Ola, I have a deep and nearly uncontrollable hatred for the concept of a meritocracy. I find "merit" to be arbirary and incoherent when aligned with the principles of an open community. And I believe that it leads to entrenched cliques.
The provisional voting structure has been set up because that was a way for identifying a "citizenry" quickly and easily. But those people are not necessarily the most important nor the most qualified for OpenACS to succeed. For example, some of those who have voted haven't had the most time to work on code lately or don't represent the one of the key factors in OpenACS improvements - access to funding.
This is an example of how "merit" is very difficult to define.
Over the next month we'll have to come up with a governance infrastructure that makes more sense. I asked a month or so ago about what makes a good OpenACS citizen and got very little response. I will spend some time on a proposal and post it as an RFC.