Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Add a batch of users

5: Re: Add a batch of users (response to 4)
Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
Hi Eduardo,

you were correct! The DNS wasn't pointed to my server. Thanks a lot.

it's seems to be fixed. although at "/etc/log/error.log", i noticed some errors when added a large number of emails at once.

somehow the emails weren't sent, got stuck at the queue, some didn't arrive.

6: Re: Add a batch of users (response to 5)
Posted by Eduardo Santos on
This is another old bug. When you have an invalid mail address in the queue, it stucks the line and no other messages are sent. Take a look at the acs_mail_lite_queue table, wich is the one that stores the messages to be sent. There shouldn't be any messages there, so if there are some you have an invalid mail address in the queue.

Check the to_addr column and erase the message with the wrong address. It'll probably work for you.