Hi all,
I installed openACS 4.6.3, but now I need to use the new acs-lang package.
I would like to know which is the best strategy to follow knowing that the only
package that I need to use, apart from the acs-core, is the edit-this-page package.
If I get the HEAD acs-lang version from cvs and just overwrite my old acs-lang
folder and run the sql scripts I get this error:
unknown command "locale": should be authpassword, authuser, close, content, contentlength, driver, flags, form, headers, host, isconnected, location, method, outputheaders, peeraddr, peerport, port, protocol, url, query, server, sock, start, status, urlc, urlv, or version
while executing
"ns_conn $var"
("-get" arm line 20)
invoked from within
"switch -- $flag {
-connected_p {
return [info exists ad_conn(request)]
-set {
set ad_conn($var) [lindex $args 2]
(procedure "ad_conn" line 12)
invoked from within
"ad_conn locale"
invoked from within
"set locale_user [ad_conn locale]"
And if I get all the openACS core from the HEAD, after fixing some bugs (problems
with acs-lang sql creation script, with the calling to the 'lang::message::register'
function inside the '/packages/acs-lang/tcl/lang-catalog-procs.tcl' file and
with the absence of the 'locale' column in the user_preferences table), I get
errors in the two versions of the edit-this-page package.
With the 1.1d version the file '/package/edit-this-page/www/etp' I get this
can't read "content_types(etp_page_revision)": no such element in array
while executing
"set attributes $content_types($content_type)"
(procedure "etp::get_ext_attribute_columns" line 7)
invoked from within
"etp::get_ext_attribute_columns $content_type"
invoked from within
"set extended_attributes [etp::get_ext_attribute_columns $content_type]"
("uplevel" body line 32)
invoked from within
"uplevel {
ad_page_contract {
@author Luke Pond (dlpond@museatech.net)
@creation-date 2001-06-04
Displays all options for editing a..."
(procedure "code::tcl::/web/dev/packages/edit-this-page/www/etp" line 2)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if { [file exists $__adp_stub.tcl] } {
# ensure that data source preparation procedure exists and is up-to-date
adp_init tcl $__adp_stub
("uplevel" body line 3)
invoked from within
And with the 1.5d version the file '/package/edit-this-page/www/etp-setup-2'
I get this error:
ora8.c:3463:ora_tcl_command: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-00001: unique constraint (DEV.CR_ITEMS_UNIQUE_NAME) violated
ORA-06512: at "DEV.CONTENT_ITEM", line 169
ORA-06512: at "DEV.CONTENT_FOLDER", line 34
ORA-06512: at line 3
:1 := content_folder.new(
name => :name,
label => :title,
description => '',
parent_id => etp.get_folder_id(:parent_package_id)
while executing
"ns_ora exec_plsql_bind nsdb0 {
:1 := content_folder.new(
name => :name,
label => :title,
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel $ulevel [list ns_ora $type $db $sql] $args"
("oracle" arm line 2)
invoked from within
"switch $driverkey {
I know the HEAD version is not stable, but I have read some post
of Lars saying that acs-lang would work well from the HEAD untill the next
openACS 4.7 version.
Should I wait till the 4.7 (when is the release scheduled?), or can you help
me with these errors?
Thanx in advance,