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RSS feed service procs

Fri Oct 26 11:43:26 2001
jerry@theashergroup.com <jerry@theashergroup.com>
CVS Identification:
$Id: rss-generation-service-procs.tcl,v 2022/08/22 14:44:18 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

rss_assert_dir (public, deprecated)

 rss_assert_dir path
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Steps through path creating each new directory as needed. Accepts full path or relative path, but you probably want to specify the full path. DEPRECATED: the tcl file mkdir subcommand will create the whole missing folder structure without complaining

See Also:
  • file

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) rss_assert_dir rss_assert_dir rss_assert_dir->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

rss_gen_report (public)

 rss_gen_report subscr_id

Build a report, write it out, log it.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 fs::rss::build_feeds fs::rss::build_feeds (private) rss_gen_report rss_gen_report fs::rss::build_feeds->rss_gen_report news_update_rss news_update_rss (private) news_update_rss->rss_gen_report packages/file-storage/www/admin/rss-subscr-ae.tcl packages/file-storage/ www/admin/rss-subscr-ae.tcl packages/file-storage/www/admin/rss-subscr-ae.tcl->rss_gen_report packages/file-storage/www/admin/rss-subscrs.tcl packages/file-storage/ www/admin/rss-subscrs.tcl packages/file-storage/www/admin/rss-subscrs.tcl->rss_gen_report packages/news/www/admin/rss.tcl packages/news/ www/admin/rss.tcl packages/news/www/admin/rss.tcl->rss_gen_report acs_sc::invoke acs_sc::invoke (public) rss_gen_report->acs_sc::invoke db_1row db_1row (public) rss_gen_report->db_1row db_dml db_dml (public) rss_gen_report->db_dml rss_gen rss_gen (public) rss_gen_report->rss_gen rss_gen_report_file rss_gen_report_file (public) rss_gen_report->rss_gen_report_file

No testcase defined.

rss_gen_report_file (public)

 rss_gen_report_file [ -summary_context_id summary_context_id ] \
    [ -impl_name impl_name ] [ -subscr_id subscr_id ] [ -assert ]

Return a file path for the rss subscription with subscr_id or impl_name + summary_context_id provided. If the -assert flag is set, the parent directory is created if it doesn't exist

(boolean) (optional)
a Unix file path.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/file-storage/www/admin/rss-subscr-del.tcl packages/file-storage/ www/admin/rss-subscr-del.tcl rss_gen_report_file rss_gen_report_file packages/file-storage/www/admin/rss-subscr-del.tcl->rss_gen_report_file packages/rss-support/www/delete-2.tcl packages/rss-support/ www/delete-2.tcl packages/rss-support/www/delete-2.tcl->rss_gen_report_file packages/rss-support/www/delete.tcl packages/rss-support/ www/delete.tcl packages/rss-support/www/delete.tcl->rss_gen_report_file rss_gen_report rss_gen_report (public) rss_gen_report->rss_gen_report_file db_1row db_1row (public) rss_gen_report_file->db_1row rss_gen_report_dir rss_gen_report_dir (private) rss_gen_report_file->rss_gen_report_dir

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

ad_library {
    RSS feed service procs

    @author jerry@theashergroup.com (jerry@theashergroup.com)
    @author aegrumet@alum.mit.edu

    @creation-date Fri Oct 26 11:43:26 2001
    @cvs-id $Id: rss-generation-service-procs.tcl,v 2022/08/22 14:44:18 gustafn Exp $

ad_proc -private rss_gen_service {} {

    if {[parameter::get_global_value \
             -package_key rss-support \
             -parameter RssGenActiveP \
             -default 1]} {

        ns_log Debug "rss_gen_service: starting"

