Forum .LRN Q&A: Spanish translation with neutral words (i. ex. "student" as "estudiantes)

Student is being translated as "alumno" into spanish in dotLRN catalogs. In spanish, we have male and female versions of words... and also (sometimes), there is neutral words to refer the same things (synonymous, with no gender).

I think It could be better to use that neutral words, in order to avoid sexism cases.

That is the male form, and also the accepted way to refer male and female people when there are both of them in a group. "Alumna" is the female word used only to refer a female "student". Nowadays, although male form is accepted (as general way to refer both genres), it's also a sexism

Opps!! Sorry, the previous message was sent before I could get it reviewed. Forget the third paragraph, please :-P

"Estudiante" is a neutral word. It's correct. It's used often, and obviously, it's more similar to "student". I propose that that word was translated in the whole catalog. Of course, after a deep chat between all spanish-spoken people in openACS and dotLRN community.

Posted by Michael Cordova on
Maybe, my last message didn't reach the spanish-spoken people... I would like to make a debate on non-gender words for spanish i18n. Let me translate my frist post into spanish:

En los catálogos de dotLRN tenemos traducido "Student" por "alumno", que como sabemos es el masculino, y aunque está aceptado para tratar a un grupo en el que haya individuos de los dos géneros, es más (políticamente) correcto, utilizar una palabra neutra, para evitar el sexismo.

Propongo que utilicemos "estudiante" en la traducción oficial, pero me gustaría saber qué opina el resto de la comunidad hispano-hablante.

Hola Miguel, perdona por tardar tanto en contestar. Por nuestra parte no hay problema por la nueva traducción. Gracias por avisar en los foros. Saludos y felicitaciones de la Universidad de Valencia al gran trabajo que estais realizando en la plataforma.
Hi, I need access to acs-lang/admin for translate CATALAN language. Do you know who is in charge to administer

I already have account but I do not have permissions to translate. My account is


I also need access to the translation server. I'm waiting for aproval.
I'll check that for both of you ( Miguel and Dario ). I'll let you know when you can start the translation work :).