set this if you want to get the site-wide language (used only when, no locale is provided).
- -iso6392 (optional, boolean)
- Set this if you want to force the iso-639-2 code
- -locale (optional)
- obtain language from provided locale
- Returns:
- 3 chars language code if iso6392 is set, left part of locale otherwise
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- test_get_locales
lang::conn::locale (public)
lang::conn::locale [ -package_id package_id ] [ -site_wide ] \ [ -user_id user_id ]
Get the locale for this request, perhaps for a given package instance.
- Switches:
- -package_id (optional)
- The package for which you want to get the locale.
- -site_wide (optional, boolean)
- Set this if you want to get the site-wide locale.
- -user_id (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- test_get_locales
lang::conn::timezone (public)
Get this connection's timezone. This is the user timezone, if set, otherwise the system timezone.
- Returns:
- a timezone name from acs-reference package (e.g., Asia/Tokyo, America/New_York)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- lang_test__lc_procs, set_get_timezone, set_timezone_not_logged_in, lc_time_fmt_Z_timezone, a_foreign_calendar_user
lang::system::get_locale_options (public)
Return all enabled locales in the system in a format suitable for the options argument of a form.
- Author:
- Lars Pind
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- test_get_locales
lang::system::get_locales (public)
lang::system::get_locales [ -all ]
Return all locales defined in the system. Per default only the enabled locales are returned. When the optional flag "-all" is specified, all defined locales are returned. This value is cached per thread and needs currently a server restart, when the system locales are changed.
- Switches:
- -all (optional, boolean)
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- test_get_locales, xowiki_test_cases
lang::system::language (public)
lang::system::language [ -package_id package_id ] [ -site_wide ] \ [ -iso6392 ]
Get system language setting for a given package instance.
- Switches:
- -package_id (optional)
- The package for which you want to get the language setting.
- -site_wide (optional, boolean)
- Set this if you want to get the site-wide language setting.
- -iso6392 (optional, boolean)
- Set this if you want to force iso-639-2 code (3 digits)
- Returns:
- 3 chars language code if iso6392 is set, left part of locale otherwise
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- test_get_locales
lang::system::locale (public)
lang::system::locale [ -package_id package_id ] [ -site_wide ]
Get system locale setting for a given package instance.
- Switches:
- -package_id (optional)
- The package for which you want to get the locale setting.
- -site_wide (optional, boolean)
- Set this if you want to get the site-wide locale setting.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- dt_localized_procs, locale__test_system_package_setting, test_get_locales, create_test_items, create_composite_test_item, create_folder_with_page, create_workflow_with_instance, link_tests, path_resolve, create_form_with_form_instance, create_form_with_numeric, form_validate
lang::system::locale_set_enabled (public)
lang::system::locale_set_enabled -locale locale -enabled_p enabled_p
Enables or disables a locale.
- Switches:
- -locale (required)
- -enabled_p (required)
- Should be t or f
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- lang_test__lc_procs, locale__test_lang_conn_browser_locale, locale_language_fallback, upgrade
lang::system::package_level_locale (public)
lang::system::package_level_locale package_id
- Parameters:
- package_id (required)
- Returns:
- empty string if not use_package_level_locales_p, or the package locale from apm_packages table.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- test_get_locales
lang::system::set_locale (public)
lang::system::set_locale [ -package_id package_id ] locale
Set system locale setting for a given package instance, or the site-wide system locale.
- Switches:
- -package_id (optional)
- The package for which you want to set the locale setting, if you want to set system setting for one package only. Leave blank for site-wide setting.
- Parameters:
- locale (required)
- The new locale that you want to use as your system locale.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- dt_localized_procs, locale__test_system_package_setting, test_get_locales, link_tests, slot_interactions, path_resolve
lang::system::set_timezone (public)
lang::system::set_timezone timezone
Tell OpenACS what timezone we think it's running in.
- Parameters:
- timezone (required)
- name from acs-reference package (e.g., Asia/Tokyo, America/New_York)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- lang_test__lc_procs, set_get_timezone
lang::system::site_wide_locale (public)
Get the site-wide system locale setting.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- locale__test_system_package_setting, ad_context_bar_multirow
lang::system::timezone (public)
Ask OpenACS what it thinks our timezone is.
- Returns:
- a timezone name from acs-reference package (e.g., Asia/Tokyo, America/New_York)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- set_get_timezone, set_timezone_not_logged_in, test_timezone_offset, a_foreign_calendar_user
lang::system::timezone_utc_offset (public)
- Returns:
- number of hours to subtract from local (database) time to get UTC
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- test_timezone_offset
lang::system::use_package_level_locales_p (public)
Returns whether we're using package level locales.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- test_get_locales
lang::user::language (public)
lang::user::language [ -package_id package_id ] [ -user_id user_id ] \ [ -site_wide ] [ -iso6392 ]
Get user language preference for a given package instance. This preliminary implementation only has one site-wide setting, though.
- Switches:
- -package_id (optional)
- The package for which you want to get the language setting.
- -user_id (optional)
- The user we wish to get the language for, defaults to connection user.
- -site_wide (optional, boolean)
- Set this if you want to get the site-wide language setting.
- -iso6392 (optional, boolean)
- Set this if you want to force iso-639-2 code (3 digits)
- Returns:
- 3 chars language code if iso6392 is set, left part of locale otherwise
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- test_get_locales
lang::user::locale (public)
lang::user::locale [ -package_id package_id ] [ -site_wide ] \ [ -user_id user_id ]
Get user locale preference for a given package instance.
- Switches:
- -package_id (optional)
- The package for which you want to get the locale preference.
- -site_wide (optional, boolean)
- Set this if you want to get the site-wide locale preference.
- -user_id (optional)
- Set this to the user you want to get the locale of, defaults to current user.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- test_get_locales, create_form_with_numeric
lang::user::package_level_locale (public)
lang::user::package_level_locale [ -user_id user_id ] package_id
Get the user's preferred package level locale for a package given by its package id.
- Switches:
- -user_id (optional)
- Parameters:
- package_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- test_get_locales
lang::user::set_locale (public)
lang::user::set_locale [ -package_id package_id ] [ -user_id user_id ] \ locale
Set user locale setting for a given package instance.
- Switches:
- -package_id (optional)
- The package for which you want to set the locale setting, if you want to set it for a specific package, as opposed to a site-wide setting.
- -user_id (optional)
- Parameters:
- locale (required)
- The new locale that you want to use as your system locale.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- lang_test__lang_user_site_wide_locale, test_get_locales, create_form_with_numeric
lang::user::set_timezone (public)
lang::user::set_timezone timezone
Set the user's timezone setting.
- Parameters:
- timezone (required)
- name from acs-reference package (e.g., Asia/Tokyo, America/New_York)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- set_get_timezone, set_timezone_not_logged_in
lang::user::site_wide_locale (public)
lang::user::site_wide_locale [ -user_id user_id ]
Get the user's preferred site-wide locale.
- Switches:
- -user_id (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- lang_test__lang_user_site_wide_locale
lang::user::timezone (public)
Get the user's timezone. Returns the empty string if the user has no timezone set.
- Returns:
- a timezone name from acs-reference package (e.g., Asia/Tokyo, America/New_York)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- set_get_timezone
Content File Source
ad_library { Localization procedures for OpenACS <p> This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html @creation-date 28 September 2000 @author Henry Minsky (hqm@mit.edu) @author Lars Pind (lars@pinds.com) @cvs-id $Id: locale-procs.tcl,v 1.53 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $ } namespace eval lang::system {} namespace eval lang::user {} namespace eval lang::conn {} ##### # # lang::system # ##### ad_proc -public lang::system::use_package_level_locales_p {} { Returns whether we're using package level locales. } { return [parameter::get -parameter UsePackageLevelLocalesP -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key "acs-lang"] -default 0] } d_proc -public lang::system::site_wide_locale { } { Get the site-wide system locale setting. } { set parameter_locale [parameter::get \ -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key "acs-lang"] \ -parameter "SiteWideLocale" \ -default "en_US"] # Check validity of parameter setting set valid_locales [lang::system::get_locales] if {$parameter_locale ni $valid_locales} { ns_log Error "The parameter setting acs-lang.SiteWideLocale=\"$parameter_locale\" is invalid. Valid locales are: \"$valid_locales\". Defaulting to en_US locale" return en_US } return $parameter_locale } d_proc -private lang::system::package_level_locale_not_cached { package_id } { return [db_string get_package_locale {} -default {}] } d_proc -public lang::system::package_level_locale { package_id } { @return empty string if not use_package_level_locales_p, or the package locale from apm_packages table. } { if { ![use_package_level_locales_p] } { return {} } return [util_memoize [list lang::system::package_level_locale_not_cached $package_id]] } d_proc -public lang::system::locale { {-package_id ""} {-site_wide:boolean} } { Get system locale setting for a given package instance. @param package_id The package for which you want to get the locale setting. @param site_wide Set this if you want to get the site-wide locale setting. } { if { $site_wide_p } { return [site_wide_locale] } if { $package_id eq "" && [ns_conn isconnected] } { set package_id [ad_conn package_id] } # Get locale for package set locale [package_level_locale $package_id] # If there's no package setting, use the site-wide setting if { $locale eq "" } { set locale [site_wide_locale] } return $locale } d_proc -public lang::system::set_locale { {-package_id ""} locale } { Set system locale setting for a given package instance, or the site-wide system locale. @param package_id The package for which you want to set the locale setting, if you want to set system setting for one package only. Leave blank for site-wide setting. @param locale The new locale that you want to use as your system locale. } { if { $package_id eq "" } { parameter::set_value \ -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key "acs-lang"] \ -parameter SiteWideLocale \ -value $locale } else { # Update the setting db_dml update_system_locale {} # Flush the cache util_memoize_flush [list lang::system::package_level_locale_not_cached $package_id] # TODO: We will need to have site-map inheritance for this, so packages under a subsite/dotlrn inherit the subsite's/dotlrn's setting } } d_proc -public lang::system::language { {-package_id ""} {-site_wide:boolean} {-iso6392:boolean} } { Get system language setting for a given package instance. @param package_id The package for which you want to get the language setting. @param site_wide Set this if you want to get the site-wide language setting. @param iso6392 Set this if you want to force iso-639-2 code (3 digits) @return 3 chars language code if iso6392 is set, left part of locale otherwise } { set locale [locale -package_id $package_id -site_wide=$site_wide_p] set sys_lang [lindex [split $locale "_"] 0] if { $iso6392_p } { return [lang::util::iso6392_from_language -language $sys_lang] } else { return $sys_lang } } ad_proc -public lang::system::timezone {} { Ask OpenACS what it thinks our timezone is. @return a timezone name from acs-reference package (e.g., Asia/Tokyo, America/New_York) } { set package_id [apm_package_id_from_key "acs-lang"] return [parameter::get -package_id $package_id -parameter SystemTimezone -default "Etc/UTC"] } d_proc -public lang::system::set_timezone { timezone } { Tell OpenACS what timezone we think it's running in. @param timezone name from acs-reference package (e.g., Asia/Tokyo, America/New_York) } { set package_id [apm_package_id_from_key "acs-lang"] parameter::set_value -package_id $package_id -parameter SystemTimezone -value $timezone } ad_proc -public lang::system::timezone_utc_offset { } { @return number of hours to subtract from local (database) time to get UTC } { set system_timezone [timezone] return [db_string system_utc_offset {}] } d_proc -public lang::system::get_locales { {-all:boolean} } { Return all locales defined in the system. Per default only the enabled locales are returned. When the optional flag "-all" is specified, all defined locales are returned. This value is cached per thread and needs currently a server restart, when the system locales are changed. @author Peter Marklund } { return [acs::per_thread_cache eval -key acs-lang.system_get_locales-$all_p { if {$all_p} { db_list select_defined_system_locales { select locale from ad_locales } } else { db_list select_enabled_system_locales { select locale from ad_locales where enabled_p = 't' } } }] } ad_proc -public lang::system::get_locale_options {} { Return all enabled locales in the system in a format suitable for the options argument of a form. @author Lars Pind } { return [util_memoize lang::system::get_locale_options_not_cached] } d_proc -public lang::system::locale_set_enabled { {-locale:required} {-enabled_p:required} } { Enables or disables a locale. @param enabled_p Should be t or f @author Peter Marklund } { db_dml set_enabled_p { update ad_locales set enabled_p = :enabled_p where locale = :locale } # Flush caches acs::per_thread_cache flush -pattern acs-lang.system_get_locales-* util_memoize_flush_regexp {^lang::util::default_locale_from_lang_not_cached} util_memoize_flush_regexp {^lang::system::get_locales} util_memoize_flush_regexp {^lang::system::get_locale_options} } ad_proc -private lang::system::get_locale_options_not_cached {} { Return all enabled locales in the system in a format suitable for the options argument of a form. @author Lars Pind } { return [db_list_of_lists select_locales {}] } ##### # # lang::user # ##### d_proc -private lang::user::package_level_locale_not_cached { user_id package_id } { Get the user's preferred package level locale for a package given by its package id. Will return the empty string if the user has not preference for the package. } { return [db_string get_user_locale {} -default ""] } d_proc -public lang::user::package_level_locale { {-user_id ""} package_id } { Get the user's preferred package level locale for a package given by its package id. } { # default to current user if { $user_id eq "" } { set user_id [ad_conn untrusted_user_id] } # If package-level locales are turned off, or the user isn't logged in, return the empty string if { ![lang::system::use_package_level_locales_p] || $user_id == 0 } { return {} } # Cache for the lifetime of sessions (7 days) return [util_memoize [list lang::user::package_level_locale_not_cached $user_id $package_id] [sec_session_timeout]] } d_proc -public lang::user::site_wide_locale { {-user_id ""} } { Get the user's preferred site-wide locale. } { # default to current user if { $user_id eq "" } { set user_id [ad_conn untrusted_user_id] } # For all the users with a user_id of 0 don't cache. if { $user_id == 0} { return [lang::user::site_wide_locale_not_cached $user_id] } # Cache for the lifetime of sessions (7 days) return [util_memoize [list lang::user::site_wide_locale_not_cached $user_id] [sec_session_timeout]] } d_proc -private lang::user::site_wide_locale_not_cached { user_id } { Get the user's preferred site-wide locale. } { set system_locale [lang::system::site_wide_locale] if { $user_id == 0 } { set cookie_name [security::cookie_name locale] set locale [ad_get_cookie $cookie_name] if {$locale ne ""} { # # Check, if someone hacked the cookie # if {$locale ni [lang::system::get_locales]} { ns_log warning "ignoring invalid ad_locale cookie '$locale'" set locale "" # # The cookie was invalid, so get rid of it. # ad_unset_cookie $cookie_name } } } else { set locale [db_string get_user_site_wide_locale {} -default ""] } # # When no locale cookie is set, or the locale is invalid or empty, # fall back to system locale. # if { $locale eq "" } { set locale $system_locale } return $locale } d_proc -public lang::user::locale { {-package_id ""} {-site_wide:boolean} {-user_id ""} } { Get user locale preference for a given package instance. @param package_id The package for which you want to get the locale preference. @param site_wide Set this if you want to get the site-wide locale preference. @param user_id Set this to the user you want to get the locale of, defaults to current user. } { # default to current user if { $user_id eq "" } { set user_id [ad_conn untrusted_user_id] } # default to current connection package if { $package_id eq "" } { set package_id [ad_conn package_id] } if {$site_wide_p} { set locale [site_wide_locale -user_id $user_id] } else { # # Try package level locale first unless site_wide_p was # specified. # set locale [package_level_locale -user_id $user_id $package_id] # # If there's no package setting, then use the site-wide # setting. # if { $locale eq "" } { set locale [site_wide_locale -user_id $user_id] } } return $locale } d_proc -public lang::user::set_locale { {-package_id ""} {-user_id ""} locale } { Set user locale setting for a given package instance. @param package_id The package for which you want to set the locale setting, if you want to set it for a specific package, as opposed to a site-wide setting. @param locale The new locale that you want to use as your system locale. } { if { $user_id eq "" } { set user_id [ad_conn user_id] } if { $user_id == 0 } { # Not logged in, use a cookie-based client locale set cookie_name [security::cookie_name locale] ad_set_cookie -replace t -max_age inf -samesite strict $cookie_name $locale # Flush the site-wide user preference cache util_memoize_flush [list lang::user::site_wide_locale_not_cached $user_id] return } if { $package_id eq "" } { # Set site-wide locale in user_preferences table db_dml set_user_site_wide_locale {} # Flush the site-wide user preference cache util_memoize_flush [list lang::user::site_wide_locale_not_cached $user_id] return } # The rest is for package level locale settings only # Even if package level locales are disabled, we'll still do this set user_locale_exists_p [db_string user_locale_exists_p {}] if { $user_locale_exists_p } { if { $locale ne "" } { db_dml update_user_locale {} } else { db_dml delete_user_locale {} } } else { if { $locale ne "" } { db_dml insert_user_locale {} } } # Flush the user locale preference cache util_memoize_flush [list lang::user::package_level_locale_not_cached $user_id $package_id] } d_proc -public lang::user::language { {-package_id ""} {-user_id ""} {-site_wide:boolean} {-iso6392:boolean} } { Get user language preference for a given package instance. This preliminary implementation only has one site-wide setting, though. @param package_id The package for which you want to get the language setting. @param user_id The user we wish to get the language for, defaults to connection user. @param site_wide Set this if you want to get the site-wide language setting. @param iso6392 Set this if you want to force iso-639-2 code (3 digits) @return 3 chars language code if iso6392 is set, left part of locale otherwise } { set locale [locale -package_id $package_id -user_id $user_id -site_wide=$site_wide_p] set user_lang [lindex [split $locale "_"] 0] if { $iso6392_p } { return [lang::util::iso6392_from_language -language $user_lang] } else { return $user_lang } } ad_proc -private lang::user::timezone_no_cache {user_id} { return [db_string select_user_timezone {} -default ""] } ad_proc -public lang::user::timezone {} { Get the user's timezone. Returns the empty string if the user has no timezone set. @return a timezone name from acs-reference package (e.g., Asia/Tokyo, America/New_York) } { set user_id [ad_conn user_id] if { $user_id == 0 } { return "" } return [util_memoize [list lang::user::timezone_no_cache $user_id]] } d_proc -public lang::user::set_timezone { timezone } { Set the user's timezone setting. @param timezone name from acs-reference package (e.g., Asia/Tokyo, America/New_York) } { set user_id [ad_conn user_id] if { $user_id == 0 } { error "User not logged in" } else { db_dml set_user_timezone {} util_memoize_flush [list lang::user::timezone_no_cache $user_id] } } ##### # # lang::conn # ##### d_proc -private lang::conn::locale_not_cached { {-package_id ""} {-site_wide:boolean} {-user_id ""} } { Get the locale for this request, perhaps for a given package instance. This is the not-cached version. @param package_id The package for which you want to get the locale. @param site_wide Set this if you want to get the site-wide locale. } { if { $site_wide_p } { set locale [lang::user::site_wide_locale] if { $locale eq "" } { set locale [lang::system::site_wide_locale] } # # Fallback to en_US when no locale is found or is not one of # those we support. # if { $locale eq "" || $locale ni [lang::system::get_locales]} { set locale en_US } return $locale } # default value for package_id if { $package_id eq "" } { set package_id [ad_conn package_id] } # use user's package level locale set locale [lang::user::package_level_locale -user_id $user_id $package_id] # if that does not exist use system's package level locale if { $locale eq "" } { set locale [lang::system::package_level_locale $package_id] } # if that does not exist use user's site-wide locale if { $locale eq "" } { set locale [lang::user::site_wide_locale -user_id $user_id] } # Use the accept-language browser heading if { $locale eq "" && [ns_conn isconnected]} { set locale [lang::conn::browser_locale] } # if that does not exist use system's site-wide locale if { $locale eq "" } { set locale [lang::system::site_wide_locale] } # if that does not exist, or is not supported, then we are back to # just another language let's pick uhmm... en_US if { $locale eq "" || $locale ni [lang::system::get_locales]} { set locale en_US } return $locale } d_proc -public lang::conn::locale { {-package_id ""} {-site_wide:boolean} {-user_id ""} } { Get the locale for this request, perhaps for a given package instance. @param package_id The package for which you want to get the locale. @param site_wide Set this if you want to get the site-wide locale. } { # Notice that caching for longer than the single request would be # more complex, e.g. defaults coming from ad_conn in the various # procs and flushing. return [acs::per_request_cache eval \ -key acs-lang.lang.conn.locale($package_id,$site_wide_p,$user_id) { lang::conn::locale_not_cached \ -package_id $package_id \ -site_wide=$site_wide_p \ -user_id $user_id }] } ad_proc -private lang::conn::browser_locale {} { Get the users preferred locale from the accept-language HTTP header. @return A locale or an empty string if no locale can be found that is supported by the system @author Lars Pind @author Peter Marklund } { set conn_locales [lang::conn::get_accept_language_header] set system_locales [lang::system::get_locales] foreach locale $conn_locales { regexp {^([^_]+)(?:_([^_]+))?$} $locale locale language region if { [info exists region] && $region ne "" } { # We have both language and region, e.g. en_US if {$locale in $system_locales} { # The locale was found in the system, a perfect match set perfect_match $locale break } else { # We don't have the full locale in the system but check if # we have a different locale with matching language, # i.e. a tentative match if { ![info exists tentative_match] } { set default_locale [lang::util::default_locale_from_lang $language] if { $default_locale ne "" } { set tentative_match $default_locale } } else { # We already have a tentative match with higher priority so # continue searching for a perfect match continue } } } else { # We have just a language, e.g. en set default_locale [lang::util::default_locale_from_lang $locale] if { $default_locale ne "" } { set perfect_match $default_locale break } } } if { [info exists perfect_match] && $perfect_match ne "" } { return $perfect_match } elseif { [info exists tentative_match] && $tentative_match ne "" } { return $tentative_match } else { # We didn't find a match return "" } } ad_proc -private lang::conn::valid_locale_p {locale} { Check, of the provided locale is syntactically correct } { return [regexp {^[a-zA-Z]+(_[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?$} $locale] } ad_proc -private lang::conn::get_accept_language_header {} { Obtain a list of locals from the request headers. @return a list of locales in the syntax used by OpenACS (ISO codes) } { set acclang [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] "Accept-Language"] # Split by comma, and get rid of any ;q=0.5 parts # acclang is something like 'da,en-us;q=0.8,es-ni;q=0.5,de;q=0.3' set acclangv [list] foreach elm [split $acclang ","] { # Get rid of trailing ;q=0.5 part and trim spaces set elm [string trimleft [lindex [split $elm ";"] 0] " "] # Ignore the default catchall setting "*" if {$elm eq "*"} { continue } # elm is now either like 'da' or 'en-us' # make it into something like 'da' or 'en_US' set elmv [split $elm "-"] set elm [lindex $elmv 0] if { [llength $elmv] > 1 } { append elm "_[string toupper [lindex $elmv 1]]" } if {[lang::conn::valid_locale_p $elm]} { lappend acclangv $elm } else { # It is usually bots or other kinds of not-canonical web # browsers which set this wrong. We tolerate it by # assuming our default language. ns_log warning "Invalid locale '$elm' in provided Accept-Language header field. Defaulting to system locale." return [lang::system::locale] } } return $acclangv } d_proc -public lang::conn::language { {-package_id ""} {-user_id ""} {-site_wide:boolean} {-iso6392:boolean} {-locale ""} } { Get the language for this request, perhaps for a given package instance. @param package_id The package for which you want to get the language (used only when, no locale is provided). @param user_id The user_id for whom you want to get the language (used only when, no locale is provided). @param site_wide Set this if you want to get the site-wide language (used only when, no locale is provided). @param iso6392 Set this if you want to force the iso-639-2 code @param locale obtain language from provided locale @return 3 chars language code if iso6392 is set, left part of locale otherwise } { if {$locale eq ""} { set locale [locale -package_id $package_id -user_id $user_id -site_wide=$site_wide_p] } set conn_lang [lindex [split $locale "_"] 0] if { $iso6392_p } { return [lang::util::iso6392_from_language -language $conn_lang] } else { return $conn_lang } } d_proc -public lang::conn::charset { } { Returns the MIME charset name corresponding to the current connection's locale. @author Lars Pind (lars@pinds.com) @return IANA MIME character set name } { return [lang::util::charset_for_locale [lang::conn::locale]] } ad_proc -public lang::conn::timezone {} { Get this connection's timezone. This is the user timezone, if set, otherwise the system timezone. @return a timezone name from acs-reference package (e.g., Asia/Tokyo, America/New_York) } { set timezone {} if { [ad_conn isconnected] } { set timezone [lang::user::timezone] } if { $timezone eq "" } { # No user timezone, return the system timezone set timezone [lang::system::timezone] } return $timezone } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: