• Publicity: Public Only All


The ACS Request Processor: the set of routines called upon every single HTTP request to an ACS server.

15 May 2000
Jon Salz <jsalz@arsdigita.com>
CVS Identification:
$Id: request-processor-procs.tcl,v 1.157 2024/10/28 16:04:31 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

acs::root_of_host (public)

 acs::root_of_host host

Maps a hostname to the corresponding subdirectory.

host (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_link_tests link_tests (test xowiki) acs::root_of_host acs::root_of_host test_link_tests->acs::root_of_host test_package_normalize_path package_normalize_path (test xowiki) test_package_normalize_path->acs::root_of_host test_path_resolve path_resolve (test xowiki) test_path_resolve->acs::root_of_host test_slot_interactions slot_interactions (test xowiki) test_slot_interactions->acs::root_of_host test_xowiki_test_cases xowiki_test_cases (test xowiki) test_xowiki_test_cases->acs::root_of_host acs::root_of_host_noncached acs::root_of_host_noncached (private) acs::root_of_host->acs::root_of_host_noncached rp_filter rp_filter (private) rp_filter->acs::root_of_host xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize (public) xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize->acs::root_of_host

package_normalize_path, xowiki_test_cases, link_tests, slot_interactions, path_resolve

ad_acs_kernel_id (public)


Returns the package_id of the kernel.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_acs_system_information_api acs_system_information_api (test acs-tcl) ad_acs_kernel_id ad_acs_kernel_id test_acs_system_information_api->ad_acs_kernel_id test_auth_email_on_password_change auth_email_on_password_change (test acs-authentication) test_auth_email_on_password_change->ad_acs_kernel_id test_auth_password_change auth_password_change (test acs-authentication) test_auth_password_change->ad_acs_kernel_id test_auth_use_email_for_login_p auth_use_email_for_login_p (test acs-authentication) test_auth_use_email_for_login_p->ad_acs_kernel_id test_link_tests link_tests (test xowiki) test_link_tests->ad_acs_kernel_id acs_privacy::privacy_control_enabled_p acs_privacy::privacy_control_enabled_p (public, deprecated) acs_privacy::privacy_control_enabled_p->ad_acs_kernel_id acs_privacy::privacy_control_set acs_privacy::privacy_control_set (public, deprecated) acs_privacy::privacy_control_set->ad_acs_kernel_id apm_system_paths apm_system_paths (private) apm_system_paths->ad_acs_kernel_id auth::UseEmailForLoginP auth::UseEmailForLoginP (public) auth::UseEmailForLoginP->ad_acs_kernel_id auth::check_local_account_status auth::check_local_account_status (private) auth::check_local_account_status->ad_acs_kernel_id

auth_password_change, auth_use_email_for_login_p, auth_email_on_password_change, password_recovery_page, acs_system_information_api, link_tests

ad_conn (public)

 ad_conn [ args... ]

Returns a property about the connection. See the request processor documentation for an (incomplete) list of allowable values. If option "-set" is passed as first argument, then ad_conn sets the specified property, otherwise it returns its value. If the property has not been set directly by OpenACS it will be passed on to AOLserver's/NaviServer's ns_conn If the property is not a valid option for ns_conn either then it will throw an error.

Valid options for ad_conn are: ajax_p, behind_proxy_p, behind_secure_proxy_p, bot_p, browser_id, deferred_dml, extra_url, instance_name, last_issue, mobile_p, node_id, object_id, object_type, object_url, package_id, package_key, package_url, path_info, peeraddr, recursion_count, request, sec_validated, session_id, start_clicks, subsite_id, subsite_node_id, subsite_url, system_p, token, untrusted_user_id, user_id, vhost_package_url, vhost_subsite_url, vhost_url.

See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_cookie_consent__setup cookie_consent__setup (test cookie-consent) ad_conn ad_conn test_cookie_consent__setup->ad_conn acs::icanuse acs::icanuse (public) ad_conn->acs::icanuse apm_package_id_from_key apm_package_id_from_key (public) ad_conn->apm_package_id_from_key parameter::get parameter::get (public) ad_conn->parameter::get site_node::closest_ancestor_package site_node::closest_ancestor_package (public) ad_conn->site_node::closest_ancestor_package site_node::get site_node::get (public) ad_conn->site_node::get Class ::xo::db::Class Class ::xo::db::Class (public) Class ::xo::db::Class->ad_conn Class ::xowiki::formfield::numeric Class ::xowiki::formfield::numeric (public) Class ::xowiki::formfield::numeric->ad_conn Class ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce Class ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce (public) Class ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce->ad_conn Class ::xowiki::includelet::categories Class ::xowiki::includelet::categories (public) Class ::xowiki::includelet::categories->ad_conn Object ::throttle Object ::throttle (public) Object ::throttle->ad_conn


ad_host (public)


Returns the hostname as it was typed in the browser, provided forcehostp is set to 0.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_link_tests link_tests (test xowiki) ad_host ad_host test_link_tests->ad_host test_package_normalize_path package_normalize_path (test xowiki) test_package_normalize_path->ad_host test_path_resolve path_resolve (test xowiki) test_path_resolve->ad_host test_slot_interactions slot_interactions (test xowiki) test_slot_interactions->ad_host test_xowiki_test_cases xowiki_test_cases (test xowiki) test_xowiki_test_cases->ad_host rp_filter rp_filter (private) rp_filter->ad_host xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize (public) xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize->ad_host

package_normalize_path, xowiki_test_cases, link_tests, slot_interactions, path_resolve

ad_register_filter (public)

 ad_register_filter [ -debug debug ] [ -priority priority ] \
    [ -critical critical ] [ -description description ] kind method \
    path proc [ arg ]

Registers a filter that gets called during page serving. The filter should return one of

  • filter_ok, meaning the page serving will continue;
  • filter_break meaning the rest of the filters of this type will not be called;
  • filter_return meaning the server will close the connection and end the request processing.

-debug (optional, defaults to "f")
If debug is set to "t", all invocations of the filter will be ns_logged.
-priority (optional, defaults to "10000")
Priority is an integer; lower numbers indicate higher priority.
-critical (optional, defaults to "f")
If a filter is critical, page viewing will abort if a filter fails.
-description (optional)
kind (required)
Specify preauth, postauth or trace.
method (required)
Use a method of "*" to register GET, POST, and HEAD filters.
path (required)
proc (required)
arg (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 http_auth::register_filter http_auth::register_filter (public) ad_register_filter ad_register_filter http_auth::register_filter->ad_register_filter packages/acs-core-docs/tcl/acs-core-docs-init.tcl packages/acs-core-docs/ tcl/acs-core-docs-init.tcl packages/acs-core-docs/tcl/acs-core-docs-init.tcl->ad_register_filter packages/acs-developer-support/tcl/acs-developer-support-init.tcl packages/acs-developer-support/ tcl/acs-developer-support-init.tcl packages/acs-developer-support/tcl/acs-developer-support-init.tcl->ad_register_filter packages/acs-tcl/tcl/admin-init.tcl packages/acs-tcl/ tcl/admin-init.tcl packages/acs-tcl/tcl/admin-init.tcl->ad_register_filter packages/acs-templating/tcl/template-init.tcl packages/acs-templating/ tcl/template-init.tcl packages/acs-templating/tcl/template-init.tcl->ad_register_filter apm_first_time_loading_p apm_first_time_loading_p (public) ad_register_filter->apm_first_time_loading_p

No testcase defined.

ad_register_proc (public)

 ad_register_proc [ -sitewide ] [ -debug debug ] \
    [ -noinherit noinherit ] [ -description description ] method path \
    proc [ arg ]

Registers a procedure (see ns_register_proc for syntax). Use a method of "*" to register GET, POST, and HEAD filters. If debug is set to "t", all invocations of the procedure will be logged in the server log.

