Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: aolserver 3.4.2 on oacs4.6.3 dies...

Posted by Jade Rubick on
Jerome, I don't think it's unreasonable to run your site on that hardware. It's push it, but it shouldn't kill Aolserver.

However, you haven't given us nearly enough information to help you out.

Posted by Jerome M on
whenever i run aolserver + oacs on backgroud or foreground it works fine hmm but not for a long time...

this is the last line im getting...
[19/Jun/2003:14:14:40][30302.17418][-sched:18-] Notice: Running scheduled proc notification::sweep::sweep_notifications...
[19/Jun/2003:14:14:40][30302.17418][-sched:18-] Notice: Done running scheduled proc notification::sweep::sweep_notifications.

im using tcl-8.3.3-67