Carl, Dave, Don, Emmanuelle, Olga, Raúl
1. Release management for 2.3.1
There'll be a board meeting this week
2. dotLRN 2.3.1:
- what needs to be done
A couple of things need to be done on core, make fieldset optional and fix search.
We'll try to fix some things for accesibility reports in time to 2.3.1.
Raúl will report about a fix in Forums
- include imsld?
jopez has done a great work zenifying IMS-LD, it will be part of dotlrn-extras although there are minor accessibility issues that will be taken care of.
Jorge (aDeNu - UNED) will take care of migrating the .jar to js and Don will do the backend around July.
we'll get the oracle port in probably around the same time, I'll try to post dates later
4. Oracle support in dotlrn packages (forums & chat -head-)
David (innova-UNED) already has many new features on oracle, we'll try to sumarize them and work from that.
We (UNED) will look into chat changes.
5. Raul will write the minutes (owed from last week) :p :)
there you have it!