- Publicity: Public Only All
Spell-check library for OpenACS templating system.
- Location:
- packages/acs-templating/tcl/spellcheck-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2003-09-21
- Author:
- Ola Hansson <ola@polyxena.net>
- CVS Identification:
$Id: spellcheck-procs.tcl,v 1.30 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- template::data::transform::spellcheck (public)
- template::util::spellcheck (public)
- template::util::spellcheck::get_element_formtext (public)
- template::util::spellcheck::get_sorted_list_with_unique_elements (public)
- template::util::spellcheck::merge_text (public)
- template::util::spellcheck::spellcheck_properties (public)
Detailed information
template::data::transform::spellcheck (public)
template::data::transform::spellcheck -element_ref element_ref \ -values values
Transform submitted and previously validated input into a spellcheck datastructure.
- Switches:
- -element_ref (required)
- Reference variable to the form element.
- -values (required)
- The set of values for that element.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::spellcheck (public)
template::util::spellcheck command [ args... ]
Dispatch procedure for the spellcheck object
- Parameters:
- command (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::spellcheck::get_element_formtext (public)
template::util::spellcheck::get_element_formtext -text text [ -html ] \ -var_to_spellcheck var_to_spellcheck [ -language language ] \ -error_num_ref error_num_ref [ -no_abort ] \ -formtext_to_display_ref formtext_to_display_ref \ [ -just_the_errwords_ref just_the_errwords_ref ]
- Switches:
- -text (required)
- The string to check for spelling errors.
- -html (optional, boolean, defaults to
)- -var_to_spellcheck (required)
- The name of the text input type or textarea that holds this text (e.g., "email_body")
- -language (optional)
- -error_num_ref (required)
- -no_abort (optional, boolean, defaults to
)- -formtext_to_display_ref (required)
- -just_the_errwords_ref (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- spellcheck__get_element_formtext
template::util::spellcheck::get_sorted_list_with_unique_elements (public)
template::util::spellcheck::get_sorted_list_with_unique_elements \ -the_list the_list
Converts a list of possibly duplicate elements (words) into a sorted list where no duplicates exist.
- Switches:
- -the_list (required)
- The list of possibly duplicate elements.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::spellcheck::merge_text (public)
template::util::spellcheck::merge_text element_id
Returns the merged (possibly corrected) text or the empty string if it is not time to merge.
- Parameters:
- element_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::spellcheck::spellcheck_properties (public)
template::util::spellcheck::spellcheck_properties \ -element_ref element_ref
Returns a list of spellcheck properties in array setable format.
- Switches:
- -element_ref (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- spellcheck__spellcheck_properties
Content File Source
ad_library { Spell-check library for OpenACS templating system. @author Ola Hansson (ola@polyxena.net) @creation-date 2003-09-21 @cvs-id $Id: spellcheck-procs.tcl,v 1.30 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $ } namespace eval template {} namespace eval template::data {} namespace eval template::data::transform {} namespace eval template::util {} namespace eval template::util::spellcheck {} ad_proc -public template::util::spellcheck { command args } { Dispatch procedure for the spellcheck object } { template::util::spellcheck::$command {*}$args } ad_proc -public template::util::spellcheck::merge_text { element_id } { Returns the merged (possibly corrected) text or the empty string if it is not time to merge. } { set __form__ [ns_getform] set merge_text [ns_set get $__form__ $element_id.merge_text] ns_set delkey $__form__ $element_id.merge_text if { $merge_text eq "" } { return {} } # loop through errors and substitute the corrected words for #errnum#. set i 0 while { [ns_set find $__form__ $element_id.error_$i] != -1 } { regsub "\#$i\#" $merge_text [ns_set get $__form__ $element_id.error_$i] merge_text ns_set delkey $__form__ $element_id.error_$i incr i } ns_set cput $__form__ $element_id $merge_text ns_set cput $__form__ $element_id.spellcheck ":nospell:" return $merge_text } d_proc -public template::data::transform::spellcheck { -element_ref:required -values:required } { Transform submitted and previously validated input into a spellcheck datastructure. @param element_ref Reference variable to the form element. @param values The set of values for that element. } { upvar $element_ref element # case 1, initial submission of non-checked text: returns {}. # case 2, submission of the page showing errors: returns the corrected text. set merge_text [template::util::spellcheck::merge_text $element(id)] set richtext_p [expr {$element(datatype) eq "richtext"}] if { $richtext_p } { # special treatment for the "richtext" datatype. set format [template::util::richtext::get_property format [lindex $values 0]] if { $merge_text ne "" } { set richtext_value [lindex [template::data::transform::richtext element] 0] return [list [template::util::richtext::set_property contents $richtext_value $merge_text]] } set contents [template::util::richtext::get_property contents [lindex $values 0]] } else { if { $merge_text ne "" } { return [list $merge_text] } set contents [lindex $values 0] } if { $contents eq "" } { return $values } # if language is empty or :nospell: string don't spellcheck set language [ns_queryget $element(id).spellcheck] set spellcheck_p [expr {$language ni {":nospell:" ""}}] # perform spellchecking or not? if { $spellcheck_p } { template::util::spellcheck::get_element_formtext \ -text $contents \ -var_to_spellcheck $element(id) \ -language $language \ -error_num_ref error_num \ -formtext_to_display_ref formtext_to_display \ -just_the_errwords_ref {} \ -html if { $error_num > 0 } { # there was at least one error. # disable element validation since that will conflict with # the spellchecking DAVEB template::element::set_properties $element(form_id) $element(id) -validate [list] template::element::set_error $element(form_id) $element(id) " [expr {$error_num == 1 ? "Found one error." : "Found $error_num errors."}] Please correct, if necessary." # switch to display mode so we can show our inline mini-form with suggestions. template::element::set_properties $element(form_id) $element(id) mode display if { $richtext_p } { # mutate datatype to prevent validation of spellcheck # form data by richtext validation DAVEB template::element::set_properties $element(form_id) $element(id) -datatype text append formtext_to_display " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(id).format\" value=\"$format\" >" } # This is needed in order to display the form text noquoted in the "show errors" page ... template::element::set_properties $element(form_id) $element(id) -display_value $formtext_to_display set contents $formtext_to_display } } # no spellchecking was to take place, or there were no errors. if { $richtext_p } { return [list [template::util::richtext::set_property contents [lindex $values 0] $contents]] } else { return [list $contents] } } d_proc -public template::util::spellcheck::get_sorted_list_with_unique_elements { -the_list:required } { Converts a list of possibly duplicate elements (words) into a sorted list where no duplicates exist. @param the_list The list of possibly duplicate elements. } { set sorted_list [lsort -dictionary $the_list] set new_list [list] set old_element "XXinitial_conditionXX" foreach list_element $sorted_list { if { $list_element ne $old_element } { lappend new_list $list_element } set old_element $list_element } return $new_list } d_proc -public template::util::spellcheck::get_element_formtext { -text:required {-html:boolean 0} -var_to_spellcheck:required {-language ""} -error_num_ref:required {-no_abort:boolean 0} -formtext_to_display_ref:required {-just_the_errwords_ref ""} } { @param text The string to check for spelling errors. @param html_p Does the text have html in it? If so, we strip out html tags in the string we feed to ispell (or aspell). @param no_abort_p Set this tue for testing purposes (e.g. aa_test). @param var_to_spellcheck The name of the text input type or textarea that holds this text (e.g., "email_body") } { # We need a "var_to_spellcheck" argument so that we may name the hidden errnum vars # differently on each input field by prepending the varname. set text_to_spell_check $text # if HTML then substitute out all HTML tags if { $html_p } { regsub -all -- {<[^<]*>} $text_to_spell_check "" text_to_spell_check } set f [file tempfile tmpfile [ad_tmpdir]/webspell-XXXXXX] puts $f $text_to_spell_check close $f set lines [split $text "\n"] # Support for local, localized, dictionaries (UI to add to them is not implemented yet!) set suffix [expr {$language ne "" ? "-$language" : ""}] set dictionaryfile [file join [acs_package_root_dir acs-templating] resources forms webspell-local-dict$suffix] # The webspell wrapper is used to achieve independence from # nsd's env(HOME). set spelling_wrapper [file join $::acs::rootdir bin webspell] if {![file executable $spelling_wrapper]} { # # In case no_abort is given we just return the error # message. Otherwise an ad_return_error is raised and the # script is ad_script_aborted. # if {!$no_abort_p} { ad_return_error "Webspell could not be executed" \ "Spell-checking is enabled but the spell-check wrapper\ ($::acs::rootdir/bin/webspell) returns not be executed.\ Check that the wrapper exists, and that its permissions are correct." ad_script_abort } else { error $errmsg } } set spellchecker_path [nsv_get spellchecker path] # # Force default language to en_US #set ::env(LANG) en_US.UTF-8 # the --lang switch only works with aspell and if it is not present # aspell's (or ispell's) default language will have to do. set lang_and_enc "--encoding=utf-8" if { $language ne "" } { append lang_and_enc " --lang=$language" } #ns_log notice WRAPPER=[list |$spelling_wrapper [ns_info home] $spellchecker_path $lang_and_enc $dictionaryfile $tmpfile] if {[catch { set ispell_lines [exec $spelling_wrapper [ns_info home] $spellchecker_path $lang_and_enc $dictionaryfile $tmpfile] } errmsg]} { #ns_log notice "errorMsg = $errmsg" # # In case no_abort is given we just return the error # message. Otherwise an ad_return_error is raised and the # script is ad_script_aborted. # if {!$no_abort_p} { ad_return_error "No dictionary found" \ "Spell-checking is enabled but the spell-check dictionary\ could not be reached. Check that the dictionary exists,\ and that its permissions are correct.\ <p>Here is the error message: <pre>$errmsg</pre>" ad_script_abort } else { error $errmsg } } file delete -- $tmpfile #### # # Ispell is done. Start manipulating the result string. # #### set ispell_lines [split $ispell_lines "\n"] # Remove the version line. if { [llength $ispell_lines] > 0 } { set ispell_lines [lreplace $ispell_lines 0 0] } #### # error_num #### upvar $error_num_ref error_num set error_num 0 set errors [list] set processed_text "" set line [lindex $lines 0] foreach ispell_line $ispell_lines { switch -glob -- $ispell_line { \#* { regexp "^\# (\[^ \]+) (\[0-9\]+)" $ispell_line dummy word pos regsub $word $line "\#$error_num\#" line lappend errors [list miss $error_num $word dummy] incr error_num } &* { regexp {^& ([^ ]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+): (.*)$} $ispell_line dummy word n_options pos options regsub $word $line "\#$error_num\#" line lappend errors [list nearmiss $error_num $word $options] incr error_num } "" { append processed_text "$line\n" if { [llength $lines] > 0 } { set lines [lreplace $lines 0 0] set line [lindex $lines 0] } } } } set formtext $processed_text set error_list [join $errors] foreach { errtype errnum errword erroptions } $error_list { set wordlen [string length $errword] if {"miss" eq $errtype} { regsub "\#$errnum\#" $formtext "<input type=\"text\" name=\"${var_to_spellcheck}.error_$errnum\" value=\"$errword\" size=\"$wordlen\" >" formtext } elseif {"nearmiss" eq $errtype} { regsub -all -- ", " $erroptions "," erroptions set options [split $erroptions ","] set select_text "<select name=\"${var_to_spellcheck}.error_$errnum\">\n<option value=\"$errword\">$errword</option>\n" foreach option $options { append select_text "<option value=\"$option\">$option</option>\n" } append select_text "</select>" regsub "\#$errnum\#" $formtext $select_text formtext } } #### # formtext_to_display #### upvar $formtext_to_display_ref formtext_to_display regsub -all -- "\r\n" $formtext "<br>" formtext_to_display # We replace <a></a> with <u></u> because misspelled text in link titles # would lead to strange browser behavior where the select boxes with the # proposed changes would itself be a link!!! # It seemed like an okay idea to make the text underlined so it would a) work, # b) still resemble a link ... regsub -all -- {<a [^<]*>} $formtext_to_display "<u>" formtext_to_display regsub -all -- {</a>} $formtext_to_display "</u>" formtext_to_display append formtext_to_display "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"${var_to_spellcheck}.merge_text\" value=\"[ns_quotehtml $processed_text]\" >" #### # just_the_errwords #### if { $just_the_errwords_ref ne ""} { upvar $just_the_errwords_ref just_the_errwords set just_the_errwords [list] foreach err $errors { lappend just_the_errwords [lindex $err 2] } } } d_proc -public template::util::spellcheck::spellcheck_properties { -element_ref:required } { Returns a list of spellcheck properties in array setable format. } { upvar $element_ref element if { [set spellcheck_value [ns_queryget $element(id).spellcheck]] eq "" } { # The user hasn't been able to state whether (s)he wants spellchecking to be performed or not. # That's either because spell-checking is disabled for this element, or we're not dealing with a submit. # Whichever it is, let's see if, and then how, we should render the spellcheck "sub widget". # Do the "cheap" checks first and then (if needed) read the parameter and do additional checks. if { $element(mode) eq "display" || [info exists element(nospell)] || [nsv_get spellchecker path] eq "" } { set spellcheck_p 0 } else { array set widget_info [string trim [parameter::get_from_package_key \ -package_key acs-templating \ -parameter SpellcheckFormWidgets \ -default ""]] set spellcheck_p [expr {[array size widget_info] && ($element(widget) eq "richtext" || $element(widget) eq "textarea" || $element(widget) eq "text") && [info exists widget_info($element(widget))] && [set widget_info($element(widget))] }] } if { $spellcheck_p } { # This is not a submit; we are rendering the form element for the first time and # since the spellcheck "sub widget" is to be displayed we'll also want to know # which option should be selected by default. array set spellcheck {render_p 1 perform_p 1} if { $widget_info(${element(widget)}) } { set spellcheck(selected_option) [nsv_get spellchecker default_lang] } else { set spellcheck(selected_option) ":nospell:" } } else { array set spellcheck {render_p 0 perform_p 0} # set this to something so the script won't choke. set spellcheck(selected_option) ":nospell:" } } else { # The user has explicitly stated if (s)he wants spellchecking to be performed # on the text or not. Hence we are in submit mode with spell-checking enabled. # Let's check which it is and keep record of the states of our select menu in # case the error page is shown (because of an error in a neighboring element). set spellcheck(selected_option) $spellcheck_value if {":nospell:" eq $spellcheck(selected_option)} { set spellcheck(perform_p) 0 set spellcheck(render_p) 0 } else { set spellcheck(perform_p) 1 set spellcheck(render_p) 1 } } return [array get spellcheck] } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: