Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Newbie - Mounted Address-Book package; Nothing Works Now

Gary, sometimes if the package does unmount correctly, you have to it by hand. Don't worry, it's not too bad.

You go in to the command line, and type

psql -f dropfilename.sql servicename

dropfilename.sql is in the /sql/postgresql directory.

If that doesn't work, you can go even further, and open up the dropfile.sql file, and paste those commands one line at a time into a psql session.

For more current packages, you should never have to do this. Sorry you're having to deal with it now. :)

Posted by garry g on

I can't seem to find the dropfilename.sql script file.  You mentioned that it is in the /sql/postgresql directory, but can you be specific (as I've looked around for it to no avail).  And also, in the line 'psql -f dropfilename.sql servicename', I will assume that 'servicename' refers to the package name?  In my case, would that be 'address-book', or are you referring to something else.

Thank you.


The file is (probably) in /web/{yourserver}/packages/address-book/sql/postgresql.

The name is something like address-book-drop.sql.

If you don't find it, you can always ask for quick help at the openacs irc, #openacs at You can check the instructions how to get there from

oh, and the servicename means the name of your database, which is probably the same as the name of your service.

The syntax of psql is: psql {dbname}. This is everything you always have to say. Your whole site is in one database instance, so the name remains the same regardless of what package you're working on.

In this case you want to get the SQL commands from a file, so you put "-f filename.sql" inside the psql command.

Posted by garry g on
Thank you everyone for offering suggestions.  Everything is running normally again now.