        # Bind any unbound implementations

        set n 0

        db_foreach timed_out_subscriptions {} {
            set lastupdate [acs_sc::invoke \
                                -contract RssGenerationSubscriber \
                                -operation lastUpdated \
                                -call_args $summary_context_id \
                                -impl $impl_name]
            if { $lastupdate > $lastbuild } {
                # Old report is stale.  Build a new one.
                rss_gen_report $subscr_id
                incr n

        ns_log Debug "rss_gen_service: built $n reports"
    } {
        ns_log Debug "rss_gen_service: disabled by RssGenActiveP global parameter"

d_proc -public rss_gen_report {
} {
    Build a report, write it out, log it.
} {
    set start [clock seconds]

    db_1row subscr_info {}

    set datasource [acs_sc::invoke \
                        -contract RssGenerationSubscriber \
                        -operation datasource \
                        -call_args $summary_context_id \
                        -impl $impl_name]

    if { $datasource eq "" } {
        ns_log Error "Empty datasource returned from $impl_name for context \
               $summary_context_id in rss_gen_report. Probably because the \
               implementation hasn't been bound."
    set args ""
    foreach {name val} $datasource {
        regsub -all {[\]\[\{\}""\\$]} $val {\\&} val
        append args "-$name \"$val\" "
        if { [lsearch [list channel_link channel_title] $name] >= 0 } {
            set $name $val
    #ns_log notice "FORMER ad_apply [list rss_gen {*}$args]"
    set xml [rss_gen {*}$args]

    # Write report.
    set report_file [rss_gen_report_file \
                         -summary_context_id $summary_context_id \
                         -impl_name $impl_name \

    set fh [open $report_file w]
    puts $fh $xml
    fconfigure $fh -encoding [ns_config "ns/parameters" OutputCharset]
    close $fh

    # Copy some useful display information into the
    # subscriptions table.
    set extra_sql ""
    foreach col [list channel_title channel_link] {
        if {[info exists $col]} {
            append extra_sql ", $col = :$col"

    set last_ttb [expr {[clock seconds] - $start}]
    db_dml update_timestamp {}

ad_proc -deprecated rss_assert_dir path {
    Steps through path creating each new directory as needed.
    Accepts full path or relative path, but you probably want
    to specify the full path.

    DEPRECATED: the tcl file mkdir subcommand will create the whole
    missing folder structure without complaining

    @see file
} {
    file mkdir $path

ad_proc -private rss_gen_bind {} {
    Creates bindings for unbound implementations for RssGenerationSubscriber.
} {
    set contract_id [db_string get_contract_id {}]

    db_foreach get_unbound_impls {} {
        ns_log Debug "rss_gen_bind: binding impl $impl_id for contract $contract_id"
        # Don't ask me why, but bind variables don't appear to work
        # in this nested db operation.
        if {[catch {
            db_exec_plsql bind_impl {}
        } errMsg]} {
            ns_log Warning "rss_gen_bind: error binding impl $impl_id for contract $contract_id: $errMsg"

d_proc -private rss_gen_report_dir {
} {
    Return a directory path, relative to the pageroot, for the rss
    subscription with subscr_id or impl_name + summary_context_id
    provided.  If the assert flag is set, create the directory.
} {
    if {!([info exists summary_context_id] && [info exists impl_name]) } {
        if {![info exists subscr_id]} {
            error "rss_gen_report_dir needs either subscr_id or impl_id+summary_context_id"
        } else {
            db_1row subscr_context_and_impl {}

    set report_dir [acs_root_dir]/[parameter::get \
                                       -package_id [rss_package_id] \
                                       -parameter RssGenOutputDirectory \
                                       -default rss]/$impl_name/$summary_context_id

    if {$assert_p} {
        file mkdir $report_dir

    return $report_dir

d_proc -public rss_gen_report_file {
} {
    Return a file path for the rss subscription with subscr_id
    or impl_name + summary_context_id provided.
    If the -assert flag is set, the parent directory is created if
    it doesn't exist
    @return a Unix file path.
} {
    if {!([info exists summary_context_id] && [info exists impl_name])} {
        if {![info exists subscr_id]} {
            error "rss_gen_report_file needs either subscr_id or impl_id+summary_context_id"
        } else {
            db_1row subscr_context_and_impl {}

    set report_dir [rss_gen_report_dir \
                        -summary_context_id $summary_context_id \
                        -impl_name $impl_name \

    set report_file $report_dir/rss.xml

    return $report_file

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: