Forum OpenACS Q&A: Room reservations for OpenACS 4.5+?

Has room-reservations been ported to OpenACS 4.5 or greater?

Eventually, it seems like it should be built on acs-events, and the room reservations should use a new calendar which allows you to display any sort of information, such as room reservations, but for now, any old room reservation package would do.

Posted by dave hill on
At the boston bash, Caroline showed me a room reservation package she was using somewhere.  I can't reach her right now, nor find it in cvs anywhere.  Anyone got a copy of this?
Posted by Jade Rubick on
Dave, I believe I do. It's probably not the most up to date version, however. If you can get it from Caroline, that would probably be best. If not, email me.
Posted by Caroline Meeks on
I have uploaded the room reservation code and added it to bug tracker.

The Deds Castillo is the primary author with some recent work done by Scott Meeks and myself. It looks like this is going to be an active package and I'm looking forward to seeing the functionality expand to reserving things other then rooms (e.g. equiptment, appointments).

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
How does this compare to the ressouce package that should allow scheduling of various objects ?
Posted by Deds Castillo on

room-reservations is built on acs-events.


I don't know how it compares with the resource package.  This was made circa 2002 with the intent of reserving a facility.  Original intent was to create it for any type of object.  But time constraints during that time for the project that will use it forced me to just support facility reservation.

It would be great to get an update on the current state of resource package and see on where both are going so that necessary merges could be done and just live with one standard package.

Posted by Bruno Mattarollo on

Hello Caroline,

Thanks for this package (also to Deds and Scott). I have installed it on my test instance (on my laptop) and I have a small patch already. When you make a reservation for a room, there is a missing argument in the approval for the room when this room has been created to not need approval. This is the patch:

[Bruno-Mattarollos-Computer:room-reservation/sql/postgresql] bruno% cvs diff -c reservations-package-create.sql
Index: reservations-package-create.sql
RCS file: /cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/room-reservation/sql/postgresql/reservations-package-create.sql,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -c -r1.1 reservations-package-create.sql
*** reservations-package-create.sql     15 Mar 2004 03:39:30 -0000      1.1
--- reservations-package-create.sql     15 Mar 2004 09:54:59 -0000
*** 64,70 ****
      where room_id = p_room_id;
      if (v_approval_needed_p = ''f'') then
!       perform rr_reservations__approve (p_reservation_id, ''Open Policy Room'',p_creation_user);
      end if;
      perform acs_object__update_last_modified(p_reservation_id, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip);
--- 64,70 ----
      where room_id = p_room_id;
      if (v_approval_needed_p = ''f'') then
!       perform rr_reservations__approve (p_reservation_id, ''Open Policy Room'',p_creation_user, p_creation_ip);
      end if;
      perform acs_object__update_last_modified(p_reservation_id, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip);

Thanks again

Posted by Caroline Meeks on
Thanks Bruno,

I'm sure there will be more. This package is not in production anywhere in its current state.  Please put bugs and patches into bugtracker.