-sitewide (optional, boolean)
specifies that the filter should be applied on a sitewide (not subsite-by-subsite basis).
-debug (optional, defaults to "f")
-noinherit (optional, defaults to "f")
-description (optional)
method (required)
path (required)
proc (required)
arg (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_test_ad_register_proc test_ad_register_proc (test acs-tcl) ad_register_proc ad_register_proc test_test_ad_register_proc->ad_register_proc request_processor::test::require_registered_procs request_processor::test::require_registered_procs (private) request_processor::test::require_registered_procs->ad_register_proc


ad_script_abort (public)


Aborts the current running Tcl script, returning to the request processor. Used to stop processing after doing ad_returnredirect or other commands which have already returned output to the client. After such operations, the connection for this request is closed and no more replies can be sent to the client.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_return_exception_template ad_return_exception_template (test acs-templating) ad_script_abort ad_script_abort test_ad_return_exception_template->ad_script_abort test_create_folder_with_page create_folder_with_page (test xowf) test_create_folder_with_page->ad_script_abort test_create_form_with_form_instance create_form_with_form_instance (test xowiki) test_create_form_with_form_instance->ad_script_abort test_create_workflow_with_instance create_workflow_with_instance (test xowf) test_create_workflow_with_instance->ad_script_abort test_xowiki_test_cases xowiki_test_cases (test xowiki) test_xowiki_test_cases->ad_script_abort ad_raise ad_raise (public) ad_script_abort->ad_raise Class ::Generic::Form Class ::Generic::Form (public) Class ::Generic::Form->ad_script_abort Class ::xo::Context Class ::xo::Context (public) Class ::xo::Context->ad_script_abort Class ::xowiki::includelet::categories Class ::xowiki::includelet::categories (public) Class ::xowiki::includelet::categories->ad_script_abort Class ::xowiki::includelet::slidy Class ::xowiki::includelet::slidy (public) Class ::xowiki::includelet::slidy->ad_script_abort acs_mail_lite::load_mails acs_mail_lite::load_mails (public, deprecated) acs_mail_lite::load_mails->ad_script_abort

ad_return_exception_template, create_folder_with_page, create_workflow_with_instance, xowiki_test_cases, create_form_with_form_instance

rp_handle_tcl_request (public)


Handles a request for a .tcl file. Sets up the stack of datasource frames, in case the page is templated.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 db_qd_get_fullname db_qd_get_fullname (public) rp_handle_tcl_request rp_handle_tcl_request db_qd_get_fullname->rp_handle_tcl_request ad_conn ad_conn (public) rp_handle_tcl_request->ad_conn

No testcase defined.

rp_internal_redirect (public)

 rp_internal_redirect [ -absolute_path ] path

Tell the request processor to return some other page. The path can either be relative to the current directory (e.g. "some-template") relative to the server root (e.g. "/packages/my-package/www/some-template"), or an absolute path (e.g. "/home/donb/openacs-4/templates/some-cms-template"). When there is no extension then the request processor will choose the matching file according to the extension preferences. Parameters will stay the same as in the initial request. Keep in mind that if you do an internal redirect to something other than the current directory, relative links returned to the clients browser may be broken (since the client will have the original URL). Update the ns_set obtained via ns_getform if you want to feed query variables to the redirected page.

-absolute_path (optional, boolean)
If set the path is an absolute path within the host filesystem
path (required)
path to the file to serve
See Also:
  • ns_getform
  • ns_set

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_create_workflow_with_instance create_workflow_with_instance (test xowf) rp_internal_redirect rp_internal_redirect test_create_workflow_with_instance->rp_internal_redirect ad_conn ad_conn (public) rp_internal_redirect->ad_conn rp_serve_abstract_file rp_serve_abstract_file (private) rp_internal_redirect->rp_serve_abstract_file ad_core_docs_html_redirector ad_core_docs_html_redirector (private) ad_core_docs_html_redirector->rp_internal_redirect packages/acs-api-browser/www/index.tcl packages/acs-api-browser/ www/index.tcl packages/acs-api-browser/www/index.tcl->rp_internal_redirect packages/acs-subsite/www/index.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/index.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/index.tcl->rp_internal_redirect


rp_serve_concrete_file (public)

 rp_serve_concrete_file file

Serves a file.

file (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 rp_handle_request rp_handle_request (private) rp_serve_concrete_file rp_serve_concrete_file rp_handle_request->rp_serve_concrete_file rp_serve_abstract_file rp_serve_abstract_file (private) rp_serve_abstract_file->rp_serve_concrete_file ad_file ad_file (public) rp_serve_concrete_file->ad_file ad_raise ad_raise (public) rp_serve_concrete_file->ad_raise ad_try ad_try (public) rp_serve_concrete_file->ad_try ds_add ds_add (public) rp_serve_concrete_file->ds_add ds_init ds_init (public) rp_serve_concrete_file->ds_init

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

ad_library {

    The ACS Request Processor: the set of routines called upon every
    single HTTP request to an ACS server.

    @author Jon Salz (jsalz@arsdigita.com)
    @creation-date 15 May 2000
    @cvs-id $Id: request-processor-procs.tcl,v 1.157 2024/10/28 16:04:31 gustafn Exp $


d_proc -public rp_internal_redirect {
} {

    Tell the request processor to return some other page.

    The path can either be relative to the current directory (e.g. "some-template")
    relative to the server root (e.g. "/packages/my-package/www/some-template"), or
    an absolute path (e.g. "/home/donb/openacs-4/templates/some-cms-template").

    When there is no extension then the request processor will choose the
    matching file according to the extension preferences.

    Parameters will stay the same as in the initial request.

    Keep in mind that if you do an internal redirect to something other than
    the current directory, relative links returned to the clients
    browser may be broken (since the client will have the original URL).

    Update the ns_set obtained via ns_getform if you want to feed
    query variables to the redirected page.

    @param absolute_path If set the path is an absolute path within the host filesystem
    @param path path to the file to serve

    @see ns_getform
    @see ns_set

} {

    # protect from circular redirects

    if { ![info exists ::__rp_internal_redirect_recursion_counter] } {
        set ::__rp_internal_redirect_recursion_counter 0
    } elseif$::__rp_internal_redirect_recursion_counter > 10 } {
        error "rp_internal_redirect: Recursion limit exceeded."
    } else {
        incr ::__rp_internal_redirect_recursion_counter

    if { [string is false $absolute_path_p] } {
        if { [string index $path 0] ne "/" } {
            # it's a relative path, prepend the current location
            set path "[file dirname [ad_conn file]]/$path"
        } else {
            set path "$::acs::rootdir$path"

    # Save the current file setting.
    set saved_file [ad_conn file]

    rp_serve_abstract_file $path

    # Restore the file setting. We need to do this because
    # rp_serve_abstract_file sets it to the path we internally
    # redirected to, and rp_handler will cache the file setting
    # internally in the ::tcl_url2file variable when PerformanceModeP
    # is switched on. This way it caches the location that was
    # originally requested, not the path that we redirected to.
    ad_conn -set file $saved_file

ad_proc -private rp_registered_proc_info_compare { info1 info2 } {

    A comparison predicate for registered procedures, returning -1, 0,
    or 1 depending the relative sorted order of $info1 and $info2 in the
    procedure list. Items with longer paths come first.

} {
    set info1_path [lindex $info1 1]
    set info2_path [lindex $info2 1]

    set info1_path_length [string length $info1_path]
    set info2_path_length [string length $info2_path]

    if { $info1_path_length < $info2_path_length } {
        return 1
    if { $info1_path_length > $info2_path_length } {
        return -1
    return 0

d_proc -public ad_register_proc {
    { -debug f }
    { -noinherit f }
    { -description "" }
    method path proc { arg "" }
} {

    Registers a procedure (see ns_register_proc for syntax). Use a
    method of "*" to register GET, POST, and HEAD filters. If debug is
    set to "t", all invocations of the procedure will be logged in the
    server log.

    @param sitewide specifies that the filter should be applied on a
    sitewide (not subsite-by-subsite basis).

} {
    if {$method eq "*"} {
        # Shortcut to allow registering filter for all methods. Just
        # call ad_register_proc again, with each of the three methods.
        foreach method { GET POST HEAD } {
            ad_register_proc -debug $debug -noinherit $noinherit $method $path $proc $arg

    if {$method ni { GET POST HEAD PUT DELETE }} {
        error "Method passed to ad_register_proc must be one of GET, POST, HEAD, PUT and DELETE"

    set proc_info [list $method $path $proc $arg $debug $noinherit $description [info script]]
    nsv_lappend rp_registered_procs . $proc_info

ad_proc -private rp_invoke_filter { why filter_info } {

    Invokes the filter described in $argv, writing an error message to
    the browser if it fails (unless <i>kind</i> is <code>trace</code>).

} {
    set startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]
    lassign $filter_info filter_index debug_p arg_count proc arg

    rp_debug -debug $debug_p "Invoking $why filter $proc"
    #ns_log notice "RP_INVOKE_FILTER " filter_info <$filter_info> why <$why> proc <$proc> arg_count $arg_count

    switch -- $arg_count {
        0 { set cmd $proc }
        1 { set cmd [list $proc $why ] }
        default { set cmd [list $proc $arg $why ] }

    set errno 0
    ad_try -auto_abort=false {
    } trap {AD EXCEPTION ad_script_abort} {r} {
        # no need to propagate the exception
        set result filter_return
    } on error {errMsg} {
        set errno 1
    } on ok {r} {
        set result $r

    if { $errno == 1 } {
        # Uh-oh - an error occurred.
        ds_add rp [list filter [list $why [ns_conn method] [ns_conn url] $proc $arg] \
                       $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds] "error" $::errorInfo]
        # make sure you report catching the error!
        set error_msg "result $errMsg filter $proc for [ns_conn request] errorInfo is $::errorInfo"
        rp_debug $error_msg
        ns_log error "rp_invoke_filter: $error_msg"
        set result filter_return

    } elseif {$result ni {"filter_ok" "filter_break" "filter_return"} } {
        set error_msg "error in filter $proc for [ns_conn request]. Filter returned invalid result \"$result\""
        ds_add rp [list filter [list $why [ns_conn method] [ns_conn url] $proc $arg] \
                       $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds] "error" $error_msg]
        # report the bad filter_return message
        rp_debug -debug t -ns_log_level error $error_msg
        rp_report_error -message $error_msg
        ns_log error "rp_invoke_filter: $error_msg"
        set result filter_return
    } else {
        ds_add rp [list filter [list $why [ns_conn method] [ns_conn url] $proc $arg] \
                       $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds] $result]

    rp_debug -debug $debug_p "Done invoking $why filter $proc (returning $result)"
    return $result

ad_proc -private rp_invoke_proc { argv } {

    Invokes a registered procedure.

