Forum OpenACS Development: Re: dotWRK: Project Manager
This maybe too late of €0.02, but I would not think that using BT (at least in the current form) is a good idea for the PM. For one, BT does not support nesting of tickets -- with any effective project management tool you do need to be able to nest tasks -- have suntasks of tasks of subtasks of subprojects, etc...
Can't really comment much on using categories as project-holders -- maybe it is possible with the new global categories package -- have not tried/seen it yet. In this case one could (in theory) structure projects as sub-types of categories, then have BT handle individual tasks -- this would still be a limitted way of doing it, though. Projects and sub-projects can be handled this way, but not tasks and subtasks.
When I was thinking some time back about a PM approach (before dotWRK work started -- at some point I tried to port project-tracker to OACS), I was thinking about roughly the following structure:
- Each item in PM is a task. Projects are also tasks. Have a
table to hold all basic task data for all projects (descriptions, dates, reference to projects they belong to, etc.) - Projects are simply tasks promoted to
type. Keep them in a separateprojects
table, with reference toparent_project
. - Projects differ from tasks in ways that you can assigne pools of resources to them. These could probably be defined through acs_rels.
- You can't also flag a project complete unless all tasks are completed under it.
- Tasks under a given project can only be assigned to project's resources pool.
- Project-level tasks also define/own calendars, but those may have to be also resource-specific.
- In a very primitive sense (and that is where I've stopped --
had not had time to move any further), a data model could be as
-- knowledge-level create or replace function inline_0 () returns integer as ' begin PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''pm_task'', -- object_type ''Project Manager Task'', -- pretty_name ''Project Manager Tasks'', -- pretty_plural ''acs_object'', -- supertype ''pm_tasks'', -- table_name ''task_id'', -- id_column null, -- package_name ''f'', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table ''pm_task__name'' -- name_method ); PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''pm_project'', -- object_type ''Project Manager Project'', -- pretty_name ''Project Manager Projects'', -- pretty_plural ''pm_task'', -- supertype ''pm_project'', -- table_name ''task_id'', -- id_column null, -- package_name ''f'', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table ''pm_project__name'' -- name_method ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); -- tasks: everything is a task, even a project itself create table pm_tasks ( task_id integer not null constraint pm_tasks_fk1 refernces acs_objects, constraint pm_tasks_pk primary key, task_name varchar(255), task_description text, date_start date, date_end date, project_id integer not null constraint pm_tasks_fk2 refernces pm_projects, is_project_p boolean default 'false' ); -- projects: some tasks can be promoted to be projects -- (or sub-projects of existing projects). -- they will then get resource pools allocated to them. create table pm_projects ( project_id integer not null constraint pm_projects_fk1 references pm_tasks constraint pm_projects_pk primary key, parent_id integer not null constraint pm_projects_fk2 references pm_projeects ); -- resource pools should be created in Tcl -- resource assignments create table pm_task_rc_map ( task_id integer not null constraint pm_task_rc_map_fk1 refernces pm_tasks, rc_id integer not null constraint pm_task_rc_map_fk2 refernces parties, -- a resource can be assigned to a task only once constraint pm_task_rc_map_un unique(task_id,rc_id) ); -- functions create or replace function pm_task__name (integer -- task_id) returns varchar as ' declare p_task_id alias for $1; v_task_name pm_tasks.task_name%TYPE; begin select task_name into v_task_name from pm_tasks where task_id = p_task_id; if not found raise exception ''Task ID % does not exist in database!'', p_task_id; end if; return v_task_name; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function pm_project__name (integer -- task_id) returns varchar as ' declare p_project_id alias for $1; v_project_name pm_tasks.task_name%TYPE; begin v_project_name := pm_task__name(p_project_id); return v_project_name; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function pm_task__promote2project (integer -- task_id) returns integer as ' decalre p_task_id alias for $1; v_parent_project_id pm_tasks.project_id%TYPE; begin select project_id into v_parent_project_id from pm_tasks where task_id = p_task_id; insert into pm_projects values (p_task_id,v_parent_project_id); update pm_task set is_project_p = ''true'' where task_id = p_task_id; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function pm_task__demote2task (integer -- task_id) returns integer as ' decalre p_project_id alias for $1; begin -- resource pools should first be de-allocated -- TBD -- removing an entry from projects table delete from pm_projects where project_id = p_task_id; -- now changing the flags in tasks table update pm_task set is_project_p = ''false'' where task_id = p_task_id; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql';
A few comments after reviewing the latter:
I'd agree that more use needs to be put onto acs_rels to handle project resource grouping. As mentioned above, I think that a good way to do it is to have resources pool assigned to a project, yet each task should get a separate resource assignment (including multiple resources to a single task, although this may mean that a task is not granular enough).
Dependancies: just an other-task-wise dependancy is not enough -- one may have tasks that are not dependant on any other tasks, yet do have constraints (like must-finish-before, etc.). In that sense `constraints' maybe a better word indeed.