Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Priorities

Posted by Robert Locke on

Yes, a week or two ago I replicated the site on a dev server and identified a couple of bottlenecks.  One is mentioned on this thread:

It has to do with a scheduled proc in the notifications package which runs every minute and is a *huge* resource hog.

Creating new objects is also slow (fyi, creating a new post creates 3 objects I think).  Specifically, there is a query in the "acs_objects_insert_tr" trigger which seems to take a while:

    select max(tree_leaf_key_to_int(tree_sortkey))
    from acs_objects
    where context_id is null;

Don says he has ideas on how to improve this.  However, the bigger gain would be fixing the notifications query I mentioned earlier.  There may be other issues, I don't know.

I apologize to the group that I haven't made the time to work on these issues.  I will try to do so this week.