Ok. Here is the plan. I will add a new parameter to file storage that will decided wether files/folders are really deleted or wether their publish_state is set to for instance 'archived'.
When an item is deleted folder-chunk will not display the file anymore. now who should still see the files? I assume administrator of the current folder right? thus I would recommend a second list in folder-chunk that displays deleted items to admins.
The question is now: what if a user tries to create an item that has the same name of an existing deleted one?
There will be a bulk action to set the status of an item and subitems to live again.
From what I see file storage for or less forwards removal to content repository. therefore I will place a parameter check in delete.tcl that will call two new procs for archiving items instead of calling fs::delete_folder or fs::delete_file.
does this approach sound acceptable?