} {
    set startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]

    lassign $argv proc_index debug_p arg_count proc arg

    rp_debug -debug $debug_p "Invoking registered procedure $proc"

    switch -- $arg_count {
        0 { set cmd $proc }
        1 { set cmd [list $proc {*}$arg] }
        default { set cmd [list $proc {*}$arg] }

    ad_try -auto_abort=false {
    } trap {AD EXCEPTION ad_script_abort} {r} {
        # do nothing on ad_script_aborts
        ns_log notice "rp_invoke_proc: aborted cmd: $cmd"
        ds_add rp [list registered_proc $cmd $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]
    } on error {errMsg} {
        ds_add rp [list registered_proc $cmd $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds] error $::errorInfo]
        rp_debug "error in $proc for [ns_conn method] [ns_conn url]?[ns_conn query] errorInfo is $::errorInfo"
        ns_log Error "rp_invoke_proc: '$cmd' returned error: $errMsg\n$::errorInfo"
    } on ok {r} {
        ds_add rp [list registered_proc $cmd $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]
    } finally {
        rp_debug -debug $debug_p "Done Invoking registered procedure $proc"


ad_proc -private rp_finish_serving_page {} {
    if { [info exists ::doc_properties(body)] } {
        set partial_properties [string range $::doc_properties(body) 0 100]
        set lvl  [expr {[info level] - 1}]
        rp_debug "Returning page:[info level $lvl: [ns_quotehtml $partial_properties]"
        doc_return 200 text/html $::doc_properties(body)

d_proc -public ad_register_filter {
    { -debug f }
    { -priority 10000 }
    { -critical f }
    { -description "" }
    kind method path proc { arg "" }
} {

    Registers a filter that gets called during page serving. The filter
    should return one of

    <li><code>filter_ok</code>, meaning the page serving will continue;

    <li><code>filter_break</code> meaning the rest of the filters of
    this type will not be called;

    <li><code>filter_return</code> meaning the server will close the
    connection and end the request processing.

    @param kind Specify preauth, postauth or trace.

    @param method Use a method of "*" to register GET, POST, and HEAD

    @param priority Priority is an integer; lower numbers indicate
    higher priority.

    @param critical If a filter is critical, page viewing will abort if
    a filter fails.

    @param debug If debug is set to "t", all invocations of the filter
    will be ns_logged.

} {
    if {$method eq "*"} {
        # Shortcut to allow registering filter for all methods.
        foreach method { GET POST HEAD } {
           ad_register_filter -debug $debug -priority $priority -critical $critical $kind $method $path $proc $arg

    if {$method ni { GET POST HEAD }} {
        error "Method passed to ad_register_filter must be one of GET, POST, or HEAD"

    # Append the filter to the list. The list will be sorted according to priority
    # and the filters will be bulk-registered after package-initialization.
    # Also, the "Monitoring" package will be able to list the filters in this list.
    nsv_lappend rp_filters . \
        [list $priority $kind $method $path $proc $arg $debug $critical $description [info script]]

    # Register the filter immediately if the call is not from an *-init.tcl script.
    if { ![apm_first_time_loading_p] } {
        # Figure out how to invoke the filter, based on the number of arguments.
        if { [llength [info procs $proc]] == 0 } {
            # [info procs $proc] returns nothing when the procedure has been
            # registered by C code (e.g., ns_returnredirect). Assume that neither
            # "conn" nor "why" is present in this case.
            set arg_count 1
        } else {
            set arg_count [llength [info args $proc]]

        set filter_index {}
        ns_register_filter $kind $method $path rp_invoke_filter [list $filter_index $debug $arg_count $proc $arg]

ad_proc -private rp_html_directory_listing { dir } {

    Generates an HTML-formatted listing of a directory. This is mostly
    stolen from _ns_dirlist in an AOLserver module (fastpath.tcl).

} {
    # Create the table header.
    set list "
<tr align='left'><th>File</th><th>Size</th><th>Date</th></tr>
<tr align='left'><td colspan='3'><a href='../'>..</a></td></tr>

    # Loop through the files, adding a row to the table for each.
    foreach file [lsort [glob -nocomplain $dir/*]] {
        set tailHtml [ns_quotehtml [ad_file tail $file]]
        set link "<a href=\"$tailHtml\">$tailHtml</a>"

        # Build the stat array containing information about the file.
        file stat $file stat
        set size [expr {$stat(size) / 1000 + 1}]K
        set mtime $stat(mtime)
        set time [clock format $mtime -format "%d-%h-%Y %H:%M"]

        # Write out the row.
        append list "<tr align='left'><td>$link</td><td>$size</td><td>$time</td></tr>\n"
    append list "</table>"
    return $list

# NSV arrays used by the request processor:
#   - rp_filters($method,$kind), where $method in (GET, POST, HEAD)
#     and kind in (preauth, postauth, trace) A list of $kind filters
#     to be considered for HTTP requests with method $method. The
#     value is of the form
#         [list $priority $kind $method $path $proc $args $debug \
#               $critical $description $script]
#   - rp_registered_procs($method), where $method in (GET, POST, HEAD)
#     A list of registered procs to be considered for HTTP requests with
#     method $method. The value is of the form
#         [list $method $path $proc $args $debug $noinherit \
#               $description $script]
#    - rp_extension_handlers($extension)
#      Registers a proc used to handle requests for files with a particular
#      extension. Used just in rp_serve_concrete_file.
# "ad_register_filter", "ad_register_procs" and
# "rp_register_extension_handler" are used to add elements to these
# NSVs. We use lists rather than arrays for these data structures
# since "array get" and "array set" are rather expensive and we want
# to keep lookups fast.

ad_proc -private rp_serve_resource_file { path } {

    Serve the resource file if kernel parameter settings allow this.

} {
    if { ![rp_file_can_be_public_p $path] } {
        ad_raise notfound
    set expireTime [parameter::get -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -parameter ResourcesExpireInterval -default 0]
    if {$expireTime != 0} {
        try {
            expr {int([ns_baseunit -time $expireTime])}
        } on ok {expireTime} {
        } on error {errorMsg} {
            ns_log error "rp_serve_resource_file: invalid expire time '$expireTime' specified"
            set expireTime 0
        ns_setexpires $expireTime
    set mime_type [ns_guesstype $path]
    ::security::csp::add_static_resource_header -mime_type $mime_type

    ns_returnfile 200 [ns_guesstype $path$path
    return filter_return

ad_proc -private rp_resources_filter { why } {

    This filter runs on all URLs of the form /resources/*.  We just
    ns_returnfile the file, no permissions are checked, the ad_conn
    structure is not initialized, etc in order to maximize throughput
    for resource files.

    There are three mapping possibilities:

    /resources/package-key/* maps to

    If that fails, we map to root/packages/acs-subsite/www/resources/*
    If that fails, we map to root/www/resources/*

    If the file doesn't exist we'll log an error and return filter_ok, which will allow
    packages mounted at "/resources" in a legacy site to work correctly.  This is a
    horrible kludge which may disappear after discussion with the gang.

    @author Don Baccus (dhogaza@pacifier.com)

} {
    if {[namespace which ::valgrind] ne ""} {
        ::valgrind start

    ad_conn -set untrusted_user_id 0

    set urlv [ns_conn urlv]
    set package_key [lindex $urlv 1]
    set resource [join [lrange $urlv 2 end] /]

    # This would map resources to their alternative in the theme
    # package. Works, but needs some extra thought regarding
    # performance etc. and is therefore commented out.
    # set path "packages/$package_key/www/resources/$resource"
    # set themed_path [template::resource_path -type templates -style $path]
    # if { [ad_file isfile $themed_path] } {
    #     return [rp_serve_resource_file $themed_path]
    # }

    set path "[acs_package_root_dir $package_key]/www/resources/$resource"
    if { [ad_file isfile $path] } {
        return [rp_serve_resource_file $path]

    set path $::acs::rootdir/www/[ns_conn url]
    if { [ad_file isfile $path] } {
        return [rp_serve_resource_file $path]

    set path [acs_package_root_dir acs-subsite]/www/[ns_conn url]
    if { [ad_file isfile $path] } {
        return [rp_serve_resource_file $path]

    ns_log Warning "rp_sources_filter: file \"$path\" does not exists trying to serve as a normal request"
    return filter_ok


proc fix_cookies {} {
    set cookieString [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] cookie]
    if {[string match *pires* $cookieString]} {
    ad_log warning "received a probably invalid cookie: $cookieString"
    set newCookies {}
    foreach line [split $cookieString \n] {
        if {[regexp {^([^;]*);} $line . c]} {
        lappend newCookies $c
    if {[llength $newCookies] > 0} {
        ad_log notice "fixed cookies [join $newCookies {;}]"
        ns_set update [ns_conn headers] cookie [join $newCookies ";"]

ad_proc -private rp_filter { why } {

    This is the first filter that runs for non-resource URLs. It sets up ad_conn and handles
    session security.

} {
    # Initialize the environment: reset ad_conn, and populate it with
    # a few things.

    ad_conn -reset
    ad_conn -set request [ns_conn id]
    ad_conn -set user_id 0
    ad_conn -set start_clicks [clock clicks -microseconds]


    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Start of patch "hostname-based subsites"
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 1. determine the root of the host and the requested URL
    ad_try {
        set root [acs::root_of_host [ad_host]]
    } on error {errorMsg} {
        ad_log warning "rp_filter: acs::root_of_host returned error: $errorMsg"
        ad_page_contract_handle_datasource_error "Host header is invalid"
        return filter_return
    set ad_conn_url [ad_conn url]
    ad_conn -set vhost_url $ad_conn_url

    # Check for invalid characters om the URL.
    if {[regexp {[^[:print:]]} $ad_conn_url]} {
        ad_log warning "rp_filter: BAD CHAR in URL $ad_conn_url // rp_filter $why"
        # Reset [ad_conn url], otherwise we might run into a problem
        # when rendering the error page.
        ad_conn -set url ${root}/
        ad_page_contract_handle_datasource_error "URL contains invalid characters"
        return filter_return
    # To test whether the URL chars are accepted by PostgreSQL, one
    # might activate the following line.
    # xo::dc get_value x "select 1 from cr_items where name = :ad_conn_url"
    if {[string length $ad_conn_url] > [parameter::get -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -parameter MaxUrlLength -default 2000]} {
        ad_log warning "rp_filter: URL TOO LONG: <$ad_conn_url> rp_filter $why"
        # Reset [ad_conn url], otherwise we might run into a problem
        # when rendering the error page.
        ad_conn -set url ${root}/
        ad_page_contract_handle_datasource_error "URL is longer than allowed"
        return filter_return

    # UseCanonicalLocation is a experimental feature, not to be
    # activated for the OpenACS 5.9.1 release. One can use this to
    # force requests submitted to an alternate DNS entry to be
    # redirected to a canonical name. For more background, see:
    # https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/139066?hl=en
    # https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/44830/should-i-redirect-the-site-ip-address-to-the-domain-name
    #ns_log notice "CHECK ad_conn_url <$ad_conn_url>"
    if {[parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter UseCanonicalLocation -default 1] 
        && ![string match "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" $ad_conn_url] 
        && ![string match "/SYSTEM*" $ad_conn_url]} {
        set canonical_location [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter SystemURL]
        set current_location [util_current_location]
        # It might be useful in the future to define per-subsite
        # CanonicalLocations, and/or combine this with the host-node-map
        if {[string index $canonical_location end] eq "/"} {
            set canonical_location [string trimright $canonical_location /]
if {[ns_conn driver] ne "nsssl"} {
   ns_log notice "[ns_conn driver] [ns_conn peeraddr] location [ns_conn location] === URL $ad_conn_url current <$current_location> canonical <$canonical_location>"
        if {$current_location ne $canonical_location && $current_location ne "https://openacs.org:8443"} {
            set q [ns_conn query]
            if {$q ne ""} {append ad_conn_url ?$q}
            ns_log notice "map location $current_location to canonical ns_returnmoved $canonical_location$ad_conn_url"
            ns_returnmoved $canonical_location$ad_conn_url
            return filter_return

    # Check, if we are supposed to upgrade insecure requests. This
    # should be after the canonical check to avoid multiple redirects.
    # The W3C spec (https://www.w3.org/TR/upgrade-insecure-requests/)
    # requires explicitly the value of "1". By testing this, we
    # mitigate attacks against this header field without losing
    # performance.
    set upgrade_insecure_requests_p [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] Upgrade-Insecure-Requests]
    if {$upgrade_insecure_requests_p ne ""
        && $upgrade_insecure_requests_p eq "1"
        && [security::https_available_p]
        && ![security::secure_conn_p]
    } {
        security::redirect_to_secure -script_abort=false [ad_return_url -qualified]
        return filter_return

    # 2. handle special case: if the root is a prefix of the URL,
    #                         remove this prefix from the URL, and redirect.
    if { $root ne "" } {
        if { [regexp "^${root}(.*)$" $ad_conn_url match url] } {

            if { [regexp {^GET [^\?]*\?(.*) HTTP} [ns_conn request] match vars] } {
                append url ?$vars
            if { [security::secure_conn_p] } {
                # it's a secure connection.
                ns_returnmoved https://[ad_host][ad_port]$url
                return filter_return
            } else {
                ns_returnmoved http://[ad_host][ad_port]$url
                return filter_return
        # Normal case: Prepend the root to the URL.
        # 3. set the intended URL
        ad_conn -set url ${root}${ad_conn_url}
        ad_conn -set vhost_url ${ad_conn_url}
        set ad_conn_url [ad_conn url]

        # 4. set urlv and urlc for consistency
        set urlv [lrange [split $root /] 1 end]
        ad_conn -set urlc [expr {[ad_conn urlc] + [llength $urlv]}]
        ad_conn -set urlv [concat $urlv [ad_conn urlv]]
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # End of patch "hostname-based subsites"
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Force the URL to look like [ns_conn location], if desired...

    # JCD:  Only do this if ForceHostP set and root is {}
    # if root non empty then we had a hostname based subsite and
    # should not redirect since we got a hostname we know about.

    if { $root eq ""
         && [parameter::get -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -parameter ForceHostP -default 0]
     } {
        set host_header [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] "Host"]
        regexp {^([^:]*)} $host_header "" host_no_port
        regexp {^https?://([^:]+)} [ns_conn location] "" desired_host_no_port
        if { $host_header ne "" && $host_no_port ne $desired_host_no_port  } {
            set query [ns_getform]
            if { $query ne "" } {
                set query ?[export_vars -entire_form]
            ad_returnredirect -allow_complete_url "[ns_conn location][ns_conn url]$query"
            return filter_return

    # DRB: a bug in ns_conn causes urlc to be set to one greater than the number of URL
    # directory elements and the trailing element of urlv to be set to
    # {} if you hit the site with the hostname alone.  This confuses code that
    # expects urlc to be set to the length of urlv and urlv to have a non-null
    # trailing element except in the case where urlc is 0 and urlv the empty list.

    if { [lindex [ad_conn urlv] end] eq "" } {
        ad_conn -set urlc [expr {[ad_conn urlc] - 1}]
        ad_conn -set urlv [lrange [ad_conn urlv] 0 end-1]
    rp_debug -ns_log_level debug -debug t "rp_filter: setting up request: [ns_conn method] [ns_conn url] [ns_conn query]"

    ad_try {
        set node [site_node::get -url $ad_conn_url]
    } on error {errorMsg} {
        # log and do nothing
        ad_log error "rp_filter: site_node::get for url $ad_conn_url returns: $errorMsg"
    } on ok {r} {
        # When the package is mounted, but not enabled, treat it like
        # a subsite node. Otherwise, we see unfriendly error messages
        # about non-instantiated nsvs when e.g. automated testing is
        # disabled.
        if {![apm_package_enabled_p [dict get $node package_key]]} {
            set node [site_node::get -url /]

        if {[dict get $node url] eq "$ad_conn_url/"} {
            ad_returnredirect [ad_conn vhost_url]/
            rp_debug "rp_filter: returnredirect [ad_conn vhost_url]/"
            rp_debug "rp_filter: return filter_return"
            return filter_return
        ad_conn -set node_id [dict get $node node_id]
        ad_conn -set node_name [dict get $node name]
        ad_conn -set object_id [dict get $node object_id]
        ad_conn -set object_url [dict get $node url]
        ad_conn -set object_type [dict get $node object_type]
        ad_conn -set package_id [dict get $node  object_id]
        ad_conn -set package_key [dict get $node package_key]
        ad_conn -set package_url [dict get $node url]
        ad_conn -set instance_name [dict get $node instance_name]
        ad_conn -set extra_url [string trimleft [string range $ad_conn_url [string length [dict get $node url]] end] /]
        rp_debug "rp_filter: sets extra_url '[ad_conn extra_url]'"

    # See if any libraries have changed. This may look expensive, but all it
    # does is check an NSV.
    if { ![rp_performance_mode] } {
        # We wrap this call in a "try", because we don't want an error
        # exception to cause the full request to fail.
        ad_try {
        } on error {errorMsg} {
            ns_log Error "rp_filter: error apm_load_any_changed_libraries: $::errorInfo"
    # Read in and/or generate security cookies.

    # sec_handler (defined in security-procs.tcl) sets the ad_conn
    # session-level variables such as user_id, session_id, etc. we can
    # call sec_handler at this point because the previous return
    # statements are all error-throwing cases or redirects.
    # ns_log Notice "rp_filter: OACS= RP start"
    # ns_log Notice "rp_filter: OACS= RP end"

    # Set locale and language of the request.
    # We need ad_conn user_id to be set at this point
    ad_try {
        set locale [lang::conn::locale -package_id [ad_conn package_id]]
        ad_conn -set locale $locale
        ad_conn -set language [lang::conn::language -locale $locale]
        ad_conn -set charset [lang::util::charset_for_locale $locale]
    } on error {errorMsg} {
        ns_log warning "rp_filter: language setup failed: $errorMsg"
        ad_return_complaint 1 "invalid language settings"
        return filter_return

    set headers [ns_conn headers]
    if {[ns_info name] eq "NaviServer"}  {
        # Provide context information for background writer.
        set requester [expr {$::ad_conn(user_id) == 0 ? [ad_conn peeraddr] : $::ad_conn(user_id)}]
        # Leave for the time being the catch, since a fail of the
        # primitive function has no user-level consequences, and no
        # abort operations can happen in the called functions.
        catch {ns_conn clientdata [list $requester [ns_conn url]]}

    # Who's online
    whos_online::user_requested_page [ad_conn untrusted_user_id]

    # The actual (untrused) user_id can be added to the access.log by
    # configuring:
    #     ns_section ns/server/$server/acs
    #         ns_param LogIncludeUserId 1
    if {[ns_config "ns/server/[ns_info server]/acs" LogIncludeUserId 0]} {
        ns_set put [ns_conn headers] X-User-Id [ad_conn untrusted_user_id]

    # Make sure the user is authorized to make this request.
    set result filter_ok
    if { [ad_conn object_id] ne "" } {
        ad_try -auto_abort=false {
            switch -nocase -glob -- [ad_conn extra_url] {
                admin/* {
                    # Double check if someone has not accidentally
                    # granted admin to the public; furthermore, require
                    # login for all admin pages.
                    permission::require_permission -object_id [ad_conn object_id] -privilege admin
                sitewide-admin/* {
                    permission::require_permission -object_id [acs_magic_object security_context_root] -privilege admin
                default {
                    # ns_log notice "rp_filter calls: permission::require_permission -object_id [ad_conn object_id] -privilege read"
                    permission::require_permission -object_id [ad_conn object_id] -privilege read
        } trap {AD EXCEPTION ad_script_abort} {r} {
            rp_debug "rp_filter: page aborted return filter_return"
            ns_log notice "rp_filter: aborted url <[ad_conn extra_url]> '$r'"
            set result filter_return
        } on ok {r} {
            rp_debug "rp_filter: return filter_ok"

    return $result

d_proc -private rp_report_error {
} {

    Writes an error to the connection.

    @param message The message to write (pulled from <code>$::errorInfo</code> if none is specified).

} {
    if { ![info exists message] } {
        # We need 'message' to be a copy, because errorInfo will get
        # overridden by some of the template parsing below.
        set message $::errorInfo
    set error_url [ad_url][ad_conn url]?[export_vars -entire_form]
    set error_file [ad_conn file]
    set prev_url [util::get_referrer -trusted]
    set feedback_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq]
    set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
    set bug_package_id [ad_conn package_id]
    set error_info $message
    set vars_to_export [export_vars -form {
        error_url error_info user_id prev_url error_file feedback_id bug_package_id

    if {![ns_conn isconnected]} {
        ad_log warning "rp_report_error: request handler received error after connection was closed: $message\n$error_url"

    ds_add conn error $message

    set params [list]

    #Serve the stacktrace
    set params [list [list stacktrace $message] \
                    [list user_id $user_id] \
                    [list error_file $error_file] \
                    [list prev_url $prev_url] \
                    [list feedback_id $feedback_id] \
                    [list error_url $error_url] \
                    [list bug_package_id $bug_package_id] \
                    [list vars_to_export $vars_to_export]]

    set error_message $message

    if {[parameter::get -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -parameter RestrictErrorsToAdminsP -default 0]
        && ![permission::permission_p -object_id [ad_conn package_id] -privilege admin]
    } {
        set message {}
        #set params [lreplace $params 0 0 [list stacktrace $message]]
        lset params 0 [list stacktrace $message]

    ad_try -auto_abort=false {
        set rendered_page [ad_parse_template -params $params "/packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error"]

    } trap {AD EXCEPTION ad_script_abort} {r} {
        # ad_parse_template was script-aborted
        ns_log warning "rp_report_error: error template with message '$error_message' aborted"

    } on error {errorMsg} {
        # An error occurred during rendering of the error page.
        ns_log error "rp_report_error: error $errorMsg rendering error page (!)\n$::errorInfo"
        set rendered_page [subst {</table></table></table></h1></b></i>
            <blockquote><pre>[ns_quotehtml $error_message]</pre></blockquote>
    ad_log error $error_message

    ns_return 500 text/html $rendered_page

ad_proc -private rp_path_prefixes {path} {

    Returns all the prefixes of a path ordered from most to least

} {
    if {[string index $path 0] ne "/"} {
        set path "/$path"
    set path [string trimright $path /]
    if { $path eq "" } {
        return "/"

    set components [split $path "/"]
    set prefixes [list]
    for {set i [expr {[llength $components] -1}]} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
        lappend prefixes "[join [lrange $components 0 $i] /]/"
        lappend prefixes [join [lrange $components 0 $i] /]
    lappend prefixes "/"

    return $prefixes

ad_proc -private rp_handle_request {} {
} {
    set startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]

    if { [rp_performance_mode] } {
        set current_url [ad_conn url]
        if {[info exists ::tcl_url2file($current_url)]
            && [info exists ::tcl_url2path_info($current_url)]
        } {
            ad_conn -set file $::tcl_url2file($current_url)
            ad_conn -set path_info $::tcl_url2path_info($current_url)
            rp_serve_concrete_file $::tcl_url2file($current_url)
        rp_debug "performance mode: no ::tcl_url2file mapping for $current_url available; perform usual lookup"

    set resolve_values $::acs::pageroot[string trimright [ad_conn package_url] /]
    if {[ad_conn package_key] ne ""} {
        # Only in cases where the URL refers to a mounted package,
        # include it for path checking.
        lappend resolve_values {*}[apm_package_url_resolution [ad_conn package_key]]
    foreach resolve_value $resolve_values {
        lassign $resolve_value root match_prefix
        set extra_url [ad_conn extra_url]
        rp_debug "rp_handle_request: getting extra_url <$extra_url>"

        if { $match_prefix ne "" } {
            if { [string first $match_prefix $extra_url] == 0 } {
                # An empty "root" indicates we should reject the
                # attempted reference.  This is used to block
                # references to embedded package [sitewide-]admin
                # pages that avoid the request processor permission
                # check.
                if { $root eq "" } {
                set extra_url [string trimleft \
                                   [string range $extra_url [string length $match_prefix] end] /]
            } else {
        ds_add rp [list notice "Trying rp_serve_abstract_file $root/$extra_url" \
                       $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]

        ad_try {
            rp_serve_abstract_file "$root/$extra_url"
            set ::tcl_url2file([ad_conn url]) [ad_conn file]
            set ::tcl_url2path_info([ad_conn url]) [ad_conn path_info]

        } trap {AD EXCEPTION notfound} {val} {
            # The file was not found so far.
            #ns_log notice "rp_handle_request: AD_TRY NOTFOUND <$val> URL <$root/$extra_url>"
            ds_add rp [list notice "File $root/$extra_url: Not found" \
                           $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]
            ds_add rp [list transformation [list notfound "$root / $extra_url" $val] \
                           $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]

        } trap {AD EXCEPTION redirect} {url} {
            # We have to redirect.
            #ns_log notice "rp_handle_request: AD_TRY redirect $url"
            ds_add rp [list notice "File $root/$extra_url: Redirect" \
                           $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]
            ds_add rp [list transformation [list redirect $root/$extra_url $url] \
                           $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]
            ad_returnredirect $url

        } trap {AD EXCEPTION directory} {dir_index} {
            #ns_log notice "rp_handle_request: AD_TRY directory $dir_index"
            ds_add rp [list notice "File $root/$extra_url: Directory index" \
                           $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]
            ds_add rp [list transformation [list directory $root/$extra_url $dir_index] \
                           $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]

    if {[info exists dir_index]
        && ![string match "*/CVS/*" $dir_index]
    } {
        if { [nsv_get rp_directory_listing_p .] } {

            set title "Directory listing of [ad_conn url]"
            set context [ad_conn url]
            set body [rp_html_directory_listing $dir_index]
            # Provide a simple template to use the master templates
            set code [template::adp_compile -string {
                <property name="doc(title)">@title;literal@</property>
                <property name="context">@context;literal@</property>
            # Do the remaining OpenACS ADP magic
            append code {
                if { [info exists __adp_master] } {
                    set __adp_output \
                        [template::adp_parse $__adp_master \
                             [concat [list __adp_slave $__adp_output] [array get __adp_properties]]]
            set __adp_stub ""
            ns_return 200 text/html [template::adp_eval code]

    # OK, we didn't find a normal file. Let's look for a path info style thingy,
    # visiting possible file matches from most specific to least.

    foreach prefix [rp_path_prefixes $extra_url] {
        foreach resolve_value $resolve_values {
            lassign $resolve_value root match_prefix
            set extra_url [ad_conn extra_url]
            if { $match_prefix ne "" } {
                if { [string first $match_prefix $extra_url] == 0 } {
                    set extra_url [string trimleft \
                                       [string range $extra_url [string length $match_prefix] end] /]
                } else {

            ad_try {
                ad_conn -set path_info \
                    [string range $extra_url [string length $prefix]-1 end]
                rp_serve_abstract_file \
                    -noredirect \
                    -nodirectory \
                    -extension_pattern ".vuh" \
                set ::tcl_url2file([ad_conn url]) [ad_conn file]
                set ::tcl_url2path_info([ad_conn url]) [ad_conn path_info]
            } trap {AD EXCEPTION notfound} {val} {
                ds_add rp [list transformation [list notfound $root$prefix $val] \
                               $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]
            } trap {AD EXCEPTION redirect} {url} {
                ds_add rp [list transformation [list redirect $root$prefix $url] \
                               $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]
                ad_returnredirect $url
            } trap {AD EXCEPTION directory} {dir_index} {
                ds_add rp [list transformation [list directory $root$prefix $dir_index] \
                               $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]

    ds_add rp [list transformation [list notfound $root/$extra_url notfound] \
                   $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]
    rp_debug "call ns_returnnotfound extra_url '$extra_url'"


ad_proc -private rp_handler {} {

    The request handler, which responds to absolutely every HTTP
    request made to the server.

} {
    if { ![info exists ::ad_conn] } {
        # DRB: handle obscure case where we are served a request like
        # GET http://www.google.com.  In this case AOLserver 4.0.10
        # (at least) doesn't run the preauth filter "rp_filter", but
        # rather tries to serve /global/file-not-found directly.
        # rp_handler dies a horrible death if it's called without
        # ::ad_conn being set up.  My fix is to simply redirect to the
        # url AOLserver substitutes if ::ad_conn does not exist
        # (rp_filter begins with ad_conn -reset) ...
        ad_log warning "rp_handler: Obscure case, where ::ad_conn is not set, redirect to [ns_conn url]"

        # Before we give up, make one attempt to setup everything.
        rp_filter preauth

        if { ![info exists ::ad_conn] } {
            ad_returnredirect [ns_conn url]

    # Determine internal redirects by comparing URL suffix. We check
    # if the connection URL ends by the ad_conn extra_url. Don't use a
    # match operation, since this might lead to surprising results,
    # when the URL contains match characters ('*' or '?', ...).
    if {[info exists ::ad_conn(extra_url)]
        && $::ad_conn(extra_url) ne ""
        && [string range [ns_conn url] end-[expr {[string length $::ad_conn(extra_url)] - 1}] end] ne $::ad_conn(extra_url)
    } {
        # On internal redirects, the current ::ad_conn(extra_url)
        # might be from a previous request, which might have led to a
        # not-found error pointing to a new URL. This can lead to a
        # hard to find loop which ends with a "recursion depth
        # exceeded". There is a similar problem with
        # ::ad_conn(package_key) and ::ad_conn(package_url) Therefore,
        # we refetch the url info in case, in case, and reset these
        # values. These variables seem to be sufficient to handle
        # request processor loops, but maybe other variables have to
        # be reset either.
        # However, also internal redirects to error pages happens the
        # same way, but we need to deliver the current URL (coming
        # from ns_url) and not the original url before the redirect
        # (the extra_url). Similarly we have to reset the package_key
        # and package_url to point to the subsite package to deliver
        # the error pages. This is especially important on
        # host-node-mapped subsites, when e.g. the error pages are
        # mapped to /shared/404 etc.
        set status [ns_conn status]
        rp_debug "internal redirect status $status"
        if {$status < 200 || $status >= 300} {
            ad_conn -set extra_url [ns_conn url]
            ad_conn -set package_key "acs-subsite"
            ad_conn -set package_url /
        } else {
            set node [site_node::get -url [ad_conn url]]
            ad_conn -set extra_url [string range [ad_conn url] [string length [dict get $node url]] end]
            rp_debug "reset extra_url to '[ad_conn extra_url]'"
            if {![apm_package_enabled_p [dict get $node package_key]]} {
                set node [site_node::get -url /]
            ad_conn -set package_key [dict get $node package_key]
            ad_conn -set package_url [dict get $node url]

    # JCD: keep track of rp_handler call count to prevent dev support from recording
    # information twice when for example we get a 404 internal redirect. We should probably
    set recursion_count [ad_conn recursion_count]
    ad_conn -set recursion_count [incr recursion_count]
    rp_debug "rp_handler: handling request: [ns_conn method] [ns_conn url]?[ns_conn query]"

    ad_try {
    } on error {errorMsg} {
        set error_msg "errorMsg $errorMsg while serving [ns_conn request]"
        append error_msg "\nad_url <[ad_conn url]> maps to file <[ad_conn file]>"
        rp_debug "error in rp_handler: $error_msg"
        ns_log error "rp_handler no-script-abort: $error_msg\n$::errorCode\n$::errorInfo"

d_proc -private rp_serve_abstract_file {
    {-extension_pattern ".*"}
} {
    Serves up a file given the abstract path. Raises the following
    exceptions in the obvious cases:
    <li>notfound  (passes back an empty value)
    <li>redirect  (passes back the url to which it wants to redirect)
    <li>directory (passes back the path of the directory)

    Should not be used in .vuh files or elsewhere, instead
    use the public function rp_internal_redirect.

    @see rp_internal_redirect
} {
    if {[string index $path end] eq "/"} {
        if { [ad_file isdirectory $path] } {
            # The path specified was a directory; return its index file.

            # Directory name with trailing slash. Search for an index.* file.
            # Remember the name of the directory in $dir_index, so we can later
            # generate a directory listing if necessary.
            set dir_index $path
            set path "[string trimright $path /]/index"

        } else {

            # If there's a trailing slash on the path, the URL must refer to a
            # directory (which we know doesn't exist, since [ad_file isdirectory $path]
            # returned 0).
            ad_raise notfound

    ### no more trailing slash.

    if { [ad_file isfile $path] } {
        # It's actually a file.
        ad_conn -set file $path
    } else {
        # The path provided doesn't correspond directly to a file - we
        # need to glob.   (It could correspond directly to a directory.)

        if { ![file isdirectory [ad_file dirname $path]] } {
            ad_raise notfound

        ad_conn -set file [rp_concrete_file -extension_pattern $extension_pattern $path]

        if { [ad_conn file] eq "" } {

            if { [ad_file isdirectory $path] && !$noredirect_p } {
                # Directory name with no trailing slash. Redirect to the same
                # URL but with a trailing slash.

                set url "[ad_conn url]/"
                if { [ad_conn query] ne "" } {
                    append url "?[ad_conn query]"

                ad_raise redirect $url
            } else {
                if { [info exists dir_index] && !$nodirectory_p } {
                    ad_raise directory $dir_index
                } else {
                    # Nothing at all found! 404 time.
                    ad_raise notfound

    rp_serve_concrete_file [ad_conn file]

ad_proc -public rp_serve_concrete_file {file} {
    Serves a file.
} {
    set extension [ad_file extension $file]
    set startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]

    if { [nsv_exists rp_extension_handlers $extension] } {
        set handler [nsv_get rp_extension_handlers $extension]

        #ns_log notice "check for extension handler for <$file> ==> <$handler>"

        ad_try -auto_abort=false {
        } trap {AD EXCEPTION ad_script_abort} {r} {
            # swallow script_aborts silently
            #ns_log notice "rp_serve_concrete_file: swallow ad_script_abort"
        } on error {errMsg} {
            # raise true exception
            #ns_log notice "rp_serve_concrete_file: on error $errMsg"
            ds_add rp [list serve_file [list $file $handler] \
                           $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds] \
                           error "$::errorCode: $::errorInfo"]
            return -code error -errorcode $::errorCode -errorinfo $::errorInfo $errMsg
        } on ok {r} {
            ds_add rp [list serve_file [list $file $handler] \
                           $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]
        } finally {

    } elseif { [rp_file_can_be_public_p $file] } {
        set type [ns_guesstype $file]
        ds_add rp [list serve_file [list $file $type] \
                       $startclicks [clock clicks -microseconds]]
        ns_returnfile 200 $type $file
    } else {
        ad_raise notfound

ad_proc -private rp_file_can_be_public_p { path } {
    Determines if -- absent application restrictions -- a file can be served to
    a client without violating simple security checks.  The checks and response
    do not require the initialization of ad_conn or expensive permission::

    The proc will return page-not-found messages to the client in the case
    where the file must not be served, log a warning, and close the connection
    to the client.

    @param  path    The file to perform the simple security checks on.
    @return 0 (and close the connection!) if the file must not be served.  1 if the application should
    perform its own checks, if any.
} {
    #  first check that we are not serving a forbidden file like a .xql, a backup or CVS file
    if {[ad_file extension $path] eq ".xql"
        && ![parameter::get -parameter ServeXQLFiles -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -default 0] } {
        # Can't use ad_return_exception_page because it depends upon an initialized ad_conn
        ns_log Warning "An attempt was made to access an .XQL resource: {$path}."
        ns_return 404 "text/html" "Not Found"
        return 0
    foreach match [parameter::get -parameter ExcludedFiles -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -default {}] {
        if {[string match $match $path]} {
            # Can't use ad_return_exception_page because it depends upon an initialized ad_conn
            ns_log Warning "An attempt was made to access an ExcludedFiles resource: {$path}."
            ns_return 404 "text/html" "Not Found"
            return 0
    return 1

d_proc -private rp_concrete_file {
    {-extension_pattern ".*"}
} {
    Given a path in the filesystem, returns the file that would be
    served, trying all possible extensions. Returns an empty string if
    there's no file "$path.*" in the filesystem (even if the file $path
                                                 itself does exist).
} {
    # Sub out funky characters in the pathname, so the user can't request
    # http://www.arsdigita.com/*/index (causing a potentially expensive glob
    # and bypassing registered procedures)!
    regsub -all -- {[^0-9a-zA-Z_/:.]} $path {\\&} path_glob

    # Grab a list of all available files with extensions.
    set files [glob -nocomplain "$path_glob$extension_pattern"]

    # Search for files in the order specified in ExtensionPrecedence,
    # include always "vuh"
    set precedence [parameter::get -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -parameter ExtensionPrecedence -default tcl]
    foreach extension [concat [split [string trim $precedence","] vuh] {
        if { [lsearch -glob $files "*.$extension"] != -1 } {
            return "$path.$extension"
    # None of the extensions from ExtensionPrecedence were found
    return ""

ad_proc -public ad_script_abort {} {
    Aborts the current running Tcl script, returning to the request processor.

    Used to stop processing after doing ad_returnredirect or other
    commands which have already returned output to the client. After
    such operations, the connection for this request is closed and no
    more replies can be sent to the client.

} {
    ad_raise ad_script_abort

ad_proc -private ad_acs_kernel_id_not_cached {} {

    Returns the package_id of the kernel. (not cached)

} {
    return [db_string acs_kernel_id_get {
        select package_id from apm_packages where package_key = 'acs-kernel'
    } -default 0]

ad_proc -public ad_acs_kernel_id {} {
    Returns the package_id of the kernel.
} {
    set acs_kernel_id [ad_acs_kernel_id_not_cached]
    # use proc rather than ad_proc on redefine since we don't want to see a
    # multiple define proc warning...
    proc ad_acs_kernel_id {} "return $acs_kernel_id"

    return $acs_kernel_id

ad_proc -public ad_conn {args} {

    Returns a property about the connection. See the <a
    processor documentation</a> for an (incomplete) list of allowable values.

    If option "-set" is passed as first argument, then ad_conn sets
    the specified property, otherwise it returns its value.

    If the property has not been set directly by OpenACS it will be
    passed on to AOLserver's/NaviServer's <code>ns_conn</code> If the
    property is not a valid option for <code>ns_conn</code> either
    then it will throw an error.

    Valid options for ad_conn are:

    @see util_current_location
} {
    global ad_conn

    set flag [lindex $args 0]
    if {[string index $flag 0] ne "-"} {
        set var $flag
        set flag "-get"
    } else {
        set var [lindex $args 1]

    switch -- $flag {
        -connected_p {
            return [info exists ad_conn(request)]

        -set {
            set ad_conn($var) [lindex $args 2]

        -unset {
            unset ad_conn($var)

        -reset {
            unset -nocomplain ad_conn
            array set ad_conn {
                request ""
                sec_validated ""
                browser_id ""
                session_id ""
                user_id ""
                untrusted_user_id 0
                token ""
                last_issue ""
                deferred_dml ""
                start_clicks ""
                node_id ""
                object_id ""
                object_url ""
                object_type ""
                package_id ""
                package_url ""
                instance_name ""
                package_key ""
                extra_url ""
                file ""
                system_p 0
                path_info ""
                system_p 0
                recursion_count 0
                form_count -1

        -get {
            # Special handling for the form, because "ns_conn form" can
            # cause the server to hang until the socket times out.  This
            # happens on pages handling multipart form data, where
            # ad_page_contract already has called ns_getform and has
            # retrieved all data from the client. ns_getform has its
            # own caching, so calling it instead of [ns_conn form]
            # is OK.

            switch -- $var {
                form {
                    return [ns_getform]
                all {
                    return [array get ad_conn]
                default {
                    if { [info exists ad_conn($var)] } {
                        return $ad_conn($var)

                    # Fallback
                    switch -- $var {
                        locale {
                            set ad_conn(locale) [parameter::get \
                                                     -parameter SiteWideLocale \
                                                     -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key "acs-lang"] \
                                                     -default {en_US}]
                            return $ad_conn(locale)
                        node_id -
                        package_id {
                            # This is just a fallback, when the request
                            # processor has failed to set the actual site
                            # node, e.g. on invalid requests. When the
                            # fallback is missing, ns_conn spits out an
                            # error message since it does not know what a
                            # "node_id" is. The fallback is especially
                            # necessary, when a template is used for the
                            # error message, the templating system cannot
                            # determine the appropriate template without
                            # the node_id. In case of failure, the
                            # top-level node_is is returned.
                            set node [site_node::get -url /]
                            set ad_conn($var) [dict get $node $var]
                            ns_log notice "ad_conn: request processor did not set <ad_conn $var>, fallback: $ad_conn($var)"
                            return $ad_conn($var)
                        untrusted_user_id -
                        session_id -
                        user_id {
                            # Fallbacks, see above.
                            set ad_conn($var) 0
                            ns_log debug "ad_conn: request processor did not set <ad_conn $var>, fallback: $ad_conn($var)"
                            return $ad_conn($var)
                        extra_url -
                        locale -
                        language -
                        charset {
                            # Fallbacks, see above.
                            set ad_conn($var""
                            ns_log notice "ad_conn: request processor did not set <ad_conn $var>, use empty fallback value"
                            return $ad_conn($var)
                        subsite_node_id {
                            set ad_conn(subsite_node_id) [site_node::closest_ancestor_package \
                                                              -node_id [ad_conn node_id] \
                                                              -package_key [subsite::package_keys] \
                                                              -include_self \
                                                              -element "node_id"]
                            return $ad_conn(subsite_node_id)
                        subsite_id {
                            set ad_conn(subsite_id) [site_node::get_object_id \
                                                         -node_id [ad_conn subsite_node_id]]
                            return $ad_conn(subsite_id)
                        subsite_url {
                            set ad_conn(subsite_url) [site_node::get_url \
                                                          -node_id [ad_conn subsite_node_id]]
                            return $ad_conn(subsite_url)
                        vhost_subsite_url {
                            set ad_conn(vhost_subsite_url) [subsite::get_url]
                            return $ad_conn(vhost_subsite_url)
                        vhost_package_url {
                            set subsite_package_url [string range [ad_conn package_url] [string length [ad_conn subsite_url]] end]
                            set ad_conn(vhost_package_url) "[ad_conn vhost_subsite_url]$subsite_package_url"
                            return $ad_conn(vhost_package_url)
                        vhost_url {
                            set vhost_url [string range [ad_conn url] [string length [ad_conn subsite_url]] end]
                            set ad_conn(vhost_url) "[ad_conn vhost_subsite_url]$vhost_url"
                            return $ad_conn(vhost_url)
                        recursion_count {
                            # sometimes recusion_count will be uninitialized and
                            # something will call ad_conn recursion_count - return 0
                            # in that instance.  This is filters ahead of rp_filter which throw
                            # an ns_returnnotfound or something like that.
                            set ad_conn(recursion_count) 0
                            return 0
                        peeraddr {
                            # Newer versions of NaviServer (4.99.20)
                            # handle already ReverseProxyMode
                            # internally.
                            if {![acs::icanuse "ns_conn peeraddr -source"]
                                && [ns_config "ns/parameters" ReverseProxyMode false]
                            } {
                                # In case, we have an older
                                # NaviServer, try to get the address
                                # provided by a reverse proxy such as
                                # NGINX via X-Forwarded-For, if
                                # available. Note that in this case
                                # there is no validation happening.
                                set headers [ns_conn headers]
                                set i [ns_set ifind $headers "X-Forwarded-For"]
                                if {$i > -1 } {
                                    return [ns_set value $headers $i]
                            # Default for newer versions of NaviServer
                            return [set ad_conn(peeraddr) [ns_conn peeraddr]]

                        mobile_p {
                            # Check, if we are used from a mobile
                            # device (heuristic based on user_agent).
                            if {[ns_conn isconnected]} {
                                set user_agent [string tolower [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] User-Agent]]
                                set ad_conn(mobile_p) [regexp (android|webos|iphone|ipad) $user_agent]
                            } else {
                                set ad_conn(mobile_p) 0
                            return $ad_conn(mobile_p)

                        bot_p {
                            # Check, if we are used from a bot
                            # (heuristic based on user_agent).
                            if {[ns_conn isconnected]} {
                                if {[::acs::icanuse "ns_conn pool"] && [ns_conn pool] eq "bots"} {
                                    set ad_conn(bot_p) 1
                                } else {
                                    set user_agent [string tolower [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] User-Agent]]
                                    set ad_conn(bot_p) [regexp (crawl|bot) $user_agent]
                            } else {
                                set ad_conn(bot_p) 0
                            return $ad_conn(bot_p)

                        ajax_p {
                            # Check, if we are used from an ajax
                            # client (providing the header field
                            # "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest")
                            set ad_conn(ajax_p) 0
                            if {[ns_conn isconnected]} {
                                set headers [ns_conn headers]
                                set i [ns_set ifind $headers "X-Requested-With"]
                                if {$i > -1 } {
                                    set ad_conn(ajax_p) [expr {[ns_set value $headers $i] eq "XMLHttpRequest"}]
                            return $ad_conn(ajax_p)

                        behind_proxy_p {
                            set ad_conn(behind_proxy_p) 0
                            if {[ns_conn isconnected]} {

                                if {[acs::icanuse "ns_conn proxied"]
                                    && [dict exists [ns_conn details] proxied]} {
                                    # Newer versions of NaviServer
                                    # provide feedback, whether the
                                    # peer was connected via a reverse
                                    # proxy or directly. This method
                                    # is more reliable and supports
                                    # also mixed cases, where only a
                                    # part of the requests arrive via
                                    # reverse proxy.
                                    # The "dict exists" is
                                    # transitional code and should be
                                    # removed after the next release.
                                    set ad_conn(behind_proxy_p) [dict get [ns_conn details] proxied]
                                } else {
                                    # Check, if we are running behind
                                    # a proxy via configuration
                                    # parameters and headers:
                                    # a) the parameter "ReverseProxyMode" has to be set
                                    # b) the header-field X-Forwarded-For must be present
                                    if { [ns_config "ns/parameters" ReverseProxyMode false]
                                         && [ns_set ifind [ns_conn headers] X-Forwarded-For] > -1} {
                                        set ad_conn(behind_proxy_p) 1
                            return $ad_conn(behind_proxy_p)

                        behind_secure_proxy_p {
                            # Check, if we are running behind a secure proxy:
                            # a) [ad_conn behind_proxy_p] must be true
                            # b) the header-field X-SSL-Request must be 1
                            set ad_conn(behind_secure_proxy_p) 0
                            if {[ad_conn behind_proxy_p]} {
                                set ad_conn(behind_secure_proxy_p) \
                                    [expr {
                                           [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] X-SSL-Request] == 1
                                           || [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] X-Forwarded-Proto] eq "https"
                            return $ad_conn(behind_secure_proxy_p)

                        default {
                            return [ns_conn $var]

        default {
            error "ad_conn: unknown flag $flag"

ad_proc -private rp_register_extension_handler { extension args } {

    Registers a proc used to handle requests for files with a particular

} {
    if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
        error "Must specify a procedure name"
    ns_log Debug "rp_register_extension_handler: Registering [join $args " "] to handle $extension files"
    nsv_set rp_extension_handlers ".$extension" $args

ad_proc -public rp_handle_tcl_request {} {

    Handles a request for a .tcl file.
    Sets up the stack of datasource frames, in case the page is templated.

} {
    set ::template::parse_level [info level]
    source [ad_conn file]

if { [apm_first_time_loading_p] } {
    # Initialize nsv_sets

    nsv_array set rp_filters [list]
    nsv_array set rp_registered_procs [list]
    nsv_array set rp_extension_handlers [list]

    # The following stuff is in a -procs.tcl file rather than a
    # -init.tcl file since we want it done really early in the startup
    # process. Don't try this at home!

    foreach method { GET POST HEAD } { nsv_set rp_registered_procs $method [list] }

ad_proc -private ad_http_cache_control { } {

    This adds specific headers to the http output headers for the current
    request in order to prevent user agents and proxies from caching
    the page.


    It should be called only when the method to return the data to the
    client is going to be ns_return. In other cases, e.g. ns_returnfile,
    one can assume that the returned content is not dynamic and can in
    fact be cached. Besides that, AOLserver implements its own handling
    of Last-Modified headers with ns_returnfile. Also it should be
    called as late as possible - shortly before ns_return, so that
    other code has the chance to set no_cache_control_p to 1 before
    it runs.


    This proc can be disabled per request by calling
    "ad_conn -set no_http_cache_control_p 1" before this proc is reached.
    It will not modify any headers if this variable is set to 1.


    If the acs-kernel parameter CacheControlP is set to 0 then
    it's fully disabled.

    @author Tilmann Singer (tils-oacs@tils.net)

} {

    if { ![parameter::get -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -parameter HttpCacheControlP -default 0]} {

    if { [info exists ::ad_conn(no_http_cache_control_p)] && $::ad_conn(no_http_cache_control_p) } {

    set headers [ad_conn outputheaders]

    # Check if any relevant header is already present - in this case
    # don't touch anything.
    if {
        [ns_set ifind $headers "cache-control"] > -1
        || [ns_set ifind $headers "expires"] > -1
        || [string tolower [ns_set iget $headers "pragma"]] eq "no-cache"
    } {
        set modify_p 0
    } else {
        set modify_p 1

    # Set three headers, to be sure it won't get cached. If you are in
    # doubt, check the spec:
    # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html

    if { $modify_p } {
        # actually add the headers
        ns_setexpires 0
        ns_set put $headers "Pragma" "no-cache"
        ns_set put $headers "Cache-Control" "no-cache"

    # Prevent subsequent calls of this proc from adding the same
    # headers again.
    ad_conn -set no_http_cache_control_p 1

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# procs for hostname-based subsites
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

ad_proc ad_host {} {
    Returns the hostname as it was typed in the browser,
    provided forcehostp is set to 0.
} {
    set host_and_port [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] Host]
    if { [regexp {^([^:]+)} $host_and_port match host] } {
        return $host
    } else {
        return ""

ad_proc -private ad_port {} {
    Returns the port as it was typed in the browser,
    provided forcehostp is set to 0.
} {
    set host_and_port [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] Host]
    if { [regexp {^([^:]+):([0-9]+)} $host_and_port match host port] } {
        return ":$port"
    } else {
        return ""

namespace eval ::acs {}

ad_proc acs::root_of_host {host} {

    Maps a hostname to the corresponding subdirectory.

} {
    return [acs::per_thread_cache eval -key acs-tcl.root_of_host($host) {
        acs::root_of_host_noncached $host

ad_proc -private acs::root_of_host_noncached {host} {

    Helper function for acs::root_of_host, which performs the actual work.

} {
    # The main hostname is mounted at /.
    foreach driver {nssock nsssl} {
        set driver_section [ns_driversection -driver $driver]
        set configured_hostname [ns_config $driver_section hostname]
        if { $host eq $configured_hostname } {
            return ""

    if {[security::provided_host_valid $host]} {
        # Other hostnames map to subsites.
        set node_id [util_memoize [list rp_lookup_node_from_host $host]]

        if {$node_id eq ""} {
            set host_stripped [regsub "www\." $host ""]
            if {$host_stripped ne $host} {
                set node_id [util_memoize [list rp_lookup_node_from_host $host_stripped]]

        if { $node_id ne "" } {
            set url [site_node::get_url -node_id $node_id]
            return [string range $url 0 end-1]
    # Hack to provide a useful default
    return ""

ad_proc -private rp_lookup_node_from_host { host } {
    Lookup host from host_node_map.
    @return node_id on success or empty string
} {
    if {$host ne ""} {
        return [db_string node_id {
            select node_id from host_node_map where host = :host
        } -default ""]

ad_proc -private rp_request_denied_filter { why } {
    Deny serving the request
} {
    ad_return_forbidden \
        "Forbidden URL" \
        "<blockquote>No, we're not going to show you this file</blockquote>"

    return filter_return

#ad_proc -private rp_debug { { -debug f } { -ns_log_level notice } string } { ns_log notice "RP: $string"}

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: